Leadership Partner Institutions and their library websites
Base Teams within OLEKuali OLE is made up of numerous functional and leadership teams, as well as its OLE Board (link above). Below are links to some of these team or group KIS pages, containing linked Calendars, group distribution emails, lists of team members, and links to team resources and documentation. Team / Group (KIS link) | Role |
| Distribution list only. | | Distribution list only. | | Public and community communications and PR. | | Employees and Developers dedicated to OLE development. | | This group is presently being repurposed. | | On-shore and offshore developers and coders. | | Manages OLE project. | | Leadership team for Circulation requirements. | | Leadership team for library metadata. | | Leadership team for library acquisitions. | | Leadership team for library adoptions and university integration. | | Charged by FC for technical investigations. |
Roles and ResponsibilitiesTo learn more about the Roles and Responsibilities of the members and staff of the Kuali OLE Project, see OLE Roles and Responsibilities. OLE Road Map is the official road map for the project. OLE Road Map contains additional information. |