DescriptionBatch operations Calendar are defined and the architecture is laid out sharing the calendar to the circulation desk are provided in this section. Defining a batch operation calendar begins with the definition of the batch profile and involves definition of various sections that cover different aspects of the batch job. Apart for defining the batch profile, the user may also define specific KRMS profile xml files, various maintenance documents for data mapping and define CRON schedules. The execution of the batch job varies based on options selected in the profile. Current implementation of batch jobs covers ingest of bib, order, invoice, location and patron data as well as bib overlay and export of data including bibs, order and invoices. Other data operations such as deletions, 'Globally Protected Field' definition and overlays may also be covered in this definition.providing the General,Exception Day,Exception Period and Holiday information for a range of days. Each Circulation Location needs a calendar for open/closed days/time. One calendar can be shared between or among all or some of the circulation location. Or each circulation location may have its own calendar. These calendar are considered while calculating the loan due date |