Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

1. Sprint Release

  • r25111
  • Release date – November 4, 2015


3.  Deliverables

Database Changes: (Relevant only for upgrades)


System parameters:


Solr Changes:

4. Jiras




1) OLE-8063

            Changed the data type from BLOB to CLOB of the column NTC_CNTNT in OLE_DLVR_LOAN_NOTICE_HSTRY_T  table

2) OLE-8113




3) OLE-8153

             Increased the column size BARCODE to 30 of table OLE_DS_ITEM_T

4) OLE-8184

             Added permission for fast add button in Loan screen

5) OLE-8188

             Updated the latest sequence value to sequence table OLE_LOAN_INTRANSIT_HISTORY_S, OLE_RNWL_HISTORY_S in mysql

6) OLE-8193

              Added the system parameter DEFAULT_TIME_FOR_DUE_DATE

7) OLE-8193

             Added System Parameters DEFAULT_TIME_FOR_DUE_DATE

8) Increased the size of the column CIR_POLICY_ID to 2000 in OLE_DLVR_LOAN_T and OLE_DLVR_CIRC_RECORD table to have larger Rule name.

System parameters:

1) OLE-8113




2) OLE-8193

            Added the system parameter DEFAULT_TIME_FOR_DUE_DATE

3) OLE-8193

             Added System Parameters DEFAULT_TIME_FOR_DUE_DATE

Solr Changes:

The schema xml which is under conf folder of solr under home directory (eg: )needs to be updated with the below xml file

Added ResourceType_search and Carrier_search fields for indexing.

