- How to transmit funding information from OLE to university accounting
- M:1 invoices - using and modifying bundling
- Search result limits - changing parameters to modify the # of results.
Invoicing and the eInvoicing job of KFS, Staff Alerts and Event Logs
recorded 6/4/2013 - This video is divided into two parts:
- Invoicing and the einvoicing job
- Modifying the einvoicing job to accomodate M:1 POs
- Parts of KFS that could be used when creating the new OLE invoicing document
- Staff alerts and Event Logs
- Staff alerts - action lists are KEN and may need a Rice enhancement (TBD)
- Event Logs, audit trails and making use of notes
- Explanation of maintenance docs vs. transactional docs and how they function in KFS
- Maintenance doc (object) makes changes to tables; transactional docs create entries (move $ around accts in KFS) and use maintenance docs.
Conversions of Legacy Data, Batch Jobs in KFS
recorded 6/5/2013
- PO Conversion Program
- Process of loading for implementing KFS:
- 1st: Object Codes, Organizations, Accounts from spreadsheets
- 2nd: Open Purchase Orders - KFS recommends manual, OLE may need to use the PO Conversion Program
- 3rd: Vendors
- 4th: Account Balances
- Batch Jobs
- Financial processing, PURAP, PDP, GL jobs
- How to run jobs in KFS
- Uploading files in KFS, correcting errors
QA testing
Tester training sessions for Describe and Select and Acquire were recorded and posted here:
QA Recorded Training Sessions