Getting Started

Most people trying to get to know OLE will have familiarity with traditional software systems for library management, including vended offerings such as ExLibris' products Voyager and Aleph, III's Millennium and Sierra, SirsiDynix's Symphony and Horizon. Others may be familiar with the open-source products Koha and Evergreen.


Each currently existing module has an overview section that is very helpful, see Module Overviews: Introducing 3 modules to learn about Deliver, Describe and Manage, and Select and Acquire.

OLE Video Tutorials

OLE Demonstration Library is the wiki page where all OLE videos are made available.  OLE Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) have created several video tutorial for the 1.5 release.  OLE 1.5 Demos section contain the videos: OLE Basics, a broad overview of OLE, demonstrations of all three of the modules, and Bib Import 101.