4. Jiras

RESERVATIONS- item due date not reduced for subsequent requestors
S.No.Component/sKeySummaryPriorityIssue TypeLabelsComments
1DeliverOLE-7731Circ Desk Coverage Location conflict with Circ DeskPickup LocationCriticalBug/Defect  2DeliverOLE-78596092Return and Loan: scan of an unknown item barcodeMajorBug/DefectBrowserCompatibility 
2DeliverOLE-6097"Checkin Date is not current Date/time" warnings disappear, backdate/time value is not reset to system timeMajorBug/Defect  
3Select & AcquireDeliverOLE-7882Recurring orders not being reencumbered if no encumbrance was originally createdMajor7271Exception Days in Calendar Not Recognized in Assigning Due Dates and Hold Expiration DaysCriticalBug/DefectFiscalYearRollover  
4Select & AcquireDeliverOLE-7891re-encumber recurring orders job should ignore all POs that are 'retired'Blocker75363M response times for Circulation are slowCriticalBug/Defect Performance 
5ImplementationDeliverOLE-79057636generateCourtesyNoticejob - not included in installationMajorRecall notices not being generatedCriticalBug/Defect  
6Select & AcquireOLE-79167687autoClosePO job is just not completingAutoDisapprove job failsCriticalBug/DefectImplementationFiscalYearRollover 
7Select & AcquireSystem IntegrationOLE-7919Problem with changing accounts on multi account POsCritical7694Patron loading poller - fails to list cause of load errorMajorBug/Defect  
8Select & AcquireSystem IntegrationOLE-7921PO Failures from POBACritical7695Patron loading poller - incorrectly moves all files to error folderMajorBug/Defect  
9Select & AcquireDeliverOLE-7923Change Encumbrance Forward Jobs to Ignore Closed POsCriticalEnhancement7716several notice types do not populate all fields with informationMajorBug/Defect  
10Select & AcquireDeliver, Implementation, System IntegrationOLE-7687AutoDisapprove job fails7722SOAP createPatron changes olePatronId/entityIdCriticalBug/DefectFiscalYearRollover  
11Deliver, Implementation, System IntegrationOLE-7695Patron loading poller - incorrectly moves all files to error folderMajor-7723SOAP createPatron can't create addressesCriticalBug/Defect  
12DeliverOLE-7716several notice types do not populate all fields with informationMajor7731Circ Desk Coverage Location conflict with Circ DeskPickup LocationCriticalBug/Defect  
13Deliver, Implementation, System IntegrationSelect & AcquireOLE-7722SOAP createPatron changes olePatronId/entityId7823Null POs?CriticalBug/Defect  
14Deliver, Implementation, System IntegrationOLE-7723SOAP createPatron can't create addresses7838RENEWALS: renewing faculty items with associated proxies transfers item to proxy accountCriticalBug/Defect  
15Select & AcquireDeliverOLE-7840Number of renewals in Circ APIMinorEnhancement  
16DeliverOLE-7823Null POs?Critical7849Allow Edit, Deletion, Addtion of Notes on Expired Patron AccountMajorBug/Defect  
1617DeliverOLE-7838RENEWALS: renewing faculty items with associated proxies transfers item to proxy account7857Need OnHoldDays value to cause specific actions in OLECriticalBug/DefectEnhancement  
1718DeliverOLE-7849Allow Edit, Deletion, Addtion of Notes on Expired Patron Account7859RESERVATIONS- item due date not reduced for subsequent requestorsMajorBug/Defect  
1819DeliverOLE-7878Patron XML schema for Batch Process loading does not allow Middle Name or Local IdMajorBug/Defect  19Select & AcquireOLE-7906Attention Data in Remit Address Section of Vendor Record Prevents Invoice CreationMajorBug/Defect  
20Select & AcquireOLE-7922Negative Encumbrances for FY 2016Critical7882Recurring orders not being reencumbered if no encumbrance was originally createdMajorBug/Defect FiscalYearRollover 
21ImplementationSelect & AcquireOLE-79247891OLE-7922 Clean up Data from FY rollover for UCMajorSub Taskre-encumber recurring orders job should ignore all POs that are 'retired'BlockerBug/Defect  
22ImplementationOLE-79257905OLE-7921 Clean up Data from POBA for UCgenerateCourtesyNoticejob - not included in installationMajorSub TaskBug/Defect  
23Select & AcquireOLE-7930Encumbrance table mixing PO numbers and PO document numbers7906Attention Data in Remit Address Section of Vendor Record Prevents Invoice CreationMajorBug/Defect  
24DeliverSelect & AcquireOLE-7932Overdue Notice trigger running Courtesy Notice jobBlocker7916autoClosePO job is just not completingCriticalBug/Defect Implementation 
25DeliverSelect & AcquireOLE-7940Incorrect due date in overdue notice7919Problem with changing accounts on multi account POsCriticalBug/DefectImplementation  
26Describe, Implementation, System IntegrationSelect & AcquireOLE-7943Docstore REST API: Holdings record, "Extent Of Ownership" field is emptyMajor7921PO Failures from POBACriticalBug/Defect  
27DeliverSelect & AcquireOLE-7950ONHOLD Notices not generated for all onhold itemsMajor7922Negative Encumbrances for FY 2016CriticalBug/Defect  
28DeliverSelect & AcquireOLE-7636Recall notices not being generated7923Change Encumbrance Forward Jobs to Ignore Closed POsCriticalBug/DefectEnhancement  
29System IntegrationImplementationOLE-76947924Patron loading poller - fails to list cause of load errorOLE-7922 Clean up Data from FY rollover for UCMajorBug/DefectSub Task  
30DeliverImplementationOLE-7857Need OnHoldDays value to cause specific actions in OLECriticalEnhancement7925OLE-7921 Clean up Data from POBA for UCMajorSub Task  
31DeliverImplementationOLE-7939Checkout of ASR item gets incident reportCriticalBug/Defect7926OLE-7919 Clean up Data from POA % rounding for UCMajorSub Task  
