Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

1. Sprint Release

  • 2.1 - Sprint 23
  • Release date – December 25, 2015

2. Commit Id

  • Commit Id -  b427403

3.  Deliverables

Database Changes: (Relevant only for upgrades)




            Added the column RETURNED_ITEM_STATUS to the table OLE_RETURN_HISTORY_T
            Renamed the sequence table OLE_LOAN_INTRANSIT_HISTORY_S to OLE_RETURN_HISTORY_S

2) OLE-8274

           Added system parameters HOLDINGS_CALL_NUMBER_TYPE ,ITEM_CALL_NUMBER_TYPE ,E-HOLDINGS_CALL_NUMBER_TYPE  to set call number type default on the holding/Item/Eholdings record

3) OLE-8456

           Added columns E_RES_RCP_ROLE_ID, E_RES_RCP_GROUP_ID to the table OLE_E_RES_REC_T


          Added system parameter TEMPORARY_HISTORY_RECORD_DAYS

System parameters:

1) OLE-8274

           Added HOLDINGS_CALL_NUMBER_TYPE ,ITEM_CALL_NUMBER_TYPE ,E-HOLDINGS_CALL_NUMBER_TYPE system parameters Parameter to set call number type default on the holding/Item/Eholdings record

2) OLE-8535

          Added system parameter TEMPORARY_HISTORY_RECORD_DAYS

Manually run the following as it was missed in the sql generation process:


INSERT INTO KRCR_PARM_T (NMSPC_CD, CMPNT_CD, PARM_NM, OBJ_ID, VER_NBR, PARM_TYP_CD, VAL, PARM_DESC_TXT, EVAL_OPRTR_CD, APPL_ID) VALUES ('OLE-DLVR', 'Deliver', 'TEMPORARY_HISTORY_RECORD_DAYS', 'OLE7047', '1', 'CONFG', '10', 'This parameter value is used to specify the days to determine the temporary history records to be retained after check-in.', 'A', 'OLE')


INSERT INTO KRCR_PARM_T (NMSPC_CD, CMPNT_CD, PARM_NM, OBJ_ID, VER_NBR, PARM_TYP_CD, VAL, PARM_DESC_TXT, EVAL_OPRTR_CD, APPL_ID) VALUES ('OLE-DLVR', 'Deliver', 'TEMPORARY_HISTORY_RECORD_DAYS', 'OLE7047', '1', 'CONFG', '10', 'This parameter value is used to specify the days to determine the temporary history records to be retained after check-in.', 'A', 'OLE')

Worflow xml change:


4. Jiras

S.No.Component/sKeySummaryPriorityIssue TypeLabelsComments
1Select & AcquireOLE-6116Text boxes for Access Information in e-instance record are too smallMajorEnhancementUsability 
2DeliverOLE-6341The "Bill No" column in both the Bills and Bills in Detail sections need to be sorted as numbers, not strings.MajorBug/Defect  
3DescribeOLE-6516Better display when deleting a bibMajorEnhancementUsability 
4Select & AcquireOLE-6896double quotes in donor notes not workingMinorBug/Defect  
5Select & AcquireOLE-7275General Ledger Entry search by fiscal period returning incomplete resultsMinorBug/Defect  
6DescribeOLE-7295Batch delete fails to delete once files are over a certain sizeBlockerBug/Defect  
7Describe, Select & AcquireOLE-7404Better Control of Donor Code in Item recordMajorBug/Defect  
8Select & AcquireOLE-7590PO Amendment Editable FieldsMajorEnhancement  
9DeliverOLE-7743Saved Deliver notices should be linked to the patron in patron lookupMajorEnhancementPennNot working with Oracle; Looking into the issue.
10DeliverOLE-7791Item Transit history incomplete, should be changed to Return HistoryMajorEnhancement  
11Select & AcquireOLE-7832Purchase Order Bulk Amendment not updating split accounting linesMajorBug/DefectFiscalYearRollover 
12Select & AcquireOLE-7833Purchase Order Bulk Amendment not fully updating pricesMajorBug/DefectFiscalYearRollover 
13Describe, Select & AcquireOLE-7981e-holdings status not identified in batch processMajorBug/DefectERM 
14Select & AcquireOLE-8024Platform vendor field can't be changed after a vendor is selectedMajorBug/DefectERM 
15Select & AcquireOLE-8025Restore Offset Account link to Maintenance menuTrivialTask  
16Select & AcquireOLE-8095E-Instance inherited fields don't display the value of their parent E-ResourceMajorBug/Defect  
17Select & AcquireOLE-8110Special Processing Instruction Note not triggering until last item on PO receivedMajorBug/Defect  
18Deliver, Describe, System IntegrationOLE-8163Exports of bound-with bibs should include Items and holdingsCriticalBug/Defect  
19DescribeOLE-8274Parameter to set call number type default on the holding record.BlockerEnhancement  
20Select & AcquireOLE-8335Problems Setting ERM Vendor to InactiveMajorBug/Defect  
21Select & AcquireOLE-8418OC-135 Pop up Windows to appear without scrollingMajorBug/Defect  
22Select & AcquireOLE-8419OC-137 in SRR, acknowledge with Enter KeyMajorBug/Defect  
23Select & AcquireOLE-8440Need warning message prior to e-resource being deletedMajorEnhancementERM 
24Select & AcquireOLE-8456Subscription alert on e-resource: assign to role, group, or individualMajorEnhancementERM 
25DeliverOLE-8462incident report on check-in of claim return and yes selected for some item typesMajorBug/Defect  
26Describe, System IntegrationOLE-8466Search Workbench not displaying records, even when indicating foundMajorBug/Defect  
27Select & AcquireOLE-8470Stacktrace error after removing e-resource linking relationshipMajorBug/Defect  
28DeliverOLE-8490Missing Pieces function does not work in QACriticalBug/Defect  
29Select & AcquireOLE-8492Attempts to Delete E-holding from inside E-Resource Always BlockedMajorBug/Defect  
30Select & AcquireOLE-8493Recurring Payment fields on Requisition erased by later actionsMinorBug/Defect  
31DeliverOLE-8494Requests expire prior to onhold expiration dateMajorBug/Defect  
32DeliverOLE-8495Request edit screen has lost display of on hold expiration date and ability to edit in 2.1CriticalBug/Defect  
33DeliverOLE-85262.0 Notices - Courtesy notice options do not include "due date"CriticalBug/Defect  
34DeliverOLE-8535Delete Temp History Records JOB still using KRMSMajorBug/Defect