Will need to apply the upgrade sql from https://svn.kuali.org/repos/ole/tags/builds/ole-1.5/
The following changes need to be applied on the DB:
INSERT INTO KRMS_TYP_T (TYP_ID, NM, NMSPC_CD, SRVC_NM, ACTV, VER_NBR) VALUES ('OLE2016', 'DeliverNotice', 'OLE', 'deliverNoticeTypeService', 'Y', '1')
INSERT INTO KRMS_TYP_T (TYP_ID, NM, NMSPC_CD, SRVC_NM, ACTV, VER_NBR) VALUES ('OLE2017', 'NoticeFormat', 'OLE', 'noticeFormatTypeService', 'Y', '1')
KRMS XML File change
Changes have been made to the structure of the KRMS XML File as detailed in the https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/document/d/1CMF3Aw7bF5WD3026aewdKtbAvXR3AwFT3ZpUz8vPzz8/edit
These changes need to be applied to the institution's XML file as appropriate.
Re-index Required (Yes/No)