- Tiger Teams and Meeting changes
- No more Monday TT or HTC calls
- S&A moved to Wednesday, 9am
- Need to address double-meetings (S&A, Editors)
- See new roles and responsibilities document
- Where are we with specs?
- Simplify approach
- KG to create Q&A, form templates for each Tiger Team to complete for functional Search needs and desired fields
- links to TST, DEMO and info
- existing functions
- new features
- in progress
- To compile global requirements, then possibly work with SI team
- then UI edits
- indexing and performance issues
- sample records
- possible meeting July 16 or 17
- Get key stakeholders in a meeting, and review critical issues- make decisions (KG to summarize existing documentation, work with Patty to prep)
- Possible attendees: Patty, Peri, John P, Kathy, Gary C, Frances M, Michelle S, Doreen H
- Plan TBD with Patty Jul 9 +
- PURAP/KFS Prioritization
- Need answers on S&A additions to Roadmap
- Need to discuss order of specs for functional and technical dependencies
- SFC and fund rules
- Roles Workflows
- Order Types
- vs overdue specs
- Deposit accounts and other 0.8 PREQ features (vs post KFS 5 upgrade and PREQ M:1 edits)
- Peri & Patty- meeting to review app
- With Kathy and team: review KFS for what being used; need to remove; overview future or in progress features (will add some detail to rice 1, 2, kfs planning page
- have sit-down on Describe
- what features coded: docstore, bib, instance, search
- what coming
- how to prioritize Doc controls policies and: doc ownership, doc status, audit trail; work units, item availability, transaction links
- what issues outstanding?
- Key infrastructure in progress (baseline needed for all specs): Patron, Policy, Item
- Next Patron enhancements and defining needs for 1.0
- Dan?
Additional discussions required:
- Roadmap
- Framework questions:
- Editors
- Ingest profiles, overlay
- Import, export
- Patron loads
- Financial integrations
By Functional Module or Specific Requirements/Features
- Library: Framework for (above) cataloging
- Rice 2: KRAD UI
- Docstore: Bib, Instance, (Agreement/License thru MER)
- Infrastructure/dependencies/outstanding decisions:
- Other issues/notes: