Technical Specifications for the 4 Maintenance Documents to be created for the License Agreement.
Agreement Method Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Agreement Method information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
2) Agreement Status Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Agreement Status information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
3) Agreement Type Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Agreement Type information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
4) Agreement DocType Maintenance Document Technical Specification
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Agreement DocType information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. |
3. OJB-Mapping
<class-descriptor class="" table="ole_agr_doc_type_t">
<field-descriptor name="agreementDocTypeId" column="AGR_DOC_TYPE_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="ole_agr_doc_type_s"/>
<field-descriptor name="agreementDocTypeName" column="AGR_DOC_TYPE_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR"/>
<field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true"/>
<field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" />
5. Data Model:The DM for Agreement DocType is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema
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