Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Before placing DCB request at the in Alma as a lending agency, a virtual patron needs to be found or created in Alma.


A virtual patron in Alma can be created by using the Create a User API.


  • record_type:Public

  • primary_id: The primary identifier of the user

  • first_name: User's first name.

  • last_name: User's last name.

  • account_type: External

  • user_group: Used in fulfillment policies (which one to choose or DCB should create (question))

For more details on creating a user, refer to Create user


Search for a user in Alma

Retrieve User API allows to look up a user by their primary ID, barcode, or email address.


  1. user_id: The user's unique identifier in Alma. This can be their primary ID, barcode, or email address.

  2. apikey: Your API key with appropriate permissions.


Creating an item-level request in Alma


  • user_primary_id: The ID of the requesting user.

  • request_type: HOLD

  • pickup_location_type: LIBRARY

  • pickup_location_library: The pickup location library code.

  • material_type (optional): Used in fulfillment policies.


  • (Note: Alma does not provide a direct API endpoint to create pickup locations dynamically. Pickup locations are defined and configured in the Alma interface by library administrators.)

  • material_type (optional): Used in fulfillment policies.

Hold request example

Code Block
Content-Type: application/json

  "user_primary_id": "patron123",
  "request_type": "HOLD",
  "pickup_location_type": "LIBRARY",
  "pickup_location_library": "Main Library",
  "comment": "Requesting for research purposes."


A virtual item in Alma can be created by using the following APIs:

  1. Create record

  • Mandatory Fields:

    • The actual record: XML string describing the record

    • record_format: Default is marc21

    • suppress_from_publishing: default is true

  1. Create holding record

  • Parameters:

    • mms_id: Bib record ID

  • Mandatory Fields:

    • The actual record: XML string describing the record

    • suppress_from_publishing: tbd

Create Item


  1. an Item API allows to add an item to a specific bibliographic record and holding


POST /almaws/v1/bibs/{mms_id}/holdings/{holding_id}/items

Required Parameters:

  • mms_id: The unique identifier of the bibliographic record.

  • holding_id: The ID of the holding record where the item will be added.

Key Fields:

  • Barcode

  • physical_material_type

  • policy: Interlibrary Loan

  • location?


Creating an item-level request

Item-level requests can be created using the Rest User Request API. Key parameters and mandatory fields include:

  • Parameters:

    • Bib/Holding/Item ID: The bibliographic, holding, or item ID.

    • User_id: The ID of the requesting user.

  • Mandatory Fields:

  • request_type: HOLD

  • pickup_location_type: LIBRARY

  • pickup_location_library: The pickup location library code.

  • material_type (optional): Used in fulfillment policies.

    : The item's shelving location

  • library: The library where the item is located.

Example request:

Code Block
Content-Type: application/json

  "item_data": {
    "barcode": "1234567890123",
    "policy": "Standard Loan",
    "library": {
      "value": "MAIN"
    "location": {
      "value": "GEN"
    "physical_material_type": {
      "value": "BOOK"
    "description": "Hardcover edition",
    "enumeration_a": "Vol. 1"


  • Barcodes must be unique across Alma. If the barcode already exists, the request will fail

  • Library and location codes must match valid configurations in Alma.

  • The mms_id and holding_id should correspond to existing records.

For more details on creating an item, refer to Create Item.


  1. Create a Bibliographic Record API

API Endpoint

POST /almaws/v1/bibs

Key Fields:

  • The MARC XML structure should follow the standard MARC21 format.

  • suppress_from_publishing: default is true

For more details on creating a request for an itembibliographic record, refer to Create request for an Item

Circulate Requests

Circulation tracking and reaction (lending)










Dispatched by Supplying Library


  • DCB Patron Request exists in status REQUEST_PLACED_AT_BORROWING_AGENCY

DCB Patron Request Workflow matches corresponding request details at

  • Alma Supplying Library:

    • Request status: In progress

    • Item status: Transit


Trigger DCB HandleSupplierInTransit event to change

  • Borrowing or Pickup Library

    • transaction state = OPEN

  • DCB

    • PatronRequest.PICKUP_TRANSIT



Received at Pickup Library

DCB Patron Request exists




  1. Create a Holding Record API

API Endpoint

POST /almaws/v1/bibs/{mms_id}/holdings


  • mms_id: Bib record ID

Key Fields:

  • The actual record: XML string describing the record

    • suppress_from_publishing: tbd

For more details on creating a holding record, refer to Create holding record


Circulate Requests

Circulation tracking and reaction (lending)





Dispatched by Supplying Library

Trigger: Manual action in Alma - Scan in items

  • DCB Patron Request exists in status REQUEST_PLACED_AT_BORROWING_AGENCY

DCB Patron Request Workflow matches corresponding request details at

  • Pickup Library

    • transaction state = AWAITING_PICKUP

Trigger HandleBorrowerItemOnHoldShelf

  • Alma Supplying Library:

    • Request status: In progress (Transit item)

    • Item status: Transit

Trigger DCB HandleSupplierInTransit event to change

  • Borrowing or Pickup Library

    • transaction state = AWAITING_PICKUP OPEN

  • DCB



  • Alma Supplying Library:

    • On hold shelf / Ready for pickup

Item Checked Out to Patron

Received at Pickup Library

  • DCB Patron Request exists

    • with corresponding HostLmsItem.ITEM_ONPICKUP_HOLDSHELFTRANSIT

DCB Patron Request Workflow matches corresponding request details at

  • Pickup Library

    • transaction state = ITEMAWAITING_CHECKED_OUTPICKUP

Trigger HandleBorrowerItemLoaned HandleBorrowerItemOnHoldShelf event to change

  • Borrowing or Supplying Pickup Library

    • transaction state = ITEMAWAITING_CHECKED_OUTPICKUP

  • DCB



  • Alma Supplying Library

    • Request status: In progress

    • Item status: Loan

    • Loan status: Active, the item is checked out to a patron.

