Functional Council Chair(s)Responsibilities: drive the FC meeting agendas solicit and shepherd new project partners monitor FC member engagement lead the scoping process assurance of functionality through the FC coordination of SME teams OLE Board ex-officio member and Functional Council representative
Selection Process: Elections for FC Vice Chair will be held in November each year. Each FC voting member will have one vote. Any FC member can make a nomination. The nominee must be a voting member. Term Length: The OLE FC Vice Chair will serve a term of one year, January-December. The Vice Chair will then go on the serve a one year term as FC Chair. Functional Council Voting MemberResponsibilities: represent, partner institutions interests participate in the voting of recommended scope for a release participate in the voting of recommended solutions for functionality ensure quality of software by providing guidance and recommendations for solutions that are functionally representative of library business.
OLE Technical Council Chairs(s)Responsibilities: Selection Process: Elections will be held in March. Each TC voting member will have a vote. Any TC member can make a nomination. The nominee does need to be a voting member. Term Length: The OLE TC Vice Chair will serve a term of one year, April-March. The Vice Chair will then go on the serve a one year term as TC Chair. OLE Technical Council Voting MemberResponsibilities: - represent, partner institutions interests
- support development project team in review of architectural decisions
- participate and recommend best practices for release, patch cycle management and upgrade paths
- participate in decision making for maintainability of software suite as it pertains to OLE, KFS, Rice, and other technologies