Start up a team: FC
How to start up a team: Facilitator
Team Administration: Tools for managing specification team or other OLE team
Google Docs Team folder
Creation of Spec Team Roadmap
- Start up a team: FC
Anchor start start - Identify team members from partner staff, draft solicitation
- The Specification Writing Roadmap, for each functional area, provides
- Scoped time frame
- Skills required from SMEs
- Testing team requirement
- The Specification Writing Roadmap, for each functional area, provides
- Charge to team contains
- Vision for functional area
- Context of that functional area within OLE
- Suggestion of 'straight line path' if one exists
- Makeup of spec writing team
- SMEs (4-10)
- Facilitator - a veteran SME
- Core team member(s)
- User Stories
- Groomed by US & Core team
- Grouped by functional area
- Library/workflow labels applied prior to team start
- Goals from FC
- Improve efficiency of specification writing efforts
- Balance concerns for overuse of particular staff
- Mentoring opportunities within partner staff
- Decouple spec writing from development sprints
- Identify team members from partner staff, draft solicitation
- How to start up a team: Facilitator
- Provide an overview of specification process (general FAQ any team can use)
- Provide overview link to Agile team approach (brief)
- Best Practices communicated in leader's guide:
- process should be viewed as independent & autonomous but should articulate dependencies
- concept of the "straight line"
- 80/20 rule: 20% of the resources create 80% of the effects
- note data requirements & sources / inputs & outputs
- facilitator should orient team to the process
- facilitator is responsible to report back to the FC with status updates
- Team Administration: Tools for managing specification team or other OLE team
- KIS access set up for new users
- New users added to file permissions for folders they need to access
- Access to OLE Scheduling calendar for key milestones, and conference call lines
- FreeConferenceCall dedicated callin line established
- Setup KIS team page
- Calendar
- Email distribution list
- All team members contact information
- Hotlink to Google Docs area
- Google Docs Team folder
- Pre-seeded specification word docs for each spec to be completed
- Data modeling resources only for this set of related specs
- Pre-existing workflow models related to this set of specs
- Creation of draft/beginning Service Contract for related OLE Functions (overview) inc list to populate for business rules, user roles, sample data
- Backlog/excel file of related user stories in workflow order with library labels
- Links to previously completed and related specification documents (prior teams)-examples
- Creation of Spec Team Roadmap (as part of planning documents)
- FAQ on Wiki for frequently-used tools, Q&A, PPT to train/kickoff
- Improvements to spec document template
- See 1-4 above and document in FAQ
- See Google Docs SpecRoadmap
- Create self-paced training guide to specifications and orientation to OLE overall
- Include team/approach options from Spec Approach document
- Share link to overall specs, sprints, project schedule to convey understanding and urgency (in development)
- Schedules for specs, inc.: deadlines; startup/kickoff to educate team; Feedback Loop calls with core; handoff call to Product Owner
- Facilitators Guide (this document)