- Project vs. Core (Change Wiki Pages)
- Telecommute
- Functional Owners
- Architectural Update
- technical decisions made
- Current Sprint
- specifications
- development
- QA/Testing
- documentation/release notes
- Sprint backlog
- Community Updates
- OLE Board - Patty
- Functional Council - Patty
- OLE Tech Council - Patty
- ARC - Patty
- TRC - Nianli
- KAI - Kathy
- Additional Meetings coming up
- Meetings with Business Analyst
- Meetings with Development Team
- Requested for discussion
- Doc Store Search
- Bib only search built
- What is the architecture and is it the way we want to go
- Instance Data Model
- QA needs instance data loaded to TEST
- We need IU data mapping of instance data (Gary/Mechael)
- John will be able to provide data load
- Once mapping is available it will take about a week for John to complete
- Provide brief instance record with required fields and provide a more robust record later.
- Provide a jira with the details and players of making this happen. (PATTY)
- See outstanding Docstore/Instance (working doc) and jira OLE--2873
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