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Wiki Markup
{info}E-doc Template. Use below for reference, or download Word version (via linked doc, or Confluence menu\- export to Word or Excel).{info}{html} <A href="" mce_href="" target="_Blank"> OLE-FS_Transactional_e-doc_UI_template.docx</A>{html} &nbsp;(Word format)

[Wireframe for edoc UI|OLE:Wireframes#edoc]
*Document Overview*

{color:#333333}Insert fields or reference, or system-generated tags.{color}

{color:#333333}Indicate rules for required "document description"\- manual staff entry or system-generated naming convention on "save".{color}

*Functional tab&nbsp;*
{color:#333333}Insert fields.{color}

{color:#333333}Indicate lookups.{color}

Indicate drop-downs.

*Functional tab&nbsp;*
{color:#333333}Insert fields.{color}

{color:#333333}Indicate lookups.{color}

Indicate drop-downs.

*Functional tab&nbsp;*
{color:#333333}Insert fields.{color}

{color:#333333}Indicate lookups.{color}

Indicate drop-downs.

*View Related Documents*
(system-generated. Need to indicate FK linkages)

*Notes and Attachments*
(system-generated. Allows document-level notes and attachments.)

*Ad Hoc Recipients*
(allows staff to perform ad-hoc routings of edoc, in addition to, but not in place of workflow rules).

*Route Log*
(system-generated. Full audit trail. Record of document routing per workflow rules.)

h2. *Additional Functions:*

*Document Statuses:* Include desired Document &nbsp;in user requirements/functional specification <see:&nbsp;[OLE:Final Functional Specifications]> or below. Document statuses denote exact document or transactional status of the document.
| *Code* | *Name* | *Description* |
| <CLOS> | <Closed> | <Purchase   order is closed.> |
| <VOID> | <Void> | <Transaction   was voided. Saved for audit trail.> |
| \\ | \\ | \\ |
| \\ | \\ | \\ |
| \\ | \\ | \\ |

*Workflow Statuses:*

(Rice, KNS standard for all e-docs).
| *Workflow Status* | *Description* |
| _Initiated_ | document has been created by author prior to   routing. |
| _Cancelled_ | document has been cancelled by author prior to   routing or by reviewer during routing; routing stops. |
| _Saved_ | document has been saved by author prior to   routing or by reviewer prior to action; sent to his/her action list. |
| _Enroute_ | document is being routed. |
| _Processed_ | document   has been approved by all reviewers. |
| _Final_ | document has received all of the required   approvals and has been acknowledged by all reviewers. Completion of   Postprocessor designated business functions. |
| _Disapproved_ | document   has been disapproved by reviewer; routing stops. |
| _Exception_ | document requires intervention by Exception   Role; sent to action list of each member of Exception Role registered for   this Document Type. |

*Action buttons to appear on this template:* Check each button/action to include, or add additional.
| {color:#ffffff}{*}Action{*}{color} | {color:#ffffff}{*}Description{*}{color} |
| !worddav5a5d8796b6dafb83e601264c9a041a6f.png|height=17,width=91! | Signifies that you have responded to the acknowledgement action request. This button is available only to users to whom a document has been routed for acknowledgement. See&nbsp;FYI&nbsp;below. |
| !worddavd11f921ededa178f1ca8eec1882d2929.png|height=17,width=69! | Signifies that in your judgment the document represents a valid business transaction in accordance with institutional needs and policies. A single document may require approval from several users, at multiple route levels, before it moves to 'Processed'&nbsp;status. |
| !worddavf4287c3bbf5cdd4de1f49cca05513be6.png|height=20,width=107! | Bypasses all subsequent levels of approval and immediately moves a document to 'Processed' or 'Final' status. Anyone who would otherwise have received the document for approval receives an&nbsp;acknowledge&nbsp;request instead. This action may be taken only by roles associated with&nbsp;blanket approve&nbsp;document&nbsp;permission, such as the&nbsp;KFS-SYS Manager role. |
| !worddav1c5e7ce8b77dd111e30267ad0dec3dc5.png|height=22,width=72! | Denotes that the document is void and should be disregarded.&nbsp;Canceled&nbsp;documents cannot be modified in any way and do not route for approval. |
| !worddav2ba5c4a727d9ffd247318378fc2ec62f.png|height=22,width=48! | Allows you to exit the document. The system displays a message asking whether you want to save the document before closing. No changes to action requests, route logs or&nbsp;document status&nbsp;occur as a result of a&nbsp;close&nbsp;action. If you initiate a document and close it without saving, it is the same as canceling that document. |
| !worddav4b80309091460ac174ea58a71e47fc9d.png|height=17,width=52! | Allows you to create a new document based on the existing document. Not all document types can be copied. |
| !worddav5f33da132654314591b506c71fd1e7ed.png|height=17,width=82! | Signifies that, in your judgment, the document does not represent a valid business transaction. A&nbsp;disapprove action from any single&nbsp;approver&nbsp;prevents a document from posting to the GL or updating a maintenance table. |
| !worddav814176abc828c5844e2b6e85be49a72d.png|height=15,width=100! | Allows you to correct documents by creating a new document that reverses the original transaction. This feature can be used only on documents that have completed&nbsp;the&nbsp;routing&nbsp;process and have been fully approved. Not all document types are eligible for&nbsp;error correction. |
| !worddav15926b795ccda35076693c0a0e0347d9.png|height=17,width=42! | Signifies that you have responded to the FYI action request. This action is available only to users to whom a document has been routed for FYI. The difference between acknowledgement and FYI is that FYI requests can be cleared directly from the&nbsp;action list&nbsp;without opening the document. FYI requests also have a different effect on the document status than acknowledgements. A document with no pending approval requests but with pending acknowledge requests is in 'Processed' status. A document with no pending approval requests but with pending FYI requests is in 'Final' status. |
| !worddav654e742dcb77f7ae09301f300f18252c.png|height=19,width=74! | Refreshes the screen and displays the most recently saved&nbsp;information. Changes that are made but not saved prior to reloading a page are not maintained. |
| !worddava8cdbe49bbbd6c05584bb1f670f07b8e.png|height=22,width=54! | If you are the&nbsp;initiator&nbsp;of this document, allows you to save your work and close the document. The document may be retrieved from your action list for completion and routing at a later time. If your permissions allow you to edit&nbsp;enroute&nbsp;documents, you can also save changes to an enroute document in your action list. |
| !worddav5c4ea06112a7c46478e02b4767576f8e.png|height=20,width=69! | Moves the document (through workflow) to the next level of approval. After a document is submitted, it remains in 'Enroute' status until all approvals have taken place. |
*Action Lists & Workflow*

*Notes on this draft:*