SI.NO | Issue Type | Key | Summary | Assignee | Priority | Status | Component/s | ||||||||
1 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6928 | All hold notices sent to one patron regardless of what patron they are on hold for | Richard Slabach | Critical | QA Review | Deliver | ||||||||
2 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6915 | Cannot update patron barcode if patron has large number of loans | Richard Slabach | Critical | QA Review | Deliver | ||||||||
3 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6909 | Can't RETURN an item because the title is too long | Frances McNamera | Blocker | QA Review | Deliver | ||||||||
4 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6902 | Deliver pop-ups do not appear on screen after several items returned or loaned | David Bottorff | Critical | Closed | Deliver | ||||||||
5 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6839 | Bib edit: Created By: shows date/timestamp, not user ID | Janet Fox | Critical | QA Review | Deliver | ||||||||
6 | Enhancement | OLE-6818 | All cancellation of requests should send a notice to the user who placed the request | David Bottorff | Major | Closed | Deliver | ||||||||
7 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6812 | When creating patron bill, incorrect error message displayed if user attempts to add fee with negative value or zero | Andrew Lee | Trivial | QA Review | Deliver | ||||||||
8 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6784 | Search workbench due date/time display not showing due time | Cheryl Malmborg | Major | QA Review | Deliver | ||||||||
9 | Enhancement | OLE-6783 | DocstoreDataRetrieveService logs entire instance output | Peri Subrahmanya | Major | Open | System Integration | 10 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6780 | Borrowers with hundredes of items out receive very slow updates in Deliver | Richard Slabach | Critical | QA Review | Deliver |
1110 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6761 | default focus on Return screen should be Item barcode field, not Circulation desk | David Bottorff | Major | Closed | Deliver | ||||||||
1211 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6666 | Hold Slips list patron name as FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME. Should be LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME | David Bottorff | Major | Closed | Deliver | ||||||||
1312 | Bug/Defect | OLE-5994 | Generation of Overdue Notices Very Slow | Richard Slabach | Blocker | QA Review | Deliver |