Versions Compared


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For ongoing support as you implement your local version of Kuali OLE, if you run into problems there are several options available to you.

  • Write to one of our user groups.  The groups include existing partners, members of the project team, Kuali Commercial Affiliates (KCAs) as well as non-participating parties interested in exploring OLE. The groups are intended to address day-to-day issues and concerns with implementation of Kuali OLE as opposed to strategic functional and technical direction of OLE development which is addressed by OLE’s Functional Council (FC).
    These lists are open for anyone to post questions to, however subscribed users can access the archives from the KIS pages (
    • For technical questions (how OLE is supposed to be), please contact our collaboration community at  Technical questions may include issues surrounding accessibility, system configuration, privacy, etc.
    • For functional questions (what OLE is supposed to do), please contact our collaboration community at  Functional questions may include needing additional information about particular documents, workflows, features, etc.
  • Technical staff should review JavaMelody (located on the Admin tab of OLE).  This tool is available for people to monitor Java or Java EE application servers.
  • Attend Implementation meetings on Wednesdays at 11:00 AM EDT via Webex (You must be part of a partner institution to join these calls).
  • Create an OLE Feedback JIRA ticket (See Reporting an Issue)
    • There is an Implementation component available for Feedback issues to distinguish between project problems and implementation problems.  SME team leaders get added as watchers so that they are made aware of the problem.
  • Review the Compatibility Matrix to ensure that your local build complies with the OLE project's.