Item Returned by Borrowing Patron
  • (question) :

    • On hold shelf / Ready for pickup

Item Checked Out to Patron at Pickup Library

  • DCB Patron Request exists in status

    • with corresponding HostLmsItem.ITEM_ON_LOANEDHOLDSHELF

DCB Patron Request Workflow matches corresponding request details at either

  • Pickup or Borrowing Library

    • transaction state = ITEM_CHECKED_INOUT

Trigger HandleBorrowerRequestReturnTransit HandleBorrowerItemLoaned event to change at

  • Borrowing or Pickup Supplying Library

    • transaction state = ITEM_CHECKED_IN

    • loan status = Closed

    • virtual item status = In transit

    • OUT

  • DCB

    • PatronRequest.RET-TRANSITLOANED


  • Alma Supplying Library:

    • no changes?

Received Back at Lending Agency
    • Request status: Completed

    • Item status: Loan

    • Loan status: Active, the item is checked out to a patron.

Item Returned by Borrowing Patron

  • DCB Patron Request exists in status

    • with corresponding HostLmsItem.ITEM_RETURNEDLOANED

DCB Patron Request Workflow matches corresponding request details at either

Alma Supplying Library

  • Request status: Completed

  • Item status: Item in place /Transit for Reshelving?

  • Loan status:

  • In Transit: If the item is returned to a non-owning branch and is being sent back to its home location

  • Returned: The item has been returned to the library and is no longer checked out.


    • Pickup or Borrowing Library

      • transaction state = ITEM_CHECKED_IN

    Trigger HandleBorrowerRequestReturnTransit event to change at

    • Borrowing or Pickup Library

      • transaction state = CLOSED

    • DCB

      • PatronRequest.COMPLETED

      • HostLmsItem.ITEM_AVAILABLE

      • Local status on supplier request changed to AVAILABLE

    Workflow diagram


    1. Placing the request

    When a patron places a DCB request, it goes through initial checks and follows the sequence of status transitions (more details :

    DCB Status Transition:







    Alma status updates:

    • Request type: Patron physical item request

    • Process status: New (Not started)

    • Item Status: "Item in place" (indicating the item is currently available on the shelf)

    2. Item is sent out to the borrowing agency

    Alma updates:

    • Request status: In progress

    • Item status: Transit

    DCB status transition:

    • Transaction status changes on PICKUP_TRANSIT

    3. Item received in borrowing agency:

    DCB status transition:

    • Transaction status changes to RECEIVED_AT_PICKUP > READY_FOR_PICKUP

    Alma updates:

    • No status updates

    4. Item is loaned in borrowing agency:

    DCB status transition:

    • Transaction status changes to LOANED

    • A loan is created in Alma.

    Alma status updates:

    • Request status: In progress

    • Item status: Loan

    • Loan is created

    Alma loan creation

    To create the loan in Alma, the Rest Item Loan API is used with the following parameters and fields:


    • User_id: The ID of the requesting user.

    • item_pid or item_barcode: Item ID or barcode must be supplied

     Mandatory Fields:

    • circ_desk: Circulation desk code (DCB parameter?)

    • library: Library code responsible for the loan (lending agency?)

    • request_id

    For more details on creating a loan, refer to Create user loan

    5. Item returned at the borrowing library

    DCB status transition:


    Alma updates:

    • No status updates

    6. Item returned to the lending library (scan item at lending library):

    Alma status updates:

    • Request status: Completed

    • Item status: Item in place

    •  Loan is closed

    DCB status transition:



      • loan status = Closed

      • virtual item status = In transit

    • DCB

      • PatronRequest.RET-TRANSIT

      • HostLmsItem.ITEM_RETURNED

    • Alma Supplying Library:

      • no changes?

    Received Back at Lending Agency

    Trigger: Manual action in Alma - Return items

    • DCB Patron Request exists in status

      • with corresponding HostLmsItem.ITEM_RETURNED

    DCB Patron Request Workflow matches corresponding request details at either

    • Alma Supplying Library

      • Item status: Item in place /Transit for Reshelving

      • Loan status:

        • In Transit: If the item is returned to a non-owning branch and is being sent back to its home location

        • Returned: The item has been returned to the library and is no longer checked out.

    Trigger HandleBorrowerRequestReturnTransit event to change

    • Borrowing or Pickup Library

      • transaction state = CLOSED

    • DCB

      • PatronRequest.COMPLETED

      • HostLmsItem.ITEM_AVAILABLE

      • Local status on supplier request changed to AVAILABLE

    Workflow diagram


    Alma loan creation

    Create Loan API allows to create a loan record for a patron.

    API Endpoint

    POST /almaws/v1/loans


    • item_barcode: The barcode of the item being loaned.

    • patron_id: The ID of the patron who is borrowing the item.

     Key Fields:

    • circ_desk: Circulation desk code (DCB parameter?)

    • library: Library code responsible for the loan (lending agency?)

    • request_id

    • due_date (optional)

    • loan_policy (optional)

    Example Request

    Basic Loan Request:

    Code Block
    Content-Type: application/json
      "item_barcode": "1234567890123",
      "patron_id": "987654321",
      "due_date": "2024-12-18"

    Loan with Policy:

    Code Block
    Content-Type: application/json
      "item_barcode": "1234567890123",
      "patron_id": "987654321",
      "loan_policy": {
        "value": "Regular"

    For more details on creating a loan, refer to Create user loan

    Circulation tracking and reaction (borrowing)
