Parameter Name | Default Value | Purpose |
environment | dev | This is used to determine the environment. The value is also used to determine to look for external configuration file for both olefs, and oledocstore. Ex. ${user.home}/kuali/main/${environment} |
dev.mode | false | This value when set to false triggers the xml polling services. |
application.url appserver.url rice.server.url docSearchURL | ${ole.fs.url.base} ${application.url} ${application.url} ${ole.docstore.url.base} | Default olefs url Default app server url This can be updated to point to the standalone server if necessary. docsearch url; for searching records in docstore. |
locations.xml.root.location | ${project.home}/locations | This is for any location.xml files that needs to be discovered by the xml polling services and auto ingested into OLE (polling interval is 1 min). |
rules.directory | ${project.home}/rules | Drools rule file directory |
circ.xml.root.location | ${project.home}/circulation-policies | This is for any circulation-policy.xml files that needs to be discovered by the xml polling service and auto ingested into OLE (polling interval is 1 min). |
staffupload.xml.root.location | ${project.home}/staff-upload | The batch upload profile for order imports to be discovered by the xml polling service and auto ingested into OLE (polling interval is 1 min). |
patrons.xml.root.location | ${project.home}/patrons | The patrons.xml file to be discovered by the xml polling service and auto ingested into OLE (polling interval is 1 min). |
autoIngestDefaults | true | This controls the loading of default locations, policies, patrons, e-license files and drools rules during application startup. This should be set to "false" for institutional builds. |
log4j.settings.file | Can be used to point to an external log4j file | |
log4j.settings.path | Path to the external log4j | |
logs.directory | Path to the logs directory |