- 3.0 - Sprint 9 Intermediate
- Release date – June 3, 2016
2. Tag Name: 3.0 - Sprint 9 Intermediate
3. Deliverables
Database Changes: (Relevant only for upgrades)
1) OLE-7153
Increased the column MATERIALS_SPECIFIED size to 200 of OLE_DS_HOLDINGS_T table
2) OLE-5666
Added system paramater AGREEMENT_AUTH_USERS to the table KRCR_PARM_T
Created table OLE_AGREEMENT_T
Created sequence OLE_AGREEMENT_S
System parameters:Nil
1) OLE-5666
Added system paramater AGREEMENT_AUTH_USERS to the table KRCR_PARM_T
Workflow xml change:Nil
1) OLE-5666 - Created new workflow xml for Agreement maintenance document
4. Jiras
S.No. | Component/s | Key | Summary | Priority | Issue Type | Labels | Comments |
1 | Select & Acquire | OLE-5666 | License Editor -- basic 2.0 version | Major | Enhancement (PP) | ERM, MustHave, Penn, SOAS | |
2 | Deliver | OLE-6445 | Claims Return flag does not function as needed | Blocker | Enhancement (PP) | MustHave | |
3 | Deliver | OLE-6996 | operators need to be able to view circulation history of an item, including all previous borrowers stored in OLE | Critical | Enhancement | ||
4 | Select & Acquire | OLE-7153 | e-holdings and 856s: need to be able to recreate 856s from e-holdings data | Major | Enhancement | ERM, MustHave | |
5 | Describe | OLE-8784 | New batch export framework | Critical | Enhancement | MustHave, NewBatch | |
6 | Describe, System Integration | OLE-8888 | Batch export terminates when there is an error with a single record | Major | Bug/Defect |