Name | Max Len | Data Type | Default Value | Input Type | Action Event | Validation Type | Tab Index | Remarks |
E_RES_REC_ID | 10 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | E-Resource Unique Identifier |
OBJ_ID | 36 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Object identifier |
VER_NBR | 8,0 | decimalDECIMAL | | | | | | version number |
NM | 10 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Name of the E-Resource |
DESC | 800 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Description for the E-Resource |
PUBHR | 500 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Publisher |
GOKB_ID | 100 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | GOKB identifier (not included 1.0) |
ISBN | 100 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | shows the $a subfield of the ISBN/ISSN number if only 1 title is linked |
STAT_CD | 40 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Status of the E-Resource (reference from the user configurable status ) |
STAT_DT | | DateTimeDATETIME | null | | | | | Status change date and time |
PLTFRM_PROV | 250 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | pulls from the Platform provider(s) from Instance |
FD_CD | 10 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Fund Code (reference from the user configurable Fund Code) |
VNDR_HDR_GNRTD_ID | 10,8 | decimalDECIMAL | | | | | | Vendor Code |
VNDR_DTL_ASND_ID | 10,8 | decimalDECIMAL | | | | | | |
ESTD_PR | 40 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Estimated Price |
MTRL_TYP_ID | 10 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Material Type Code (reference from the user configurable Material Type) |
CONT_TYP_ID | 10 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Content Type Code (reference from the user configurable Content Type) |
ORD_TYP_ID | 10 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Order Type Code (reference from the user configurable Order Type) |
PAYMT_TYP_ID | 10 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Payment Type Code (reference from the user configurable Payment Type) |
FRMT_ID | 10 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Format Type Code (reference from the user configurable Format Type) |
PCKG_TYP_ID | 10 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Package Type Code (reference from the user configurable Package Code, also this will be pulled in from GOKB) |
PCKG_SCP_ID | 10 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Package Scope Code (reference from the user configurable Package Scope, also this will be pulled in from GOKB) |
BRKBLE | 1 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | User can check/ not check(This will be pulled in from GOKB) |
FD_TITLE_LST | 1 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | User can check/ not check(This will be pulled in from GOKB) |
NTE | 800 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Notes about the Deal |
PUB_DISP_NOTE | 800 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Notes that should be displayed to the Public |
REQTR | 40 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Patron requesting the Resource |
SELTR | 40 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Librarian Requesting the Resource |
REQ_SEL_COMM | 800 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Explains the notes about the request |
REQ_PRTY_ID | 40 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Priority of the request |
TECH_REQ | 800 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Notes about Technical Restriction |
ACC_TYP_CD | 40 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Access Type (References the user configurable Access Tpe) |
NUM_SIMULT_USER | 8,0 | decimalDECIMAL | | | | | | Number of Simultaneous users |
AUTHCAT_TYP_ID | 40 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Authentication Type (References the user configurable Authentication Type) |
ACC_LOC_ID | 40 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Access Location (References User Configurable Access Location) |
TRL_ND | 1 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Checks, when a trail workflow started else non editable |
TRL_STAT | 40 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Status of the created Trail document |
LIC_ND | 1 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Checks, when a License Request document workflow started else non editable |
LIC_REQ_STAT | 40 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Status of the created License Request document |
ODR_PAY_STAT | 40 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Status of the created PurchaseOrder document |
ACT_STAT | 40 | varcharVARCHAR | | | | | | Status of the created Access document |