Wiki Markup |
This material was adapted from {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}{link-window}, documentation for the KFS 4.x releases.
{note:title=Work in Progress}
This information will continue to be updated.
h2. {anchor:_D2HTopic_225}Navigating through OLE
{excerpt}After you access OLE by typing or pasting the URL for it into your browser's address bar, you need to know where to find information and how to navigate. This section covers these topics.{excerpt}
h3. {anchor:_D2HTopic_226}OLE Menus
The OLE portal has two subsystems. One contains the financial processes inherited by KFS and the other contains cataloging and circulation. When entering the portal,you will see four menu tabs:
The *Main Menu* tab displays the list of transactions and functions that are associated with the financial processes. The *Maintenance* menu tab is geared towards maintaining various reference tables to support field validation and lookups for the financial documents on the Main Menu. The *Administration* menu tab displays the list of functions that the only technical staff or super users in the functional area are likely to use. The *Rice 2* tab displays the transactional, functional and maintenance documents and interfaces associated with Describe (cataloging) and Deliver (circulation) OLE modules.
When you click on the *Rice 2* tab, it will display differently. It will contain a *Rice Main Menu* and will have an *Administration* menu tab of its own. By clicking the *OLE* tab, you will return to the financial subsystem.
h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_227}OLE Financial Main Menu
The main menu for the Kuali OLE Financial System (FS) lists electronic documents and functions that departmental users are usually allowed to initiate.
*Main Menu submenus*
|Acquisitions| Allows for the requisition, receiving, and payment request of library materials. Transactions are recorded in e-docs that are then posted to the General Ledger and affect the financial statements of the organization. |
|Ingest| Allows for the loading of multiple records from vendor files as well as uploading profiles that will command how the files are loaded into OLE. |
|Financial Transactions|Allows the financial representation of a basic business activity. Transactions are recorded in e-docs that are then posted to the General Ledger and affect the financial statements of the organization. Examples of transactions are cash and credit card receipts, budget adjustments, and transfer of funds. |
|Administrative Transactions|{color:red}Under review and not available in this release{color} Allows the representation of a business activity performed by an administrative or central office. Administrative transactions are like all transactions in that they are recorded in e-docs that are then posted to the General Ledger and affect the financial statements of the organization. Barcode inventory, financial processing, circulation and cataloging features may be available here. |
|Acquisistions Search|Allows searches for specific types of documents based on attributes of the transactions, primary key data elements, or both. Additional fields, specific to different modules, are available on custom document searches. Examples are Document Store Search (library catalog) and Purchasing/Accounts Payable e-doc searches. Special access may be required to retrieve custom document searches. |
|Search| {color:red}Under review and not available in this release{color} |
|Lookup and Maintenance|Allows users to maintain account information. Users may also search and maintain requestors (patrons) and vendors |
|Balance Inquiries|Allows retrieval of General Ledger balances by account or other criteria or retrieval of labor distribution data in a format that combines the impact of multiple transactions including budgets, pending entries and available balances.|
|Reports|Allows standard reports to be generated from OLE.|
|Year End Transactions|{color:red}Under review and not available in this release{color} Allows processing of transactions necessary for year-end closing of the General Ledger. These processes are normally done centrally. Examples of year-end transactions include budget adjustments and transfer of funds.|
Each of these submenus is further subdivided by module.
!worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information on working with the Chart of Accounts, Pre-Disbursement Processor, and Vendor functions listed on the *Main Menu* tab, see the appropriate sections in the {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}KFS Core Modules{link-window}{HTMLcomment}{HTMLcomment}. For information on working with functions in any other module, see the KFS guide to the specific module.
h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_228}OLE Financial Maintenance Menu
The Maintenance menu provides access to a variety of user-defined reference tables that are essential to OLE. These tables define attributes the system uses to validate transactions and allow users to look up values as necessary. The tables also control the often-complex relationship between elements for internal and external reporting. For example, OLE relies on maintenance tables for basic information such as the sub-fund groups to which new accounts may be assigned and the calendar month that correlates to the first month of your institution's fiscal year. This table-controlled flexibility is one of the features that make OLE a highly configurable application.
These important reference tables are maintained by electronic documents called maintenance documents or e-docs. Each of the OLE reference tables is maintained by a specific maintenance e-doc that is routed for approval before the table is updated.
!worddavbc8d93fff1d854b3182ccbac6911d512.png|height=15,width=15! All users can look up values in the OLE reference tables via the lookup screens on the maintenance menu, but only members of the OLE-SYS Manager role may initiate most documents in the maintenance menu.
