2. Operations
2.1 Summary
Shows Shows the summary of node record count for each category, type and formath
Shows node count at each level of the docstore for each category, type and format
2.3 Ingest
Allows storing of documents in the document store. The input should be a Request XML with a standard schema and returns the Response XML with a list of ingested UUIDs.
2.1 Sending the request
URL: http://localhost:9080/oledocstoredev.docstore.ole.kuali.org/document
Method: POST
stringContent=<request.xml as described in the next section>
2.2 Request XML
Information about the ingest operation to be performed.
No Format |
<request> <user>ole-khuntley</user> <operation>batchIngest<<operation>ingest</operation> <requestDocuments> <ingestDocument id="1" category="work" type="bibliographic" format="marc"> <content> See section "Sample Input XML for Ingest". </content> </ingestDocument> </requestDocuments> </request> |
2.3 Receiving the response
HttpResponse should be read and interpreted as given in the next section below.
2.4 Response XML
Information about the response from the service for the given request
No Format |
<response> <documents> <document id="1" category="work" type="bibliographic" format="marc"> <uuid>8675a422-b6ad-440e-bc0d-9f0dc1526ed2<<uuid>10000004</uuid> </document> </documents> <user>ole-khuntley</user> <operation>batchIngest<<operation>ingest</operation> <status>Success</status> <message>Documents ingested</message> </response> |
Each document that is ingested will be given a UUID as specified in the response.
User can get a sample of UUIDs of documents of any category, type, format.
already ingested.
It is useful mainly for demo purposes.
2.5 Check-in
3 Check-in
Check-in functionality allows to modify the content and metadata (additional attributes) of a document identified by its UUID (Universally Unique Identifier).
3.1 Sending the request
URL: http://localhost:9080/oledocstore/dev.docstore.ole.kuali.org/document
Method: POST
stringContent=<request.xml as described in the next section>
3.2 Request XML
Information about the check in operation to be performed
No Format |
<request> <user>ole-khuntley</user> <operation>checkIn</operation> <requestDocuments> <ingestDocument id="5325d77a-8221-4fda-a78f-6d2f96e0b05910000004" category="work" type="bibliographic" format="marc"> <content> See section type="bibliographic" format="marc"> <content> See section "Sample "Sample Input XML for Check in". </content> </ingestDocument> </requestDocuments> </request> |
3.3 Receiving the response
HttpResponse should be read and interpreted as given in the next section below.
3.4 Response XML
Information about the response from the service for the given request
No Format |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<message>Successfully checked in </message>
<document id="1" category="work" type="bibliographic" format="marc">
2.4 Check-out
This operation retrieves the content of a document given its UUID.
4.1 Sending the request
URL: http://localhost:9080/oledocstore/dev.docstore.ole.kuali.org/document
Method: POST
uuid=<uuid of the document to be retrieved>
4.2 Receiving the response
HttpResponse should be read and interpreted as given in the next section below.
4.3 Response XML
Content of the document with the given UUID.
5 Delete
Deletes a record from DocumentStore based on the given UUID.
5.1 Sending the request
URL: http://localhost:9080/oledocstore/dev.docstore.ole.kuali.org/document
Method: POST
docAction=delete or deleteWithLinkedDocs
requestContent=<request.xml as described in the next section>
5.2 Request XML
Information about the delete operation to be performed. The "Id" attribute of <ingestDocument> should be a valid UUID of a previously ingested document.
No Format |
<request> <user>ole-khuntley</user> <operation>delete</operation> <requestDocuments> <ingestDocument id="715e92f0-b3ab-4263-96d9-58183a23e6d5"><linkedIngestDocuments></linkedIngestDocuments></10000004"></ingestDocument> </requestDocuments> </request> |
5.3 Receiving the response
HttpResponse should be read and interpreted as given in the next section below.
5.4 Response XML
Information about the response from the service for the given request.
No Format |
<response> <documents> <document id="715e92f0-b3ab-4263-96d9-58183a23e6d510000004"></document> </documents> <user>ole-khuntley</user> <operation>delete</operation> <status>Success</status> </response> |
6 Bulk Ingest (Admin function)
Bulk ingest process is used for loading the docstore repository with large amounts of document information.
The input data is copied to a "ole-batchUpload" directory on the server (specified by documentstore.properties)
Go to http://localhost:8080/oledocstoredev.docstore.ole.kuali.org/admin.jsp and 'Bulk Ingest' tab.
Click the button to start the process. Once started, the process runs in background and waits for input files to become available in the "ole-batchUpload" directory.
To verify that the data is stored in DocumentStore, go to URL
Click "Refresh Summary" button in the Summary tab.
To verify that the data is indexed in DocStore, go to URL
Click "Refresh" button in the Summary tab.
Note the count for each DocType.
7 Rebuild indexes (Admin function)
Sometimes the indexed data in Docstore may get corrupted. Or the data may need to be reindexed due to changes in indexing criteria and search/sort/facet rules.
In these cases the Docstore data can be re-indexed. This is also done by the Admin user.
Go to to http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/dev.docstore.ole.kuali.org/admin.jsp and 'Reindex' tab.
Click the 'Start' button to start the process.
To verify that the data is indexed in DocStore, go to URL
Click "Refresh" button in the Summary tab.
Note the count for each DocType and verify with DocStore count.
8 Ingest Binary data (BagIt Requests)
When the document content is of (non-text or binary) format PDF, DOC etc, (as in the case of License Agreement documents) it is difficult to send it to docstore through a web page.
This functionality can be demonstrated using the "BagIt Requests" tab in thehttp://dev.docstore.dev.ole.kuali.org/oledocstore/screen.
To submit a request of this type follow these steps: