S.No. | Component/s | Key | Summary | Priority | Issue Type | Labels | Comments |
1 | System Integration | OLE-8655 | Screens sometimes fail to display bottom half | Major | Bug/Defect | ||
2 | Describe, Select & Acquire | OLE-8782 | New batch error reports and error handling | Critical | Bug/Defect | NewBatch | |
3 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8831 | Difference in initiator for Edifact invoice load in 2.1 | Critical | Bug/Defect | ||
4 | Describe | OLE-8843 | Cannot launch call number browse from holdings record | Major | Bug/Defect | ||
5 | Describe | OLE-8847 | Rename batch process link in New Batch Process | Major | Bug/Defect | NewBatch | |
6 | Describe | OLE-8849 | Holdings notes disappear after editing holdings record | Major | Bug/Defect |