*Categories of maintenance documents*
|Chart of Accounts |Allows central maintenance of COA documents. See note below. |
|Financial Processing |{color:red}Under review; many are not available in this release{color} Allows maintenance of documents that support central financial operations including the disbursement voucher documents. |
|Pre-Disbursement Processor|{color:red}Under review and not available in this release{color} Will provide access to Pre-Disbursement Processor (PDP) maintenance functions|
|Accounts Receivable |{color:red}Under review and not available in this release{color} Allows central maintenance of documents that support the Accounts Receivable (AR) module. |
|Vendor |Allows central maintenance of documents that support the Vendor document. |
|Purchasing/Accounts Payable |Allows central maintenance of documents that support the Purchasing and Accounts Payable (PURAP) module. |
|Requestor (Patron) |Allows central maintenance of documents for attributes needed by the requestor. |
|Contracts & Grants |{color:red}Under review and not available in this release{color} Allows central maintenance of documents that support the functionality of the Contracts and Grants module. |
|System |Allows central maintenance of attributes used across OLE. |
|Ingest |Allows central maintenance of ingest process. |
!worddavbc8d93fff1d854b3182ccbac6911d512.png|height=15,width=15! A few Chart of Accounts maintenance documents (Account, Global Account, Account Delegate, Account Delegate Model, Global Account Delegate, Object Code, Global Object, Organization Code, Project Code, Sub-Account, and Sub-Object Code) are used by both central and departmental users. These documents are accessible via the Main Menu tab, not the Maintenance menu tab.
!worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information on working with the Chart of Accounts, Pre-Disbursement Processor, and Vendor functions listed on the *Main Menu* tab, see the appropriate sections in the {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}KFS Core Modules{link-window}{HTMLcomment}{HTMLcomment}. For information on working with functions in any other module, see the KFS guide to the specific module.
!worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! Your institution may choose to add attributes to maintenance tables for reporting purposes. For information on adding these 'extended' attributes, see [Extended Attributes|].
!worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information about initiating maintenance documents, see [Performing Common Maintenance E-Doc Operations|].
h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_229}OLE Financial Administration Menu
Kuali OLE enables users with proper permissions to perform a number of administrative functions that affect the entire system. These functions, which are accessible via the *Administration* menu tab, allow authorized users to:
* Support the Kuali Identity Management (KIM) module
* Define basic types of location and reference information
* Control the running of batch jobs
* Support the Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW) module and
* Enable authorized users to perform a variety of other functional and technical activities.
!worddavbc8d93fff1d854b3182ccbac6911d512.png|height=15,width=15!Only members of OLE-SYS Manager and KR-SYS Technical Administrator roles may initiate most documents in the Administration Menu. Other users may look up values from the lookup screens but may not be able to access other options at all.
*Administration menu groups*
||Menu Category||Description ||
|System |Provides a means of viewing and updating OLE user identification information; defining valid values for various types of location information; and defining valid types of personal information collected for the Identity module.|
|Configuration |Provides access to a variety of functional and technical configuration options that affect the entire OLE.|
|Testing |Provides access to the data dictionary configuration key as well as the webservice proof-of-concept request form. |
|OLE Demo Help |Provides links to documentation and OLE resources. |
|Batch |Allows you to view job schedules and manage key OLE batch upload processes. |
|Monitoring |Allows users to monitor messages that are flowing through the service bus, view the Service Registry for it, and change the size of its thread pool. Also allows users to access any document in order to perform operations on it and generate statistics reports. |
|Docstore | {color:red}Under review and not available in this release{color} |
|KRMS Rules |Allows users to create and modify rules for OLE workflows. Also allows users to access the MARC and Dublin editors. |
!worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information about using functions that are accessible via the *Administration* menu tab , see "System" in the {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}KFS Core Modules{link-window}{HTMLcomment}{HTMLcomment}.
h4. {anchor:Rice2_RiceMain}OLE Rice 2 Main Menu
The main menu for the Kuali OLE Library System (LS) lists electronic documents and functions that library staff are usually allowed to initiate.
*Main Menu submenus*
|KRMS Rules| Allows users to create and modify rules for OLE workflows. |
|Location| Allows users to maintain locations of library materials. |
|Licensing| Allows users to create and manage license requests within OLE. |
|Deliver| Allows users to circulate library materials and manage library requests. |
|Select| Allows users to create criteria for the ingest process. |
|Describe| Allows users to perform cataloging tasks within OLE. |
|Global Configuration Settings| In a future release, will allow users to set up Z39.50 protocols for exporting bibliographic records. \\ Allows users to set up user preferences when importing single bibliographic records in the Describe module. |
|Kuali OLE Modules (Rice-2.0)| Allows users to create and modify rules for OLE workflows.|
|Patrons| Allows users to maintain patron records within OLE|
|Agreement| Allows users to create and maintain agreement maintenance documents for the licensing module. |
|Cataloging| Allows users to create and maintain maintenance documents for bibliographic and Instance records |
Each of these submenus is further subdivided by module.
!worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information on working with functions in any other module, see the KFS guide to the specific module.
h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_229}OLE Rice 2 Administration Menu
This menu is very similar to the OLE Financial Administration Menu but the electronic documents associate with the Rice 2 Main Menu documents.
!worddavbc8d93fff1d854b3182ccbac6911d512.png|height=15,width=15!Only members of OLE-SYS Manager and KR-SYS Technical Administrator roles may initiate most documents in the Administration Menu. Other users may look up values from the lookup screens but may not be able to access other options at all.
