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OLE Technical Council
Meetings suspended until further notice. TC members assimilating into specification and development efforts.
Meetings are scheduled weekly on Wednesdays, 2:00 - 3:00 pm EDT.
{note} h2. OLE Technical Council [KIS Team Page|https://kuali.org/kis/projectTeams/team/189] [Google Docs|https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/leaf?id=0B26YUGCpTdx1YzNkMGRlY2EtMTQwYy00ZDNiLWIyOWYtMjY3OTk5NzVlMzMz&hl=en_US] h2. Meetings {color:#ff0000}{*}Meetings suspended until further notice. TC members assimilating into specification and development efforts.*{color} {color:#333333}Meetings are scheduled weekly on Wednesdays, 2:00 - 3:00 pm EDT. {color} {color:#333333}Dial In Instructions:(Webex) +1-408-600- |
3600 {color} Access code:335 597 483 (kuali) |
Screenshare/VoIP: |
[https://kuali-ole.webex.com/kuali-ole/j.php?ED=172302892&UID=1224689852&PW=NYTM5NTYwZDY2&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D|https://kuali-ole.webex.com/kuali-ole/j.php?ED=172302892&UID=1224689852&PW=NYTM5NTYwZDY2&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D |
] || Date || Agenda/Meeting |
Minutes ||
|(folder) |{html} <A href="https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/open?id=0B2bXKznsS-3GYzJkYWY2OWQtMDE3ZS00Nzg0LTg2NWYtM2E2NGM4MGFjYmZl" mce_href="https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/open?id=0B2bXKznsS-3GYzJkYWY2OWQtMDE3ZS00Nzg0LTg2NWYtM2E2NGM4MGFjYmZl" target="_Blank">Technical Council meeting minutes</A>{html} |
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