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KIM functions (roles, permissions, responsibilities)
recorded 4/9/2013
- Learn an overview about KIM functions (roles, permissions, responsibilities) as well as route nodes.
- Kymber shows us how to change responsibilities, adjust workflows by creating new parents and reassigning documents.
Roles, permissions and routing continued
recorded 4/10/2013
Answered questions rolled over from day 1:
- Removing all permissions; specific permissions
- Steps to set up roles, permissions, responsibilities for new documents
- Route nodes, roles, permissions, routing in non-KFS situations (licensing, cataloging)
- Using Rice, permissions for DocStore and Describe functions
recorded 4/12/2013
- Organizations and hierarchies and how the structure influences roles, permissions
- Using KIM to set up who can do what and when
- Ideas on how organizations may be used by OLE
- Setting defaults
- Contribution codes
- Access Security
- Role types
- Brief information on setting up charts of accounts
- Archiving and deleting
Deposit Accounts; Contributions to Kuali
recorded 4/23/2013
- Deposit Accounts
- What deposit accounts mean for libraries, functional needs for OLE
- UofA's custom code for Non-Check/Non-ACH payments
- Kuali sharing of code contributions in Jira - "KFS contributions" and "Kuali Sharing"
Intro to PDP
recorded 4/24/2013
- Process of KFS and how it might work in OLE
- Liabilities and general ledgers
- The PDP slideshow started in the session
Chart of Accounts and GL
recorded 4/30/2013
- Chart of Accounts and General Ledger
- Accounts
- Organizations
- Object Codes
- How budgets are set up; KFS configuration workbook
- Chart and GL slideshow presented in the session
- Chart of Account slideshow - additional information about CoA.
- CoA Configuration workbook - spreadsheet shown during the session
Workunits and the DocStore
recorded 5/7/2013
- Work units
- KFS uses 'campus' objects to divide locations
- Parameters and permissions will aide in defining work units.
- Campuses are separate of chart, org
- Discussed the idea of chart and org for PURAP docs; campus for Doc Store
- Operator defaults in documents
More on Business Rules and System Parameters
recorded 5/8/2013
- Parameters
- Data dictionary vs. Business rules vs. Parameters
- Types of parameters - Compound, Indicator
- Document driven, not permission or role driven
- Examples from KFS
- Parameters 5 (KFS Parameter wiki page - pretty technical)
- Parameters PowerPoint shared during the session
- Bootstrap+5 (KFS Bootstrap data wiki page)
Contract Manager and OLE licensing functionality -- workflow
recorded 5/14/2013
- Licensing workflow requirements
- Contract Managers' workflows from KFS will not work
- Workflow examples and Action Lists in KFS
- Searching
- Delegations - primary and secondary (per person, per document) (will be continued in a later session)
- Workflow (PowerPoint presentation from the session)
- KRMS Description and Assumptions
Year End Processing and Batch Jobs
recorded 5/15/2013
- Year end processing
- KFS jobs reviewed
- Parameters for year end transitions
- A sample schedule for KFS jobs
- KFS documentation on Year End Processes
- Schedule of Year End Batch Jobs
- How KFS batch jobs can be applied in OLE
- How to run batch jobs
Year End Processing (PowerPoint presentation from the session)
Default Values
recorded 5/21/2013
- Defaults in KFS
- Delivery and Receiving address on a requisition
- Vendor Choice on a purchase order
- Accounts Receivable defaults that could be of interest to be modified for OLE PURAP use
- New e-doc defaults will probably have to be hard coded.
User Documents to Set Up Workflows -- Account Delegates and Org. Review; Action Lists
recorded 5/22/2013
- Account Delegates Document - for fiscal officers to delegate tasks on particular accounts
- Organization Review - tied to the organization (project code, account, etc)
- Primary and Secondary Delegates
- Action Lists and Routing
QA testing
Tester training sessions for Describe and Select and Acquire were recorded and posted here:
QA Recorded Training Sessions