*Administration menu groups*
||Menu Category||Description ||
|Workflow | Allows users to create and modify rules for OLE workflows.
|Notifications |Will allow users to send notifications to library staff and patrons. Not fully functioning in 0.8 |
|Batch |Allows you to view job schedules and manage key OLE batch upload processes. |
|Identity |Provides a means of viewing and updating OLE user identification information; defining valid values for various types of location information; and defining valid types of personal information collected for the Identity module.|
|Configuration |Provides access to a variety of functional and technical configuration options that affect the entire OLE.|
|Service Bus |Allows users to monitor messages that are flowing through the service bus, view the Service Registry for it, and change the size of its thread pool. Also allows users to access any document in order to perform operations on it and generate statistics reports. |
|Miscellaneous | Allows users to manage OLE cache |
h3. {anchor:_D2HTopic_230}Screen Elements
Each menu tab is organized into multiple submenus that group similar types of functions. Each menu tab also has these standard features:
* Workflow functionality is accessible from *action list* and *doc search* buttons in the upper-left corner of the screen.
* A *Message of the Day* is displayed on the top of the screen.
* The current user is displayed on the upper right corner of the screen.
* A *Provide Feedback* link on the upper right corner of the screen allows anyone to report bugs, issues, and suggestions.
h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_231}Message of the Day
All three menu tabs include the *Message of the Day* at the top of the screen to quickly distribute messages to all OLE users on-line.
!worddavbc8d93fff1d854b3182ccbac6911d512.png|height=15,width=15! *Updating the Message of the Day:* If no message of the day is defined in the system, the *Message of the Day* area is not displayed on the screen. To define the message of the day, initiate the Message of the Day e-doc from the *Administration* menu tab.
h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_232}Standard Data Entry, Selection, Action, and Navigation Tools
Online forms within this web-based software application allow you to enter and select information and to perform actions and navigate, both within and outside the system. The following table briefly outlines the basic tools.
*Basic OLE tools*
||Element||OLE Reference / Description||
|!worddav002ae28a05d583e7a25d9f65b05635c4.png|height=22,width=38! |*box* (a.k.a. edit box, text box, or entry field): A rectangular box in which you can type text. If the box already contains text, you can select that default text or delete it and type new text. Use a keyboard to type or clipboard to paste text and numbers into the field.|
|!worddav69af7e8c3b53b5f974a4c4806eff2560.png|height=25,width=26! |*check box* (a.k.a. selection box): A square box that is selected or cleared to turn on or off an option. More than one check box can be selected. Use a mouse to click within the box to place a check mark symbol to indicate the option is selected.|
|!worddav69eb3b6caa3f23949130df7194acd13e.png|height=26,width=26! |*option* (a.k.a. radio button, option button): A round button used to select one of a group of mutually exclusive options. Use a mouse to click within the circle. The dot symbol indicates that the option is selected.|
|!worddav725eb3130dd85c565e88b86e9a51ed05.png|height=21,width=38! |*list* (a.k.a. drop-down menu, combo box, or list box): A box with an arrow indicating a list that drops (expands) downward for viewing (may expand upward to take advantage of available screen real estate). Click the down arrow icon to list menu options, and then click the text to highlight and select an option.|
|!worddavc6a01e7b8659bae1f9d781e87f58ef27.png|height=14,width=38! |*button* (a.k.a. command button, action button): A rectangular button with a text label that indicates the action to be performed. Use a mouse to click the button to initiate the action.|
|[{*}*|]|*Link* (external file or Web page hyperlink): Use a mouse to click on the underlined text (usually blue in color) to navigate to a different Web page or system within the same Web browser (may open a new pop-up window).|
|!worddavefe4ff6504be4a0852e59012d69dddf0.png|height=12,width=62! |*Link{*}: An internal hyperlink to a different place on the current page, a different screen within the current application, or a related system. Use your mouse to click on the underlined text to cause the desired information to appear.|
h3. {anchor:_D2HTopic_233}Logging on and off OLE
When launching OLE 0.8 you will be automatically logged in with the default userid: ole-khuntley on the Financial tabs (FS), admin on the Rice-2 tabs (LS).
To log off from OLE, simply close the Web browser by clicking the standard browser's *Close* (X) button located in the upper right corner.
(!) Caution: In OLE 0.8, while logged in as ole-khuntley, clicking the Logout button will cause a system error to occur. If you do attempt to logout and receive this error message simply click your browser's back button to return to OLE 0.8. This issue will be resolved in later releases.
h3. {anchor:switchUser}Switching Users
In OLE 0.8 you have the ability to simulate being logged in as various users (sample users noted below). To accomplish this, type the userid you wish to login as into the text entry box next to the Login button and click Login.
The ability in this demo environment to simulate being logged in as various users, gives you the permissions required to try out each stage of specific workflows where approvals or actions are required by multiple user types. (Since this functionality is only meant for testing purposes, it will not be included in version 1.0 or later.)
(/) When logged in as ole-khuntley and impersonating another user, you may switch the user you are impersonating by again entering the userid into the text entry box next to the Login button and clicking *Login*:
To return to the original state - logged in only as ole-khuntley - click the *Logout* button:
h4. User ID's & Roles
*Financial (FS)*
||Role||User Id ||Permission Descriptions||
|OLE_Load|ole-jpaul|Staff upload interface and Load Reports search|
|OLE_Selectors|ole-cstan|Create requisitions\\No acquisitions authority- REQ would route to Acquisitions staff to complete.\\Use Order Holding Queue on own requisitions|
|OLE_Selectors_ serial|ole-lreeder|(above, for continuing orders)|
|OLE_Super-Selectors |ole-mandrew|Same as Selectors, plus Assign any requisitions in OHQ|
|OLE_Acquisitions|ole-fermat |All of above, plus processing Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Amendments, APO-automatic Purchase Orders, Vendor.|
|OLE_Acquisitions_serial |ole-smills|(above, for continuing orders)|
|OLE_ACQ-Mgr |ole-hachris,\\ole-kgeorge |All of above, plus approval actions for above users.|
|OLE_ACQ_mgr_serial |ole-bperser |(above, for continuing orders)|
|OLE_RCV|ole-mshaun|Staff users for receiving documents (blanket approve), and can create unapproved Invoices/PREQ|
|OLE_Receive_Mgr|ole-msmith|Same as OLE_RCV plus can approve Receiving Correction documents.|
|OLE_Invoicing |ole-jshowalter|Create PREQ- Payment Requests (i.e. vendor invoicing)|
|OLE_Payment|ole-abeal|Approve Payment Requests (i.e. Payment)|
|Fiscal Officers |ole-rorenfro,\\ole-jaraujo|Account/CoA or Fund, functions outside of Purchasing workflows\\Final approver of fund payments (holding point for post-November financial integrations)- after invoicing Blanket Approvers in OLE_Invoicing or OLE_Payment roles approve PREQ|
|OLE-VND Reviewer|ole-eurainer|Approve NEW vendors created by Acquisitions staff.|
|(super user & foreign purchases)|ole-khuntley| |
(i) Multiple users, roles and workflows were inherited from KFS in managing and administering financial and account structures or budgeting. In future releases, OLE will simplify these routing and workflow rules as we complete financial integrations for OLE 1.0 as well as planning for fiscal year rollover in 1.x. These will inform the design of cohesive roles, permissions, workflow and notifications across all financial and budget processes.
*Rice 2 (LS)*
||Role||User Id ||Permission Descriptions||
|OLE_Cataloging_Admin| admin |Initial cataloging role for editing and management of code lists/controlled value lists|
|OLE_Licenses | fred |OLE_Licenses are the assignees for Requisitions requiring licenses or license negotiations. This role is the "owner" of the license agreement, and has full edit, attachment, routing, and status change permissions. |
|OLE_LicenseManager | frank | Group of users that actually do the work of license negotiation used for routing purposes. Same permissions as OLE_Licenses. At a given institution, some staff might do work of requesting licenses / uploading files and adding metadata vs. actually doing the license negotiation? \\
Can initiate any selection from "initiate licensing workflow" |
| OLE_Licensing_Approver | supervisr | OLE_Licensing_Approver will receive License Requests in status "Complete" as final step in workflow. \\
Possible actions: Blanket Approve (to complete workflow), or Disapprove (requires Event Log entry and returns edoc to designated workflow. \\ |
| OLE_LicenseConfiguration | admin| This is a licensing superuser with authority to set default system configuration values, such as the default notification period after inactivity. \\
Can upload and delete one or more Checklist Template documents for the Kuali OLE site. \\
Can create and edit the vocabulary of License Request statuses and locations for a Kuali OLE site. |
| OLE_Signatory | eric | This role is a person with the authority to sign a license. Note: this role may not be used within OLE if license must be signed by an external party (outside of OLE). |
| OLE_LicenseViewer | kuluser | License documents and Search on Licenses are very limited permissions. This role can "view only" Agreements, Agreement docs, License Requests. \\ |
| OLE_LicenseReviewer | edna| This role is a person with the authority to sign a license. |
| Operator | edna \\ eric| System user who can loan materials |
| Unit Manager | dev1 \\ dev2 | System user who can loan and override loan |
| Deliver Admin | admin | System user who can initiate and map circulation desks |
| Patron Manager | admin | All the Permissions of Patron and BorrowerType |
| Full Circulation Attendent | dev 1 \\ dev2| Edit Patron Document |
| Limited Circulation Attendent | testuser1 \\ testuser2| View Patron Document,no access to borrowerType |
| Location Administrator | admin | Edit and View the Location Level Document |
| Shelving Location Administrator | dev1 \\ dev2 | View Location Level Document |
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This material was adapted from , documentation for the KFS 4.x releases. Note |
| This information will continue to be updated. |
Anchor |
| _D2HTopic_225 |
| _D2HTopic_225 |
Navigating through OLE Excerpt |
After you access OLE by typing or pasting the URL for it into your browser's address bar, you need to know where to find information and how to navigate. This section covers these topics. |
Anchor |
| _D2HTopic_226 |
| _D2HTopic_226 |
OLE MenusThe OLE portal is divided into modules. When entering the portal,you will see five menu tabs:
Image Added
The Deliver tab displays e-docs and interfaces for circulation and patron management. The Describe tab displays e-docs and interfaces for cataloging processes. TheSelect/Acquire tab displays the list of transactions and functions that are associated with the financial processes and purchases as well as the E-Resource Record, the beginning feature of electronic resource management. The Licensing tab includes the License Request e-doc and it's related maintenance documents. The Administration menu tab displays the list of functions that the only technical staff or super users in the functional area are likely to use.
Tip |
Bookmark any page within OLE. This will allow you to easily navigate back to an interface or e-doc in one click, just log in. |
Image Added
The Deliver menu lists interfaces and electronic documents that persons with circulation permissions may access.
Deliver Menu Submenus:
Category | Description |
Circulation | Allows for the loan, return, and request of library materials as well as viewing the bill of a particular item. |
Circulation Admin | Allows central maintenance of documents that support circulation. |
Import | Allows for the loading of multiple records from vendor files into OLE. |
Patron | Allows for the management of patron records and patron bills. |
Patron Admin | Allows central maintenance of documents that support the patron documents. |
Each of these submenus is further subdivided.
Image Added For information on working with the Deliver functions listed on this tab, see the Deliver documentation on the OLE Documentation Portal.
Image Added
The Describe menu lists interfaces and electronic documents that persons with cataloging permissions may access.
Deliver Menu Submenus:
Category | Description |
Cataloging | Allows for the management of library records: editors, bound-withs, transfers, import. |
Cataloging Admin | Allows central maintenance of documents that support cataloging processes. |
Each of these submenus is further subdivided.
Image Added For information on working with the Describe functions listed on this tab, see the Describe documentation on the OLE Documentation Portal.
Anchor |
| _D2HTopic_227 |
| _D2HTopic_227 |
OLE Select/Acquire MenuImage Added
The Select/Acquire menu lists electronic documents and functions that departmental users are usually allowed to initiate.
Select/Acquire submenus
Category | Description |
Order | Allows for the requisitions, or ordering, of library materials. Transactions are recorded in e-docs that are then posted to the General Ledger and affect the financial statements of the organization. |
Fund | Allows the financial representation of a basic business activity. Transactions are recorded in e-docs that are then posted to the General Ledger and affect the financial statements of the organization. Examples of transactions are budget adjustments, and transfer of funds. |
Acquisitions | Allows for users to create and search Payment Requests and E-Resource records. Also allows for additional financial transactions to occur, such as general error corrections and disbursement vouchers. |
Chart of Accounts | Allows central maintenance of COA documents. |
Lookup and Maintenance | Allows management of accounts, objects, and organizations. |
Paying | Allows for invoicing, creating credit memos and claiming library materials. Transactions are recorded in e-docs that are then posted to the General Ledger and affect the financial statements of the organization.
Vendor | Allows access to vendor records and allows users to search for various types of documents. Document Store Search searches the library catalog and Acquisitions Search searches all financial documents. |
Vendor | Allows central maintenance of documents that support the Vendor document. |
Receiving | Allows for the receiving of monographs and serials into OLE. |
Import | Allows for the loading of multiple records from vendor files into OLE. |
Purchasing/Accounts Payable | Allows central maintenance of documents that support ordering, paying and receiving. |
Each of these submenus is further subdivided.
Image Added For information on working with the Select and Acquire functions listed on this tab, see the Select and Acquire documentation on the OLE Documentation Portal.
Image Added
The Licensing menu lists interfaces and electronic documents that persons with licensing permissions may access.
Licensing Menu Submenus:
Category | Description |
Licensing | Allows for the management of License Requests. License Requests are initiated by E-Resource Records located on the Select/Acquire tab. |
Licensing Admin | Allows central maintenance of documents that support License Requests. |
Agreement Admin | Allows central maintenance of documents that support agreements. |
Each of these submenus is further subdivided.
Image Added For information on working with the Licensing functions listed on this tab, see the Select/Acquire documentation on the OLE Documentation Portal.
Anchor |
| _D2HTopic_229 |
| _D2HTopic_229 |
OLE Admin MenuImage Added
Kuali OLE enables users with proper permissions to perform a number of administrative functions that affect the entire system. These functions, which are accessible via the Admin menu tab, allow authorized users to:
- Support the Kuali Identity Management (KIM) module
- Define basic types of location and reference information
- Control the running of batch jobs
- Support the Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW) module and
- Enable authorized users to perform a variety of other functional and technical activities.
Only members of OLE-SYS Manager and KR-SYS Technical Administrator roles may initiate most documents in the Admin Menu. Other users may look up values from the lookup screens but may not be able to access other options at all.
