Profile Sample (XML files)
YBPsample (High level overlay option is set to ignore the globally protected field table)
overlay-profile (High level overlay option is set to check the globally protected field table)
Staff Upload Samples(EDI, MRC files zipped)
- These are paired sample files for demoing/testing the OLE 0.8 Staff Upload
- The file names are the same for the .edi and .mrc file
- You will need to save and unzip the file before loading any pairs.
Duke University example (zipped; notes/documentation included) of modified library records to demonstrate how users may upload their own records.
Profile Sample for the KRMS Builder (XML files)
Location Ingest (XML)
IU Libraries Sample Locations Sample xml XML file that can be modified with local data and ingested through the Location Ingest interface.
Patron Ingest (XML)
Patron Schema The current schema for patron records within OLE.
Mock patron records Sample XML file that can be modified with local data and ingested through the Patron Ingest interface.
Mock patron records 2 A second sample XML file.
Circulation Policy (XML)
Circulation Policy 2013.05.20 The current policy in OLE