Versions Compared


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This space provides information, links and files that describes the technical architecture of OLE Circulation, workflows; metadata; policy, loans, etc.

We will continue to develop and modify the information as Kuali OLE continues to evolve.


Table of Contents




275704.06 Circulation Checkout 2993Minimal Content for Slips, Notices, Bills (2284)4901Certain Deliver permissions should be 'bundled' for convenience
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-3945Need Cross-Reference between Proxy and Proxied Patrons    
1.0OLE-4899Adjustments to Patron Search and Search Results     
1.0OLE-3652Modify Delivercode to use Item UUID in place of the item bar code for internal references4110

Screen Display of Create New Patron

1.5OLE-5549Default Values on Patron Record    
1.5OLE-4470Printing of routing and hold slips should not interrupt checkin of materials4653

Indicator on tabs if fields in the tab contain data

1.5OLE-4139Changes to missing pieces, damaged and claims returned4744

Need to be able to see pending requests from the patron's loaned records display.



0.8269204.01 Circulation Check-In Spec04108Proxy patron display in check out screen
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design

Need ability to reactivate invalid patron barcodes


Need to be able to differentiate between barcode invalidation reasons.


Patron screen that is accesible from check out should offer a link to editable patron record for authorized usersID should not be first search option

1.05OLE-4096checkout and check in issues for items returned with missing pieces5734

Cannot edit patron account if it has expired

1.5OLE-5619On Item Change Current Borrower value to Patron's Barcode and make it hyperlink5530

some input boxes in edit screen are not long enough to display information.

1.5OLE-4260Check out of an item that is still charged and lost or overdue should warn operator of billing/problem5553

Add Phone Number to Patron Search

1.5OLE-4100Check out notes5551

Make List of Items Currently Checked out Sortable



5549Default Values on Patron Record
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.81.5OLE-3945Need Cross-Reference between Proxy and Proxied Patrons5531

Cannot search for patron by inactive barcode

1.05OLE-48994629Adjustments to Patron Search and Search Results

Patron Code Base Cleanup


Screen Display of Create New PatronPatron screen behavior (edit)


Patron screen behavior (view)

1.5OLE-4653Indicator on tabs if fields in the tab contain data4784

Why are 'lost' items on the list of checked out items for Stephanie Sample?

1.5 OLE-4744Need to be able to see pending requests from the patron's loaned records display.2697

My Account OLE API that will allow Integration with Discovery Services & ILL



4263Need ability to reactivate invalid patron barcodes55620Patron ID should not be first search option
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-269204.01 Circulation Check-In Spec    
10.58OLE-4225Need to be able to differentiate between barcode invalidation reasons.3252

Staff upload creates instance record that does not comply with new instance format; Expanded to include all functions that create instance records

1.0OLE-4108Proxy patron display in check out screen    
1.50OLE-5734Cannot edit patron account if it has expired4136

Patron screen that is accesible from check out should offer a link to editable patron record for authorized users

1.50OLE-5530some input boxes in edit screen are not long enough to display information.3682

Deliver Permissions Requirements

1.50OLE-5553Add Phone Number to Patron Search4096

checkout and check in issues for items returned with missing pieces

1.5OLE-5551Make List of Items Currently Checked out Sortable5619

On Item Change Current Borrower value to Patron's Barcode and make it hyperlink

1.5OLE-5531Cannot search for patron by inactive barcode4260

Check out of an item that is still charged and lost or overdue should warn operator of billing/problem

1.5 OLE-4629Patron Code Base Cleanup6028

Deliver screens lack navigation

1.5 OLE-5278Patron screen behavior (edit)4100

Check out notes

1.5OLE-5276Patron screen behavior (view)5413

Remove Block for renewals prior to due date

1.5OLE-4784Why are 'lost' items on the list of checked out items for Stephanie Sample?3774Block renew if the new due date/time precedes the current due date/time    


Patron Bill


084085Patron Bill Review
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-3771Allow a line item on a patron bill to be posted with "e" for "error".OLE-275704.06 Circulation Checkout   2

Minimal Content for Slips, Notices, Bills (2284)


Modify Delivercode to use Item UUID in place of the item bar code for internal references


Certain Deliver permissions should be 'bundled' for convenience

1.5OLE-5552Add Sort Capability to Patron Bill Screen4470

Printing of routing and hold slips should not interrupt checkin of materials


Changes to missing pieces, damaged and claims returned

 OLE-5896When more than one item is selected in Patron Bill, there needs to be a total amount value displayed2992

Damaged check-in (2148)


Hyperlinks within deliver screens should be more noticeable.

1.5 OLE-5277information in view item bill should include linked patron information2673User alerts for resources available    


VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design

Placing Hold Request on On-Order Item

1.0OLE-4126Add Patron Barcode Search to Request    

Make Paging and Copy Requests Automatic; Route as an FYI

1.5OLE-3818Allow Staff Operator to Edit Hold Expiration Date    

Rearrange Request Screen


Modification to the workflow for Request Page/Hold


04.29 Automated approval process for user extension to holds


Title level requests needed in addition to item level requests


Patron Bill

5413Remove Block for renewals prior to due date
VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
0.8OLE-3771Allow a line item on a patron bill to be posted with "e" for "error".    

Patron Bill Review


Add Sort Capability to Patron Bill Screen


When more than one item is selected in Patron Bill, there needs to be a total amount value displayed.


Block renew if the new due date/time precedes the current due date/time


information in view item bill should include linked patron information


Send ILL overdues for unreturned items


Deliver Notices

VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
1.5OLE-5144Must Select Adobe Reader Before Seeing Notice    

04.07.01/04.08.01 Claims Returned



VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design
1.0OLE-4371Circulation Calendars    

Change Circ Desk field label "Group Name" to "Calendar Group Name"


Awkward Display on Calendar Needs Changes


Calendar Exception Type Needs to be Defined Locally


Circulation Desk

VersionJira#Jira DescriptionUse CasesTest CasesTechnical DesignDetailed Design

Create default values for circulation desk and location


Circulation Desk as a Pickup Location


Circulation Calendars    
 OLE-3564Circulation Desk tied to multiple locations    

Add Location data for Lehigh


Need to be able to limit circulation by max number of a specific item type


Add Persisted Circ Desk Mapping for ole-quickstart


04.11 Circulation (TBA- mini specs)


Offline Circulation





Circulation documentation

Page Tree