VuFind Connector
- To get your records into VuFind:
You can do a full export from OLE's Docstore, this has been tested by Villanova (D. Lacy). Once you have a dump of marc records, you can load them into VuFind's Solr instance via SolrMarc by following these instructions: It is probably possible to design an incremental batch profile but this has not been tested yet. - Vufind VuFind connector has not been officially released yet. The Beta version is available from Lacy's Github account:
OLE VuFind ILS Driver:
OLE VuFind config file:
Driver with changes to run on the union catalogue at Verbundzentrale (VZG) des Gemeinsamen Bibliotheksverbundes (GBV) in Germany: - To configure the VuFind Connector, see the configuration documentation: