Database Changes: (Relevant only for upgrades)
Oracle : NILMySQL : NIL https://github.com/openlibraryenvironment/ole/blob/3.0.11/ole-app/ole-db/ole-sql/ole-liquibase-upgrade-sql/src/main/resources/org/kuali/ole/sql/oracle/3.0.11.sql
Altered table OLE_DLVR_RQST_HSTRY_REC_T by renaming the existing Column 'OLE_ITEM_ID' to OLE_ITEM_BARCODE
Also, added the new Column 'OLE_ITEM_ID'
Data for the new column 'OLE_ITEM_ID' in OLE_DLVR_RQST_HSTRY_REC_T will be empty. Implementing Institutions need to upload data for this column from 'ole_ds_item_t' table.
Workflow xml change:
4. Jiras