Administration menu groups
Menu Category | Description |
System | Provides a means of viewing and updating OLE user identification information; defining valid values for various types of location information; and defining valid types of personal information collected for the Identity module. |
Location | Allows users to maintain locations of library materials. |
Workflow | Allows users to create and modify rules for OLE workflows. |
Batch | Allows you to view job schedules and manage key OLE batch processes. |
Batch Framework | Allows for the creation of batch profiles, accessing and managing maintenance tables for batch profiles, and batch importing of various types of OLE records. |
Notifications | Will allow users to send notifications to library staff and patrons. Not fully functioning in 1.0 |
Kuali OLE Modules | Allows users to create and modify rules for OLE workflows. Also allows access to the staff upload interface (also available in Deliver and Select/Acquire) |
KRMS Rules | Allows users to create and modify rules for OLE workflows. |
Global Configuration Settings | Allow users to set up Z39.50 protocols for exporting bibliographic records. Also allows users to set up user preferences when importing single bibliographic records in the Describe module. |
Configuration | Provides access to a variety of functional and technical configuration options that affect the entire OLE. |
Configuration | Provides access to a variety of functional and technical configuration options that affect the entire OLE. |
Docstore | Allows access to test the RESTful API, SOLR queiries, and administrate over the OLE DocStore (check-in, check-out, delete items, etc). |
OLE Demo Help | Provides links to documentation and OLE resources. |
Monitoring | Allows users to monitor messages that are flowing through the service bus, view the Service Registry for it, and change the size of its thread pool. Also allows users to access any document in order to perform operations on it and generate statistics reports. |
Testing | Provides access to the data dictionary configuration key as well as the webservice proof-of-concept request form. |
Image Added For information about using functions that are accessible via the Admin menu tab , see System Administrative Function on the OLE Documentation Portal.
Anchor |
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A note on Admin Submenus/Maintenance DocumentsThe Admin submenu, often noted as "xxx Admin" where xxx is the name of another submenu, provides access to a variety of user-defined reference tables that are essential to OLE. These tables define attributes the system uses to validate transactions and allow users to look up values as necessary. The tables also control the often-complex relationship between elements for internal and external reporting. For example, OLE relies on maintenance tables for basic information such as the sub-fund groups to which new accounts may be assigned and the calendar month that correlates to the first month of your institution's fiscal year. This table-controlled flexibility is one of the features that make OLE a highly configurable application.
These important reference tables are maintained by electronic documents called maintenance documents or e-docs. Each of the OLE reference tables is maintained by a specific maintenance e-doc that is routed for approval before the table is updated.
Image Added All users can look up values in the OLE reference tables via the lookup screens on the maintenance menu, but only members of manager-type roles may initiate most maintenance documents.
Image Added Your institution may choose to add attributes to maintenance tables for reporting purposes. For information on adding these 'extended' attributes, see Extended Attributes.
Image Added For information about initiating maintenance documents, see Performing Common Maintenance E-Doc Operations.
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Screen ElementsEach menu tab is organized into multiple submenus that group similar types of functions. Each menu tab also has these standard features:
- Workflow functionality is accessible from action list and doc search buttons in the upper-left corner of the screen.
- A Message of the Day is displayed on the top of the screen.
- The current user is displayed on the upper right corner of the screen.
- A Provide Feedback link on the upper right corner of the screen allows anyone to report bugs, issues, and suggestions.
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Message of the DayAll tabs include the Message of the Day at the top of the screen to quickly distribute messages to all OLE users on-line.
Image Added Updating the Message of the Day: If no message of the day is defined in the system, the Message of the Day area is not displayed on the screen. To define the message of the day, initiate the Message of the Day e-doc from the Admin menu tab.
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Standard Data Entry, Selection, Action, and Navigation ToolsOnline forms within this web-based software application allow you to enter and select information and to perform actions and navigate, both within and outside the system. The following table briefly outlines the basic tools.
Basic OLE tools
Element | OLE Reference / Description |
Image Added | box (a.k.a. edit box, text box, or entry field): A rectangular box in which you can type text. If the box already contains text, you can select that default text or delete it and type new text. Use a keyboard to type or clipboard to paste text and numbers into the field. |
Image Added | check box (a.k.a. selection box): A square box that is selected or cleared to turn on or off an option. More than one check box can be selected. Use a mouse to click within the box to place a check mark symbol to indicate the option is selected. |
Image Added | option (a.k.a. radio button, option button): A round button used to select one of a group of mutually exclusive options. Use a mouse to click within the circle. The dot symbol indicates that the option is selected. |
Image Added | list (a.k.a. drop-down menu, combo box, or list box): A box with an arrow indicating a list that drops (expands) downward for viewing (may expand upward to take advantage of available screen real estate). Click the down arrow icon to list menu options, and then click the text to highlight and select an option. |
Image Added | button (a.k.a. command button, action button): A rectangular button with a text label that indicates the action to be performed. Use a mouse to click the button to initiate the action. |
Image Added | Link: An internal hyperlink to a different place on the current page, a different screen within the current application, or a related system. Use your mouse to click on the underlined text to cause the desired information to appear. |
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---| Link (external file or Web page hyperlink): Use a mouse to click on the underlined text (usually blue in color) to navigate to a different Web page or system within the same Web browser (may open a new pop-up window). |
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Logging on and off OLEWhen launching OLE, you will be automatically logged in with the default userid: ole-khuntley.
