- Pre-requisites:
- Hardware: Kuali OLE can be built on both windows and linux platforms. The hardware specs will differ from institution to institution, but the default cloud settings where the codebase is deployed on a regular basis is as follows;
- Amazon EC2 instance (type m1.medium)
- AMD 64 bit
- Dual core
- 7.5 GB RAM
- 840 GB HDD
- Amazon EC2 instance (type m1.medium)
- Software:
- Building the application
- Maven 3
- Java 7
- svn client
- Running the application
- Apache tomcat 6 or 7
- MySQL 5.5 or greater
or Oracle 11g
Warning title Configure Tomcat and MySQL/Oracle To correctly configure Tomcat and MySQL/Oracle follow the section "Required Software" in the Developer Installation Guide.
- Building the application
- Hardware: Kuali OLE can be built on both windows and linux platforms. The hardware specs will differ from institution to institution, but the default cloud settings where the codebase is deployed on a regular basis is as follows;
- Checking out the deployable units: Depending on how you intend to run KOLE you can do the following;
- Install defaults and deploy the war(s): This is recommended for those who simply want to get the application up and running with the default and demo data.
- Checkout the olefs.war from:http://shrub.appspot.com/maven.kuali.org/release/org/kuali/ole/olefs-webapp/${version.number}/olefs-webapp-${version.number}.war (Rename it olefs.war before deploying)
- Checkout the oledocstore.war from:http://shrub.appspot.com/maven.kuali.org/release/org/kuali/ole/ole-docstore-webapp//${version.number}/ole-docstore-webapp-${version.number}.war (Rename oledocstore.war before deploying)
- Skip to step #5
- Customize the build: This is ideal for implementors or others who want to start with a base OLE (without demo datasets) and then add their data.
- Checkout the codebase from https://svn.kuali.org/repos/ole/tags/${tag.number}; Here tag.number is the stable release version number .
- Build it using the following maven command from the root directory of the project location i.e OLE_DEVELOPMENT_WORKSPACE_ROOT
Code Block language java collapse true mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
- The above command will output two war files under
- ${project.root.location}/ole-app/olefs/target/olefs.war
- ${project.root.location}/ole-docstore/ole-docstore-webapp/target/oledocstore.war
- Install defaults and deploy the war(s): This is recommended for those who simply want to get the application up and running with the default and demo data.
- Loading bootstrap only for sandbox purposes
Script for building the bootstrap sql
Code Block #!/bin/bash cd ${OLE_DEVELOPMENT_WORKSPACE_ROOT} mvn clean install -DskipTests=true cd ${OLE_DEVELOPMENT_WORKSPACE_ROOT}/ole-app/ole-db/ole-impex mvn clean install -Psql -Dimpex.scm.phase=none cd ${OLE_DEVELOPMENT_WORKSPACE_ROOT}/ole-app/ole-db/ole-liquibase/ole-liquibase-changeset mvn clean install -Pbootstrap-sql-only,mysql -Dimpex.scm.phase=none
You can skip to step 5.
- Loading local data (institution specific): This applies only if you are doing step 2.b.ii
- If you want to load your own values for the various reference tables, you will need to first populate them as per the documentation at Impex, Bootstrap, Demo and Local Data (points #7, #8, #9 b or #9 c). Once the data has been made available in .csv files under the appropriate folder, run the following maven commands to output the sql that we will later use to load the database with. The process automatically takes care of generating the right sql for MySQL and Oracle
Code Block language java collapse true cd ${OLE_DEVELOPMENT_WORKSPACE_ROOT}/ole-app/ole-db/ole-liquibase/ole-liquibase-changeset mvn clean install -Psql,mysql -Dimpex.scm.phase=none mvn clean install -Psql,oracle -Dimpex.scm.phase=none
- This will generate sql for the data files that you have which the ole build process can later use while setting up the database.
