- Open command prompt and go to the folder: %DOCSTORE_PROJ%
Run "mvn “mvn clean install"install”.
It creates documentstore-webapp.war in %DOCSTORE_WEBAPP_PROJ%\target directory.
- Open command prompt and go to the folder: % DISCOVERY_PROJ %
Run "mvn “mvn clean install"install”.
It creates ole-discovery-webapp.war in %DISCOVERY_WEBAPP_PROJ%\target directory.
Go to %TOMCAT_HOME%\bin directory.
Open catalinaCreate/open setenv.bat file under %TOMCAT_HOME%\bin directory
Define the following variables in catalinasetenv.bat file after the line :doneSetArgs .
- set OLE_DISCOVERY_HOME=\opt\docstore\discovery
- set OLE_DOCSTORE_HOME=\opt\docstore
Set JAVA_OPTS as below.(The entire text below should be in SINGLE LINE after your Discovery environment variables.)
Save the file catalinasetenv.bat
- http://localhost:8080/ole-discovery/
- http://localhost:8080/ole-discovery/discovery.do
- http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/
5.Bulk Ingest
Copy the following sample data files to the folder specified by the property local.bulkIngestDir (only this property) in the file %DOCSTORE_ENGINE_PROJ%\src\main\resources\org\kuali\ole\directory-path.properties. This property should be changed to a directory suitable to the local user's system. (e.g. /ole-test-data/bulkingest). Create this folder if it does not exist.
Go to URL http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/bulkIngest.jsp
Click on 'Submit' ‘Submit’ button to run the bulk ingest. Need to click only once.
To verify that the data is stored in DocStore, go to URL
Click 'Refresh Summary' ‘Refresh Summary’ button in the Summary tab.
To verify that the data is indexed in DocStore, go to URL
Click 'Refresh' ‘Refresh’ button in the Summary tab.
Go to URL http://localhost:8080/oledocstoreand click on "Ingest “Ingest String Content" Content” tab.
Copy the sample xml provided in the screen.
- ole.docstoreapp.url=http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/document
- ole.discovery.app.url=http://localhost:8080/ole-discovery/
Copy the file 'olebibeditor‘olebibeditor.properties' properties’ provided along with this document in to your %USER_HOME% directory.
Open a browser.
Go to URL
Click on 'Search' ‘Search’ button.