Name | Len | Data Type | Default Value | Input Type | Action Event | Validation Type | Tab Index | Remarks |
OLE_E_RES_ID | 40 | varchar | | | | | | System Generated |
OLE_E_RES_NM | 100 | varchar | | | | | | Title of the E-Resource |
OLE_E_RES_DESC | 800 | varchar | | | | | | Description of the E-Resource |
OLE_E_RES_PUBLISHER | 500 | varchar | | | | | | Publisher of E-resource |
OLE_E_RES_REC_GOKB_ID | 100 | varchar | | | | | | used to update metadata from GOKb into OLE and also to link quickly out to GOKb UI for the package (Not Included in 1.0) |
OLE_E_RES_REC_ ISBN | 100 | varchar | | | | | | provide easy access to view ISSN / ISBN if only one E-Instance is linked |
OLE_E_RES_REC_STAT_CD | 40 | varchar | | | | | | current status of the E-Resource |
OLE_E_RES_REC_ STAT_DT | | date | | | | | | Status change date |
OLE_E_RES_REC_ PF_PRVDR | 250 | varchar | | | | | | |
OLE_E_RES_REC_FD_CD | 40 | varchar | | | | | | show desired fund code for E-Resource at its creation, if one exists |
OLE_E_RES_REC _ VND_CD | 250 | varchar | | | | | | show desired vendor for E-Resource at its creation, if one exists |
OLE_E_RES_REC _ EST_PRC | 20 | decimal | | | | | | so all parties involved in assessing this E-resource for purchase have an idea of the likely price |
OLE_E_RES_REC_MAT_TYO_CD | 40 | varchar | | | | | | defines type(s) of the material for reporting, managing different types of resources |
OLE_E_RES_REC_ CNT_TYP_CD | 40 | varchar | | | | | | defines type(s) of content for reporting, managing different types of resources |
OLE_E_RES_REC_ORD_TYP_CD | 40 | varchar | | | | | | store desired default order type for any POs for this E-Resource at its creation |
OLE_E_RES_REC_PMT_TYP_CD | 40 | varchar | | | | | | |
OLE_E_RES_REC_FMT_YP_CD | 40 | varchar | | | | | | allows reporting of format types |
OLE_E_RES_REC_PCKG_TYP_CD | 40 | varchar | | | | | | |
PACKAGE_SCOPE | 40 | varchar | | | | | | |
OLE_BRKBLE | 1 | varchar | | | | | | Indicate whether individual titles linked to an E-Resource can be cancelled. |
OLE_E_RES_REC_FD_TTL_LST | 1 | varchar | | | | | | Indicate whether an e-resoruce is static (fixed) or has titles added/removed over time (not fixed). |
OLE_E_RES_REC_NTE | 250 | varchar | | | | | | record special notes about the deal / package; ex: breaches, computer usage requirements like only works in certain browsers, etc. |
OLE_E_RES_RECPUB_DISP_NTE | 800 | varchar | | | | | | record notes that should display to all public users for all titles in the E-Resource (ex: in the journal list, link resolver); would like to be able to format it with bullets, for example) |
OLE_E_RES_RECRQSTR | 40 | varchar | | | | | | track who requested |
OLE_E_RES_REC_SELECTR | 40 | varchar | | | | | | track who requested |
OLE_RQSTR_SELECTR_CMMNT | 800 | varchar | | | | | | allows selector (or requestor) to explain more about their request |
OLE_E_RES_REC_PRITY | 40 | varchar | | | | | | makes possible prioritizing requests |
OLE_E_RES_REC_TECH_REQ | 1500 | varchar | | | | | | to track notes about techincal restrictions |
OLE_TYP_OF_ACCS | 40 | varchar | | | | | | |
OLE_NUMB_SIMULT_USR | 8 | decimal | | | | | | |
OLE_AUTH_TYP | 40 | varchar | | | | | | |
OLE_ACSS_LOC | 40 | varchar | | | | | | |
TRAIL_NEEDED | 1 | varchar | | | | | | indicate whether a trial is needed for this resource |
TRAIL_STATUS | 40 | varchar | | | | | | shows status of linked trial(s) underway, data comes from trial record |
LICENSE_NEEDED | 1 | varchar | | | | | | indicate whether a license needs to be negotiated |
LICENSE_REQ_STATUS | 40 | varchar | | | | | | shows status of latest linked license, data comes from license record |
ORDER_PAY_STATUS | 40 | varchar | | | | | | shows the status of the Req/PO/Payment from Req/PO record |
ACTIVATION_STATUS | 40 | varchar | | | | | | shows status of activation process from access dashboard |