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To log off from OLE, simply close the Web browser by clicking the standard browser's Close (X) button located in the upper right corner. Clicking Logout simply returns you to the default user, ole-khuntley.
Switching UsersIn OLE 1.0 you have the ability to simulate being logged in as various users (sample users noted below). To accomplish this, type the userid you wish to login as into the text entry box next to the Login button and click Login.
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The ability in this demo environment to simulate being logged in as various users, gives you the permissions required to try out each stage of specific workflows where approvals or actions are required by multiple user types. (Since this functionality is only meant for testing purposes, it will not be included in later releases.)
When logged in as ole-khuntley and impersonating another user, you may switch the user you are impersonating by again entering the userid into the text entry box next to the Login button and clicking Login:
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To return to the original state - logged in only as ole-khuntley - click the Logout button:
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User ID's & Roles
Module | Role Name | User ID | Description |
Describe | Batch Cataloging | catbatch | Authorized to do batch imports and exports |
Describe | Cataloger 1 | cat1 | Authorized for all Describe functions; permission to administer cataloging within assigned work unit |
Describe | Cataloger 2 | cat2 | Authorized for all Describe functions except batch imports and bound-withs; permission to administer cataloging within assigned work unit |
Describe | Cataloger Supervisor | catsup | Authorized for all Describe functions; permission to administer cataloging within assigned work unit(s) |
Describe | Cataloging Super User | admin; supercat | Authorized for all Describe functions; permission to administer cataloging in all work units |
Describe | Describe Read only | describereadonly | Authorized only to view records in Describe |
Describe | Full Cataloging | catfull | Authorized for all Describe functions without limitation by ownership,work unit, bibliographic status or any other field-level permission restriction |
Describe | OLE_Cataloging_Admin | admin; admin1 | Initiate Catalogue Document |
Describe | Temporary (Student) Staff Cataloger 1 | tempcat1 | Authorized to create and edit holdings/items within assigned work unit |
Deliver | Operator | edna | Operator |
Select/Acquire | OLE_LicenseAssignee | OLE_LicenseManager | This role will have the persons who can assign the License Request Document. |
Select/Acquire | OLE_LicenseConfiguration | admin | This is a licensing superuser with authority to set default system configuration VALUES, such as the default notification period after inactivity. |
Select/Acquire | OLE_LicenseManager | frank | Group of users who actually do the work of license negotiation used for routing purposes. |
Select/Acquire | OLE_LicenseReviewer | edna | This role is a person with the authority to sign a license. |
Select/Acquire | OLE_Licenses | fred | OLE_Licenses are the assignees for Requisitions requiring licenses or license negotiations. This role is the ?owner? of the license agreement, and has full edit, attachment, routing, and status change permissions. |
Select/Acquire | OLE_LicenseViewer | <any Kuali user> | License documents and Search on Licenses have very limited permissons. This role can \"view only\" Agreements, Agreement docs, License Requests. |
Select/Acquire | OLE_Licensing_Approver | supervisr | OLE_Licensing_Approver will receive License Requests in status ?Complete? as final step in workflow. |
Select/Acquire | OLE_Signatory | eric | This role is a person with the authority to sign a license. Note: this role may not be used within OLE if license must be signed by an external party (outside of OLE). |
Deliver | Circ Desk Attendant I | tester; tester1; testrole; user1 | Circ Desk Attendant I |
Deliver | Circ Desk Attendant II | edna; eric | Circ Desk Attendant II |
Deliver | Circulation Supervisor | dev1; dev2 | Circulation Supervisor |
Deliver | Deliver Admin | admin; admin1 | Deliver Admin |
Deliver | Full Circulation Attendent | dev1; dev2 | Edit Patron Document |
Deliver | Limited Circulation Attendent | testuser1; testuser 2 | View Patron Document,no access to borrowerType |
Deliver | Location Administrator | admin; admin1 | Edit and View the Location Level Document |
Deliver | Operator | API; dev2; edna; eric; PALCI | Operator |
Deliver | Patron Manager | admin; admin1 | All the Permissions of Patron and BorrowerType |
Deliver | Shelving Location Administrator | dev1; dev2 | View Location Level Document |
Deliver | Super Circulation Supervisor | admin; admin1 | Super Circulation Supervisor |
Deliver | Unit Manager | dev1; dev2 | UnitManager |
Select/Acquire | Accounts Payable Processor | ole-aatwood; ole-jxlinder | Accounts Payable users who can initiate Payment Requests and Credit Memo documents. They also have several permissions related to processing these document types and receive workflow action requests for them. |
