Additional steps for editing and committing documentation
- Needed Need to complete a CLA (on the Subversion the License Agreement Process (CLA/CCLA) wiki page)
- Needed to complete OWASP training
- Checked out the project via Oxygen (Oxygen is available from iuware for those at IU, may be available through other universities also)
- Have editing software - it is xml so you could use a simple text editor but with the images, Oxygen is recommended.
- Fork the project into your own GitHub repository and pull updates (see OLE development using Github)
- Once saved but before committing, you can view changes locally through the command line.
- Enter your local OLE directory, once per day run
1. svn updatebe sure it is up to date
2. mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
Each time, to test To test your updates, type "mvn clean pre-site -N".
- To view the changes, open Windows Explorer or Finder and dig into the correct folder: your local OLE directory > target > site > reference > pdf, html or html-multi.webhelp
- Enter your local OLE directory, once per day run
DocBook as built-in help (webhelp)