This Meta Data screen captures all the information required for the Batch Process.
Batch Processing Screen:
Here in this screen once the Meta Data is selected Batch Type and Profile Type are populated in readonly mode, then the files are selected for the Batch process.
Detailed Explanation for Meta Data Screen:
User can fill data in Metadata screen, for example if user wants to create metadata for staff upload with YBP profile need to fill meta data as follows.
If user selects Action type as Import, import Field set will display dynamically as shown in the following image.
Here user will select type of file to import, where user can select multiple files to import by adding select file type drop down using add button.
Import/Export Type as schedule, system will display schedule field set dynamically.
At schedule field set there is an option called Schedule type with radio buttons, in this if user selects Every day system dynamically displays start time as follows.
If user selects another option in the schedule type as Weekly, in schedule field set system dynamically changes the screen and displays the Weekdays with start time as follows.
If user selects another option in the schedule type as Monthly, in schedule field set system dynamically changes the screen and displays as follows
At Batch Type If user selects other than Batch Delete system dynamically displays field sets for Matching point, Mapping field, Protected Fields, Delete Fields, Profile attributes and a checkbox option for Ignore GPF(Globally Protected Fields).
If user selects Batch Delete in Batch Type System dynamically displays Batch delete Field set as follows.