To load the institution specific data after the above executions, execute the following command:
Code Block collapse true cd ${OLE_DEVELOPMENT_WORKSPACE_ROOT}/ole-app/olefs [For MySQL] mvn initialize -Pdb -Djdbc.dba.username=root -Djdbc.dba.password=root [For Oracle] mvn initialize -Pdb,oracle -Djdbc.username=OLE -Doracle.dba.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:system/manager@localhost:1521:XE
Ensure there is a default user in the system. You could create using the sql file in JIRA-7246. Further need to update the web.xml under olefs and replace the defaultUser from ole-quickstart to the newly created user. (If you used ole-quickstart, then there is no need to update the web.xml)
- If you want to load your own values for the various reference tables, you will need to first populate them as per the documentation at Impex, Bootstrap, Demo and Local Data (points #7, #8, #9 b or #9 c). Once the data has been made available in .csv files under the appropriate folder, run the following maven commands to output the sql that we will later use to load the database with. The process automatically takes care of generating the right sql for MySQL and Oracle
- Customizing default parameters
- If you are running on a local server where access via localhost is sufficient for local testing and you use the defaults for database username and password, then there is no need to customize the defaults.
- For those who want to make the application available to the external public or use their own database username and password will need to override few defaults. Detailed information is available at OLE externalizable parameters and pay attention to the entries in ${user.home}/kuali/main/local/common-config.xml. An example is provided here (DEV environment)
Code Block language xml title common-config.xml collapse true <!-- Copyright 2004-2013 The Kuali Foundation Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.php Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --> <config> <!-- Generic URL's --> <param name="appserver.url">[IP address]</param> <param name="application.url">${appserver.url}</param> <param name="ole.docstore.url.base">[IP]/oledocstore</param> <param name="docSearchURL">${ole.docstore.url.base}</param> <!-- MySQL Database (The default jdbc.username = OLE and jdbc.password = OLE) --> <param name="db.vendor">mysql</param> <param name="jdbc.username">[fill me]</param> <param name="jdbc.password">[fill me]</param> <param name="mysql.dba.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306</param> <param name="mysql.dba.username">[mysql dba username]</param> <param name="mysql.dba.password">[mysql dba password]</param> <!-- Oracle Database --> <!-- <param name="db.vendor">oracle</param> <param name="jdbc.username">[fill me]</param> <param name="jdbc.password">[fill me]</param> <param name="oracle.dba.url">[db url]</param> <param name="oracle.dba.username">[dba username]</param> <param name="oracle.dba.password">[dba password]</param> --> <!-- Email --> <param name="mail.debug">false</param> <param name="mail.smtp.host">[Fill me]</param> <param name="mail.smtp.port">465</param> <param name="mail.smtp.ssl.enable">[true or false, choose one]</param> <param name="mail.smtps.auth">[true or false, choose one]</param> <param name="mail.smtp.username">[Fill me]</param> <param name="mail.smtp.password">[Fill me]</param> </config>
- Deploying to the server:
- If this is the first time starting installing the application or you would like to reload the OLE database after a change (typically if you ran the bootstrap or demo or institution profiles to generate new SQL), then follow the steps before deploying and starting tomcat.
- Create a file called runonce.properties under ${user.home}/kuali/main/local/olefs-webapp
Contents of the file are as below:
Code Block project.db.reset=TRUE
What this enables is, during the application startup, a spring component will read the value of the project.db.reset and if its "TRUE" then starts the db initialization process automatically. It will automatically be updated to "COMPLETED" when db reset is done.
- Once you have the final deployable artifacts olefs.war and oledocstore.war; you can place it in your app server and restart.
- If this is the first time starting installing the application or you would like to reload the OLE database after a change (typically if you ran the bootstrap or demo or institution profiles to generate new SQL), then follow the steps before deploying and starting tomcat.
- Testing the application
- To access the web apps, http://[host]/olefs and http://[host]/oledocstore should bring the apps up; Ofcourse this is assuming you have two deployables in one single instance. If you haven't customized any parameters then the url will be http://localhost:8080/olefs and http://localhost:8080/oledocstore (assuming tomcat is on 8080)
- Type "admin" in the login box; No password required.
- Upgrades: When upgrading if there are any database changes, they can easily be applied after the above steps have completed.
- Upgrade sql: Depending on which version you are working on, the location is ${SVN.LOCATION}/ole-app/ole-db/ole-sql/ole-liquibase-upgrade-sql/src/main/resources/org/kuali/ole/sql/mysql/
- There is mysql and oracle folders with the respective sql.
You can take the sql and manually apply it on your database.
Warning title Remember The sql will have some "DATABASECHANGELOG" statements which you can ignore and execute the rest.