To document a few notes from
Jira Legacy | ||||||
"OLE-PTRN - Can Override" - is only being used in the Services (like NCIP) and not anywhere in the UI/KRMS rules. This permission is used in the renew service to check whether the operator has override options.
OLE implementers have two options for their rule management. Drools (intended to replace KRMS) or KRMS:
Drools Policies
Drools Technical Documentation
Drool files (
Jira Legacy | ||||||||
Drools Technical Documentation
.drl) are just text files—“drl” means “Drools Rule Language”. They can be created and modified with a text editor.
If you are using Drools to create your circulation policies, leave the KRMS tables (krms_agenda_t, etc) empty.
Implementing Library Circulation Policies Using Drools - for technical personnel
Tip |
Creating Drool files from scratch is not practical. The Git repository contains files from Chicago and Duke; copy and edit the files that work best for your institution. |
KRMS Policies
Deliver KRMS Cheat Sheet: https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgTriR_vU83hdEFsY3hDSnlKNmstLWJob1FZX2tlNVE&usp=drive_web#gid=0