1. Sprint Release
- 1.6- r21863 r21992
- Release date – February 20th, 2015
- SVN url for the released tag: https://svn.kuali.org/repos/ole/tags/builds/ole-1.6/1.6.0/2015020620150220-r21863r21992/
3. Deliverables
Database Changes: (Relevant only for upgrades)
MySQL: System parameters:https://svn.kuali.org/repos/ole/tags/builds/ole-1.6/1.6.0/20150220-r21992/ole-app/ole-db/ole-sql/ole-liquibase-upgrade-sql/src/main/resources/org/kuali/ole/sql/mysql/1.6.0.sql
Removed the following System Parameter a) EXPIRED_BODY
Inserted new row data mdf_035a in OLE_DS_DOC_FIELD_T table
3 Added new column PTRN_DLVR_ADD to the table OLE_DLVR_ADD_T
Added System parameter - DELIVER_NOTICE_FROM_ADDRESS
Added column REPLY_TO_EMAIL in OLE Added new column RQST_EXPIRTIN_DAYS to the table OLE_CRCL_DSK_T table
Added RQST_LVL column unique contraint to the table OLE_DLVR_RQST_T Added BIB_ID column to the column ITM_ID in table OLE_DLVR_RQSTLOAN_T
Added the following System parameters
5) OLE-7379
Added the following System parameters
SIP2_OPERATOR_IDSystem parameters:
OLE-7175 added a unique constraint on ole_dlvr_loan_t (ITM_ID_CONST (unique) on ITM_ID). Duplicates must be deleted before adding the constraint.
4. Jiras
S.No. | Component/s | Key | Summary | Priority | Issue Type | Labels | Comments | |||||||||||
1 | Deliver | OLE-6802 | Request Enhancements | Blocker | Enhancement (PP) | SOAS7030 | Return screen jumps to bottom of returned items list after every return | Critical | Bug/Defect | Usabiity | ||||||||
2 | DeliverImplementation | OLE-7332Email addresses for libraries and notices7115 | Incrementals are never completing | BlockerEnhancement (PP) | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||||
3 | Deliver | OLE-7179 | Expired Hold Notices not being sent | Critical7157 | Data integrity issue: multiple references to items in Loan table | Blocker | Bug/Defect | DataIntegrity | ||||||||||
4 | Deliver | OLE-5015 | Deliver specific item search, display and interaction | Blocker | Enhancement (PP) | |||||||||||||
5 | Describe | OLE-7338 | OLE-6017 Searchworkbench is still too slow | Blocker | Sub Task | |||||||||||||
6 | Select & Acquire | OLE-5932 | New Related PO link pop-up generating stacktrace | Critical7162 | Data integrity issue: items in loan table with an item status not loaned or lost | Blocker | Bug/Defect | DataIntegrity | 7 | |||||||||
5 | Deliver | OLE-6944 | Bib Import Profile - Constant Bibmarc Value Overrides Values in Incoming Record | Critical | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||||
8 | Implementation | OLE-7003 | Another Performance Issue Using Acquisitions Search | Critical | Bug/Defect | Performance | ||||||||||||
9 | Implementation, Select & Acquire | OLE-7088 | Receiving and Claiming Queue Search Not Working At All | 7185 | Data Integrity Issue: items have due dates in item table, no entry in loan table | Critical | Bug/Defect | PerformanceDataIntegrity | ||||||||||
10 | Deliver | OLE-7256 | The indefinite check for renewals does not evaluate properly | Critical | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||||
116 | System Integration | OLE-7285 | Solr- Index Based on Modified, or After Given Date | Critical7290 | XML Encoder | Major | Enhancement | |||||||||||
127 | Describe | OLE-7304 | Bib Import: default item call number type is ignored and LCC is applied instead | Critical | Bug/Defect | 13 | ||||||||||||
8 | Implementation, Select & Acquire | OLE-7322overdue notices for recalled items run based on standard rather than recall schedule7323 | Attach PO to existing bib gets 4 holdings/items attached to same PO | Critical | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||||
149 | Select & AcquireDescribe | OLE-7341 | Donor Encumbered Report Not Being Updated Consistently | Critical7346 | approval invoice loaders - item messed up, invoice creation fails, loader stops | Major | Bug/Defect | 15 | Select & Acquire||||||||||
10 | Deliver, Implementation | OLE-7344 | Amending PO Should Not Affect Item or Holdings | Critical7352 | Policy set 1 and Policy not found both evaluate to true | Major | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||
16 | Describe, System Integration | OLE-7360 | Problem with rendering the batch process job details page | Critical | Enhancement | Performance | ||||||||||||
17 | 11 | Select & Acquire | OLE-7393 | Extra ledger entries being made when a PO line is received | Critical7366 | Data file not accessible from GLCP document | Minor | Bug/Defect | ||||||||||
1812 | Select & Acquire | OLE-2680 | Fiscal Year Rollover | Major | Enhancement (PP) | FiscalYearRollover | 19 | Describe, 7373 | Weird Behavior of Line Item Notes in PO Details on Invoice | Critical | Bug/Defect | |||||||
