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The Kuali Enterprise Workflow (KEW) is a general-purpose, content-based electronic routing infrastructure or workflow engine. Its main purpose is to automate the routing of electronic documents (e-docs) to individuals and groups for approval, yet the KEW can also be used to orchestrate complex processes between business components and applications. Approval routing is based on institutional or departmental business rules and policies. This section provides an overview of KEW as it relates to the OLE. |
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- Select an action requested from the Action Requested list. To route the document to an individual, select this option in the Person Requests section. To send the request to a group, select this option in the Ad Hoc Group Requests section.
- To ad hoc route the document to another person, type the principal name in the Person box in the Ad Hoc Recipients section or use the lookup icon to search for the appropriate username.
- To ad hoc route the document to a group, in the Namespace Code field in the Ad Hoc Group Requests section, enter the group name or use the Lookup icon to search for the appropriate group name.
- Click . The system verifies that the person ID or group namespace code and name that you have entered for routing is valid.
- Click .
After you complete the Ad Hoc Recipient section and submit the document, the system changes the Node(s) value to 'Adhoc' and changes the Status value to 'ENROUTE'.
The Pending Action Requests tab shows the requested action and the user ID.
When a document is enroute, you may send ad hoc requests without taking a workflow action on the document. To do this follow the steps listed above but use the button instead of Submit.
To see the route nodes associated with a particular document type:
- Click the menu tab.
Select Routing & Identity Management Document Type Hierarchy from the Configuration submenu.
Section Column width 40% On the Financial (FS) Administration menu
Column On the Rice 2 Administration menu
The system displays document types in the hierarchy.- Locate the desired document type route levels.
For example, you might scroll down to Transfer of Funds to view the rules of the Transfer of Funds document route levels.
Beneath the document type, you see the nodes that the document routes through. The system lists these nodes in order from first to last. To view more detail about the KIM responsibilities associated with these route nodes, click the View Document Configuration link.
- Scroll down to the Workflow / Responsibilities tab.
In the Workflow / Responsibilities tab, the system displays the name of each route node along with the associated role(s) and other information. The first entry in the list defines the exception routing for this document type. This entry identifies the role that receives the document if Workflow encounters an error that prevents it from completing the document's normal routing.
To view responsibilities, select the Responsibility option from the System submenu on the administration menu. On the Rice 2 administration menu, the Responsibility link is located under the Identity submenu.
Each responsibility includes several attributes (that is, values and details) that determine when it is triggered.
Responsibilities lookup results definition
While responsibilities are created and maintained centrallyin two central locations, users may supply qualifying values when assigning users to a role associated with these responsibilities. These qualifying values generally identify specific circumstances under which the responsibility is invoked. For example, if a departmental user adds a user to a role with a responsibility that refers to an organization hierarchy route node, the departmental user supplies the appropriate chart and organization code. Subsequently, only documents that contain this chart and organization code route to the specified user.
The Route Log tab displayed on all OLE e-docs shows workflow status details. The Route Log is broken into four subtabs---Document ID, Actions Taken, Pending Action Requests, and Future Action Requests.
Route Log tab definition
The Actions Taken tab displays the history of workflow actions on the e-doc.
This tab lists each action taken, the name of the person who took this action, and the time and date the action was taken. The For Delegator field shows the name of a delegate that took action on someone else's behalf. For example, for account routing the fiscal officer's name is shown here if this person's delegate took action on the document.
To drill down into the details of each action, click .
The system displays the detail.
Several layers of information may be available for an action request.
The following example shows a document that is awaiting approval by two one fiscal officers.
The Action field indicates whether the document is in a user or group's action list or is pending their approval. An action of Pending Approve means Workflow has identified other approval actions needed at this route node, but it has not actually sent these requests yet. These pending Pending approval actions may be determined by the Priority attribute on the appropriate workflow responsibilities.
To identify members of a group whose ID is displayed in the Requested Of field, click the link for the group ID. The system displays information about the group members.
If multiple users are identified as the recipients of a single action request, the number of actions required is controlled by the action policy code associated with the responsibility that generated the request.
When a document's status is 'saved' or 'enroute,' the Future Action Requests tab on the Route Log shows the action requests that Workflow will generate in the future based on the information currently on the document.
To open this section and view the future action requests, click the button. Future action requests are listed in the order in which they are to occur.
To display more detailed routing information about the request, click .
The resulting display contains additional information about the request.
Pending Action Requests detail definition
Route status indicates where a document is in its routing process. For any given document, the system displays route status in both the Route Log tab and the document header.
The following table summarizes the meaning of various route statuses in the KEW.
- Click .
The Workflow system retrieves all documents that you have initiated and saved and any documents that are routed to you to approve, acknowledge, or FYI.
- Click the document Id link to open the document.
The system displays a set of buttons at the bottom of the screen. The buttons you see depend on your role and the requested action.
- Click one of the workflow action buttons.
If you are a member of a role with a blanket approve document permission (such as the KFSOLE-SYS Manager role), you have the option to blanket approve a document routed to you for your approval.
- Click .
The system creates a new document with a new document ID. The system also displays Corrects Document ID in both the document header and the Notes and Attachment tab of the document.
Amounts are in negative to reverse the original transaction.
The new document has an annotation that is an error correction.
- Click submit.
The header of the corrected document shows the corrected by document ID.
- To go to the Action List Filter dialog box, click the Filter button.
Specify filtering criteria in the Action List Filter dialog box.
Action List Filter definitionCriteria
Document Title
Enter a partial or full character string that you are looking for in the document description. For example, enter 'Test' to see all documents that contain 'Test' in the document description. This field is case sensitive. Select the Exclude? check box to exclude documents with the specified title from the list.
Document Route Status
Select the route status you want. The choices are 'All,' 'Approved,' 'Disapproved,' 'Enroute,' 'Exception,' 'Processed and Saved'. Select the Exclude? check box to exclude documents with the selected status from the list.
Action Requested
Select an action from the list. The choices are 'Acknowledge,' 'Approve,' 'Complete,' and 'FYI'. Select the Exclude? check box to exclude documents with the selected action from the list.
Action Requested Group
Select the name of the group that is requested to take an action.
Document Type
Select a document type from the lookup . Select the Exclude? check box to exclude documents with the selected type from the list.
Date Created
Enter a date range or select dates from the calendar to limit the documents based on the date they were created. Select the Exclude? check box to exclude documents that were created during this given time range.
Date Last Assigned
Enter a date range or select dates from the calendar to limit the documents based on the date that this action item was generated for you. Select the Exclude? check box to exclude documents that entered your action list during this given time range. The acceptable format is mm/dd/yyyy.
- Click .
The search screen initially defaults to a non-superuser search mode. If you are a member of a role (e.g., the KFSOLE-SYS Workflow Administrator role) that has the administer routing for document permission, you may switch between non-superuser search and superuser search mode by clicking the Superuser Search or Non-Superuser Search link.