Launch the sample app program by running tomcat. In the login prompt enter admin as the username and you should get to the main menu.
Setup for Ecliplse
1. Setup the Database
Follow the instructions in the wiki https://wiki.kuali.org/display/KULRICE/Load+Impex+Data+via+Maven
Do the following changes in the file c:\usr\local\rice\rice-config.xml
Old: <param name="datasource.platform">org.kuali.rice.core.database.platform.MySQLDatabasePlatform</param>
New: <param name="datasource.platform">org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.platform.MySQLDatabasePlatform</param>
change the username/pwd to the following
<!- set some datasource defaults ->
<param name="datasource.username">rice</param>
<param name="datasource.password">rice</param>
In case if you have access issues with the Datbase, make sure the username has access to the rice Database.
create USER 'rice'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'rice';
grant all on *.* to 'rice'@'localhost';
2. Pull the Source Code
Follow the instruction in the wiki
If you have errors in the eclipse projects, try compile the source code from command prompt
mvn clean install -DskipTests (from the folder 'rice')
Make sure you set Maven_opts in the environemnt variable
MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
Keep Maven offline in Eclipse Window >> Preferences >> Maven, This helps the performance of Eclipse to be little better
Have a config file (common_config.xml) in folder C:\Users\USER_FOLDER\kuali\main\dev for the sample applicaiton to work, this will have the DB driver and URL information
(you can copy the rice-config.xml too and rename it to common_config.xml)
Once you have the maven build successful, it creates the war file in the following location, C:\workspace2.0\rice\sampleapp\target, copy that to your tomcat webapps folder and start the tomcat server (rename the war if needed) and access it from the browser (eg. http://localhost:8080/kr-dev )