No. | Issue Type | Key | Summary | Priority |
1 | Bug/Defect | Check in of claims returned item causes complete freeze | Blocker | |
2 | Bug/Defect | OLE-4418 | Attempting to place recall or hold generates an error message | Critical |
3 | Bug/Defect | OLE-4109 | Request Hold/Hold not put on hold on check-in | Major |
4 | Bug/Defect | OLE-4197 | Unable to create page request on loaned item unless logged in as Admin | Major |
5 | Bug/Defect | OLE-4258 | Revise Existing Borrower Bill | Major |
6 | Bug/Defect | OLE-4335 | Check in note returns a stack trace | Major |
7 | Bug/Defect | OLE-4375 | Bad Error message "Invalid Location" | Major |
8 | Bug/Defect | OLE-4419 | Patron name in request search needs to be split into 'first name' and 'last name' fields | Major |
9 | Bug/Defect | OLE-4450 | Display of Bill from Patron Bill is Confusing and Strange | Major |
10 | Bug/Defect | OLE-4200 | No Grand Total of ALL Patron Bills on Display | Minor |
11 | Bug/Defect | OLE-4202 | Create new Deliver Request: make Request Type field a dropdown, not a search | Minor |
4. Describe Deliverables
No. | Issue Type | Key | Summary | Priority |
1 | Bug/Defect | Instance Editor error when I choose Class Scheme "4" | Blocker | |
2 | Enhancement | OLE-4334 | Instance Holdings needs a copy number field | Critical |
3 | Bug/Defect | OLE-4330 | Bib Editor - Incident Report if 008 Field Not Present | Critical |
4 | Bug/Defect | OLE-4086 | Marc Fields with Quote Marks are Truncated | Major |