Select/Acquire | Accounting-AQ1 | ole-brunelle | This Role is for View only document(Not for edit) |
Select/Acquire | Accounting-AQ2 | ole-cphovis | This Role is for low-level staff with specific needs only. This role is able to create and edit selected functions: payment requests, credit memos, disbursement vouchers, invoices) |
Select/Acquire | Accounting-AQ3 | ole-cstan; ole durbin | This Role is for staff performing function. This role is able to create and edit all functions (payment requests, purchase orders, credit memos, disbursement vouchers, invoices). |
Select/Acquire | Accounting-AQ4 | ole-earley; ole-ejacob | This Role is for when you want to restrict deletion to high-level staff. This role is able to create edit or delete all functions (payment requests, purchase orders, credit memos, disbursement vouchers, invoices, COA maintenance). |
Select/Acquire | Acquisitions-AQ1 | ole-brunelle | This Role is for View only document(Not for edit) |
Select/Acquire | Acquisitions-AQ2 | ole-cphovis; ole-ejacob | This Role is for low-level staff with specific needs only. This role is able to create and edit selected functions (receiving, purchase orders, requistions, payment requests). |
Select/Acquire | Acquisitions-AQ3 | ole-cstan; ole-durbin | This Role is for staff performing function.This role is able to create and edit all functions (receiving, purchase orders, requistions, payment requests, vendors). |
Select/Acquire | Acquisitions-AQ4 | ole-cstan; ole-earley | This Role is for when you want to restrict deletion to high-level staff. This role is able to create edit or delete all functions (receiving, purchase orders, requistions, payment requests, vendors, PURAP maintenance). |
Select/Acquire | Acquisitions-AQ5 | ole-ejacob; ole-fermat; ole-flaherty | This role can perform functions and assign appropriate security level to others (receiving, purchase orders, requistions, payment requests, vendors, PURAP maintenance). |
Select/Acquire | Collection Management | admin | This Role can close/cancel E-Resource Record if it is currently assigned to this group and Can approve/route to Acquisitions for purchase. |
Select/Acquire | Financial-AQ1 | ole-brunelle | This Role is for View only document(Not for edit) |
Select/Acquire | Financial-AQ2 | ole-cphovis | This Role is for low-level staff with specific needs only. This role is able to create and edit selected functions (purchase orders, payment requests). |
Select/Acquire | Financial-AQ3 | ole-durbin; ole-fermat | This Role is for staff performing function. This role is able to create and edit all functions (purchase orders, payment requests, invoices). |
Select/Acquire | Financial-AQ4 | ole-earley; ole-ejacob | This Role is for when you want to restrict deletion to high-level staff. This role is able to create edit or delete all functions (budget documents, transfer funds, deposit documents, COA maintenance, purchase orders, payment requests, edit sufficient fund checks and restrictions). |
Select/Acquire | Financial-AQ5 | ole-cstan; ole-flaherty | This role can perform functions and assign appropriate security level to others (budget documents, transfer funds, deposit documents, COA maintenance, , purchase orders, payment requests, edit sufficient fund checks and restrictions). |
Select/Acquire | OLE_Acquisitions-select | admin; admin1 | This Role performs can create edit view but not delete E-Resource Records. |
Select/Acquire | OLE_Cataloger | admin1 | This role can only view E-Resource Record. |
Select/Acquire | OLE_E-Resource | admin | This role Can create edit delete E-Resource Record start any sub-workflow link to GOKb particular focus is on Activation and using the AccessDashboard. |
Select/Acquire | OLE_E-ResourceManager | | This role manages site-wide configurations like values for the E-Resource status and time periods for alerts. |
Select/Acquire | OLE_Head | admin | This Role performs can create edit view but not delete E-Resource Records. |
Select/Acquire | OLE_Load | ole-ejacob; ole-jpaul | This Role is assigned to admin for Loading |
Select/Acquire | OLE_Selector | admin | This Role edits, creates and close/cancel the E-Resource records if it is currently assigned to this group and also can begin the Trial |
Select/Acquire | Operator | dev2 | Operator for Serial Receiving |
Select/Acquire | Receiving-AQ1 | ole-brunelle | This Role is for View only document(Not for edit) |
Select/Acquire | Receiving-AQ2 | ole-cphovis; ole-ejacob | This Role is for low-level staff with specific needs only. This role is able to create and edit selected functions (receiving). |
Select/Acquire | Receiving-AQ3 | ole-durbin | This Role is for staff performing function. This role is able to create and edit all functions (receiving, payment requests, purchase orders, invoices). |
Select/Acquire | Receiving-AQ4 | ole-cstan; ole-earley | This Role is for when you want to restrict deletion to high-level staff. This role is able to create edit or delete all functions (receiving, payment request,purchase orders, invoices, receiving maintencance). |
Select/Acquire | Reviewer | ole-cofya; ole-eurainer; ole-jtlieb | This role receives workflow action requests for the Vendor document. |