32DeliverSelect & AcquireOLE-7966Multiple requests do not truncate due date upon loan and do not trigger hold status upon returnBlocker7930Encumbrance table mixing PO numbers and PO document numbersMajorBug/Defect  
33DeliverOLE-7271Exception Days in Calendar Not Recognized in Assigning Due Dates and Hold Expiration DaysCritical7932Overdue Notice trigger running Courtesy Notice jobBlockerBug/Defect  
34ImplementationDeliverOLE-7926OLE-7919 Clean up Data from POA % rounding for UCMajorSub Task7939Checkout of ASR item gets incident reportCriticalBug/Defect  
35Select & AcquireDeliverOLE-7968Cannot Find Permission that Control Create/Edit Exchange RatesMajorOther 7940Incorrect due date in overdue noticeCriticalBug/DefectImplementation 
36Describe, Implementation, System IntegrationOLE-8049Need database indexes for default indexes such as barcode7943Docstore REST API: Holdings record, "Extent Of Ownership" field is emptyMajorBug/Defect  
37Deliver, ImplementationOLE-8063Batch job generateLostNotices did not update item statuses to Lost7950ONHOLD Notices not generated for all onhold itemsMajorBug/Defect  
38Describe, ImplementationDeliverOLE-8073search workbench: item search using barcode results in different title (Duke dev)Major7966Multiple requests do not truncate due date upon loan and do not trigger hold status upon returnBlockerBug/Defect  
39System IntegrationSelect & AcquireOLE-8096Show existing loans list performance for patron with 3K checked out items7968Cannot Find Permission that Control Create/Edit Exchange RatesMajorEnhancementOther  
40System IntegrationOLE-8017OLE-7475 NCIP APIMajorSub TaskDrools 
41DeliverSystem IntegrationOLE-8089OLE-7475 Documentation links for Drools8049Need database indexes for default indexes such as barcodeMajorSub TaskDroolsBug/Defect  
42Deliver, ImplementationOLE-8099Drools Checkout - Patron display does not time out as it did in KRMS checkout8063Batch job generateLostNotices did not update item statuses to LostMajorBug/DefectDrools  
43Deliver, Describe, Select & AcquireImplementationOLE-8113UI Customizations from Univ of Chicago8073search workbench: item search using barcode results in different title (Duke dev)MajorEnhancementBug/Defect  
44DeliverOLE-81151.6.2 Checkout and Checkin lists should show most recent title firstBlockerBug/Defect8089OLE-7475 Documentation links for DroolsMajorSub TaskDrools 
45DeliverSystem IntegrationOLE-81171.6.2 Patron takes too long to load when they are a proxyMajorBug/DefectDrools8096Show existing loans list performance for patron with 3K checked out itemsMajorEnhancement  
46DeliverOLE-81378099Drools -- inconsistent behavior finding renewal rule under high activity conditionsCheckout - Patron display does not time out as it did in KRMS checkoutMajorBug/DefectdroolsDrools 
47Deliver, Describe, Select & AcquireOLE-81381.6.2 Checkin updates ole_dlvr_circ_record differently from return8113UI Customizations from Univ of ChicagoMajorBug/DefectEnhancementDrools  
48DeliverOLE-8140Drools - error message not displaying from rule file and due date input box showing when it shouldn'tMajor81151.6.2 Checkout and Checkin lists should show most recent title firstBlockerBug/DefectDrools 
49Deliver, System IntegrationOLE-8149Corrections to Drools files for Demodata81171.6.2 Patron takes too long to load when they are a proxyMajorBug/DefectDrools 
50System IntegrationDeliverOLE-8153Update barcode on item table to be 30 chars long8137Drools -- inconsistent behavior finding renewal rule under high activity conditionsMajorEnhancementBug/Defect drools 
51System IntegrationDeliverOLE-81678138OLE SQL Upgrade Script for 1.6.2 fails on MySQL.2 Checkin updates ole_dlvr_circ_record differently from returnMajorBug/Defect Drools 
52System IntegrationDeliverOLE-8172Handle call number validation errors and log8140Drools - error message not displaying from rule file and due date input box showing when it shouldn'tMajorBug/Defect Drools 
53DeliverOLE-8174DROOLS 1.6.2 Fast multiple checkins causes Circ Desk to changeCritical, System IntegrationOLE-8149Corrections to Drools files for DemodataMajorBug/Defect Drools 
54DeliverSystem IntegrationOLE-8176Drools Don't give popup when there's only one pieceMajorBug/Defect8153Update barcode on item table to be 30 chars longMajorEnhancement  
55DeliverSystem IntegrationOLE-8178Drools Cannot make an ASR type request in Item Search8167OLE SQL Upgrade Script for 1.6.2 fails on MySQLMajorBug/Defect  
56DeliverSystem IntegrationOLE-8180Patron Import batch process not working8172Handle call number validation errors and logMajorBug/Defect  
57DeliverOLE-8181In item search, clicking the Details button on multiple items displays the holdings and call information for the first clicked item on each subsequent item.MajorDeliverOLE-8174DROOLS 1.6.2 Fast multiple checkins causes Circ Desk to changeCriticalBug/Defect  
58DeliverOLE-8184Drools Need Fastadd button on the Loan screenBlocker8176Drools Don't give popup when there's only one pieceMajorBug/Defect  
59DeliverOLE-8188Drools No Intransit Loan History on item8178Drools Cannot make an ASR type request in Item SearchMajorBug/Defect  
60DeliverOLE-8189OLE Drools: focus is not on item barcode field in return screen after clearing invalid barcode pop-up8180Patron Import batch process not workingMajorBug/Defect  
61DeliverOLE-8190Drools INTRANSIT slip should not have to ask for circ desk for routingCriticalDeliverOLE-8181In item search, clicking the Details button on multiple items displays the holdings and call information for the first clicked item on each subsequent item.MajorBug/Defect  
62DeliverOLE-8193DROOLS: alter due date in loan screen defaults to system time if time left blank, should default to 23:59Major8184Drools Need Fastadd button on the Loan screenBlockerBug/DefectDrools  
63DeliverOLE-819481861.6.2 Drools Checkin Date is not current dateCriticalDrools Back button from LOAN gets incident reportMajorBug/Defect  
64DeliverOLE-81968188Drools Override lar1 should not get override messageNo Intransit Loan History on itemMajorBug/Defect  
65DeliverOLE-8189OLE -8197Alter due date window acts differently than productionDrools: focus is not on item barcode field in return screen after clearing invalid barcode pop-upMajorBug/Defectdrools  
66DeliverOLE-81988190Drools -- previous ole_dlvr_loan_notice entries not deleted when item is renewedBlockerINTRANSIT slip should not have to ask for circ desk for routingCriticalBug/Defectdrools  
67DeliverSelect & AcquireOLE-6092Return and Loan: scan of an unknown item barcodeMajorBug/DefectBrowserCompatibility 68DeliverOLE-6097"Checkin Date is not current Date/time" warnings disappear, backdate/time value is not reset to system time8192EDIFACT Invoice Batch Load Omits Subsequent POsBlockerBug/Defect  
68DeliverOLE-8193DROOLS: alter due date in loan screen defaults to system time if time left blank, should default to 23:59MajorBug/Defect Drools 
69DeliverOLE-8201Return date incorrect format and missing time in 81941.6.2 with Chicago customizationsMajorDrools Checkin Date is not current dateCriticalBug/Defectdrools  
70DeliverOLE-8219Drools Javascript error in RETURN when you use IECritical8196Drools Override lar1 should not get override messageMajorBug/Defect  
71DeliverOLE-8221list of patron requests do not list enumeration or chronologyCritical8197Alter due date window acts differently than productionMajorBug/Defect drools 
72DeliverOLE-8226Drools: Loan screen default display of 100 items displays only 10 itemsMajor-8198Drools -- previous ole_dlvr_loan_notice entries not deleted when item is renewedBlockerBug/Defect drools 
73DeliverOLE-82318201Drools: Return screen does not populate "Route Location" columnReturn date incorrect format and missing time in 1.6.2 with Chicago customizationsMajorBug/Defect drools 
74DeliverOLE-82728204Drools--No circ rule found message in checkout when proxy patron to loan as proxierMajor: rule to block patrons based on total charges not workingCriticalBug/Defectdrools  
75DeliverOLE-8348Notices - Add Library Level to location on patron BillMinorEnhancement 8218Drools: Loan screen: cursor focus after scanning patron barcode should be on item barcode fieldCriticalBug/DefectDrools 
76DeliverOLE-83098219Drools --Due date entered when no circ rule found is applied to each subsequent checkout even if patron and/or item type is differentJavascript error in RETURN when you use IECriticalBug/Defectdrools  
77Select & AcquireDeliverOLE-8305Weird Messages When Linking Bib to PO8221list of patron requests do not list enumeration or chronologyCriticalBug/Defect  
78System IntegrationDeliverOLE-8294demo data in bootstrap dataBlocker8226Drools: Loan screen default display of 100 items displays only 10 itemsMajorBug/Defect  
79DeliverOLE-82908227Return screen backdate date picker hidden behind the footer in firefoxDrools: Loan screen columns are not sortable in all items currently checked out listMajorBug/Defect  
80DeliverOLE-8284Updating item record seems to delete time from ITEM_STATUS_DATE_UPDATED field8231Drools: Return screen does not populate "Route Location" columnMajorBug/Defect  
81DeliverOLE-8186Drools Back button from LOAN gets incident report8272Drools--No circ rule found message in checkout when proxy patron to loan as proxierMajorBug/Defect drools 
82DeliverOLE-7840Number of renewals in Circ APIMinorEnhancement8284Updating item record seems to delete time from ITEM_STATUS_DATE_UPDATED fieldMajorBug/Defect  
83DeliverOLE-75363M response times for Circulation are slowCritical8290Return screen backdate date picker hidden behind the footer in firefoxMajorBug/DefectPerformance  
84Select & AcquireSystem IntegrationOLE-8192EDIFACT Invoice Batch Load Omits Subsequent POs8294demo data in bootstrap dataBlockerBug/Defect  
85DeliverSelect & AcquireOLE-8204Drools: rule to block patrons based on total charges not working8305Weird Messages When Linking Bib to POCriticalBug/Defect  
86DeliverOLE-8218Drools: Loan screen: cursor focus after scanning patron barcode should be on item barcode field8309Drools--Due date entered when no circ rule found is applied to each subsequent checkout even if patron and/or item type is differentCriticalBug/DefectDroolsdrools 
87DeliverOLE-8227Drools: Loan screen columns are not sortable in all items currently checked out listMajorBug/Defect8348Notices - Add Library Level to location on patron BillMinorEnhancement  
88DeliverOLE-8356Altering due date removes temporary item location from item recordMajorBug/Defect  
89DeliverOLE-8359"User" note type does not display on loan screen when patron scannedMajorBug/Defect  
90Select & AcquireOLE-8363EDIFACT Invoice file load skips a POMajorBug/Defect  
91DescribeOLE-8375Batch import of bibs with overlay fails with mutiple 035sCriticalBug/Defect  
92Select & AcquireOLE-8377Invoice File Load Not Updating Holdings/ItemsBlockerBug/Defect  
93Describe, System IntegrationOLE-8425Unable to add Match Points in Bib Import ProfilesBlockerBug/Defect  
94DeliverOLE-8427Need to handle subsequent request workflow during CheckinMajorBug/Defect