13 | System Integration | OLE-6017 | Search Workbench - Usability Enhancements | Major | Enhancement (PP) | SOAS, Usability, xModule | ||||||||||||
20 | Describe, Select & Acquire | OLE-6071 | OLE-6017 Delete labels at top of holdings, e-holdings, and item screens | Major | Sub Task | usability | ||||||||||||
21 | Describe, System Integration | OLE-6789 | Report Error if Bib Import Profile Has Matching Turned On and No Match Point Defined7389 | OLE Release Documentation link on the admin tab is incorrect | Major | Bug/Defect | ||||||||||||
14 | Deliver | OLE-7405 | Tabs no longer indicating whether they are populated or not | Major | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||||
15 | Deliver | OLE-7407 | Proxy relationships are not visible on the real patron's record if the proxy patron's account is inactive | Major | Bug/Defect | SOAS | ||||||||||||
2216 | Deliver | OLE-7060 | Renewal counter incremented when renewal does not change due date | Major7408 | Deliver Item Search - barcode spelled incorrectly | Trivial | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||
2317 | Deliver | OLE-7109 | Patron Edit Brings up wrong Patron | Major7409 | Deliver Item Search, place request - returns only part of patron name | Critical | Bug/Defect | DataIntegrity | ||||||||||
2418 | Deliver, System Integration | OLE-7124NCIP CheckOutItem returns success if no barcode given7415 | InTransit Loan History Tab not appearing on new Deliver Item view | Major | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||||
2519 | Deliver | OLE-7191 | change expiration date of requests (holds) not working | Major7418 | Deliver Item Search not working for barcodes | Critical | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||
2620 | Select & AcquireDescribe | OLE-7193 | Encumber Open Recurring Orders at FY | Major | Enhancement (PP)7421 | Search Workbench Select All - all selected on subsequent searches | Major | Bug/Defect | ||||||||||
2721 | Select & AcquireDeliver | OLE-7197 | Restore University Date link to maintenance menu | Major | Bug/Defect | FiscalYearRollover | 28 | Deliver, System Integration | OLE-7208 | Deliver parameters duplications7422 | Clicking on "Create New" from the Request screen in Deliver does not bring up the new Place Request workflow described in OLE-6802. | Blocker | Enhancement | |||||
22 | Deliver | OLE-7428 | Deliver Request default expiration date not appearing | Major | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||||
2923 | Deliver | OLE-7320Loan screen-clearing patron after renewing items creates incident report7429 | Erroneous error message on Request submit | Major | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||||
3024 | Select & AcquireDeliver | OLE-7356Non-alphanumeric character in PO search on invoice wipes out work7430 | Request Submit button still appears after successful submit | Major | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||||
3125 | DeliverSystem Integration | OLE-7355No info in Transit History for item in transit to other than home location7433 | NCIP CheckInItem Error Message | Major | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||||
3226 | Select & Acquire | OLE-7363Link to Vendor from Serials Receiving Record Not Completely Updating7434 | Inactive Vendors Appear on Drop-Down Menu When Creating Invoices | Major | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||||
3327 | Deliver | OLE-7361InTransit Loan History columns confusing7435 | Add item information to Place Request display | Major | Bug/DefectEnhancement | |||||||||||||
3428 | Select & AcquireDeliver | OLE-7370Available Balances Lookup Error7439 | No Override available for Requests that are blocked by Circ Rules | Major | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||||
3529 | Deliver | OLE-7384Proxy patron cannot act as proxy if real patron has name with an apostrophe7444 | Selection of Address for Delivery Requests | Major | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||||
3630 | Select & AcquireDeliver | OLE-7366 | Data file not accessible from GLCP document | Minor7452 | Deliver Item Search results inconsistent | Blocker | Bug/Defect | |||||||||||
3731 | System IntegrationDeliver | OLE-7378 | SRU partial ISBN search throws a NullPointerException | Minor | Bug/Defect | 38 | System Integration | OLE-7289 | Merge 1.5.7 to 1.6 | Critical | Task7401 | SIP/SIP2 protocol - 3M protocol defines a 'renew' as a 'loan' | Major | Enhancement | ||||
3932 | System Integration | OLE-73797392 | Refactor hard coded values used for SOASDeletion of collection objects in Maint. Screens | Major | Task |