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Technical Specifications for the 25 Maintenance Documents to be created for the Instance Editor. {info:title=Jira} [|] {info} h2. *1)* Location Status *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Location Status information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Location Status Maintenance (Create/Update/Search) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Location Status record. b. Participants: OleLocationStatus.xml OleLocationStatusMaintenanceDocument.xml c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Location Status * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Location Status * User - Can view the Location Status b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Location Status a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 3. OJB-Mapping <class-descriptor table="ole_cat_loc_status_t"> <field-descriptor name="locationStatusId" column="LOC_STATUS_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="ole_cat_loc_status_s" /> <field-descriptor name="locationStatusCode" column="LOC_STATUS_CD" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" /> <field-descriptor name="locationStatusName" column="LOC_STATUS_NM" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" /> <field-descriptor name="objectId" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" index="true"/> <field-descriptor name="versionNumber" column="VER_NBR" jdbc-type="BIGINT" locking="true" /> <field-descriptor name="source" column="SRC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" /> <field-descriptor name="sourceDate" column="SRC_DT" jdbc-type="DATE" /> <field-descriptor name="active" column="ROW_ACT_IND" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion="org.kuali.rice.core.framework.persistence.ojb.conversion.OjbCharBooleanConversion" /> </class-descriptor> h4. 4. Services h4. 5. Workflow xml <documentType> <name>OLE_LSMD</name> <parent>RiceDocument</parent> <description>Ole Location Status</description> <label>Ole Location Status</label> <postProcessorName>org.kuali.rice.krad.workflow.postprocessor.KualiPostProcessor</postProcessorName> <superUserGroupName namespace="KR-WKFLW">WorkflowAdmin</superUserGroupName> <blanketApproveGroupName namespace="KR-WKFLW">WorkflowAdmin</blanketApproveGroupName> <defaultExceptionGroupName namespace="KR-WKFLW">WorkflowAdmin</defaultExceptionGroupName> <docHandler>${kr.krad.url}/maintenance?methodToCall=docHandler</docHandler> <active>true</active> <routingVersion>2</routingVersion> <routePaths> <routePath> <start name="Initiated" /> </routePath> </routePaths> <routeNodes> <start name="Initiated"> <activationType>P</activationType> </start> </routeNodes> </documentType> h4. 6. Data Model:The DM for Location Status is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *2)* Type of Ownership *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Type of Ownership information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} {color:#000000}{*}1. Type Of Ownership Maintenance (Create/Update)*{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Type Of Ownership record.{color} {color:#000000} b. Participants:{color} {color:#000000} c. Framework: Rice2.x{color} {color:#000000}{*}2. Type Of Ownership Search{*}{color} {color:#000000} a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Type Of Ownership record.{color} {color:#000000} b. Participants:{color} {color:#000000} c. Framework: Rice2.x{color} {color:#000000}{*}3. Security{*}{color} OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}a. Roles:{color} * {color:#000000}OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Type Of Ownership{color} * {color:#000000}Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve forType Of Ownership{color} * {color:#000000}User - Can view the Type Of Ownership{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:{color} {color:#000000} Type Of Ownership{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}a) Create{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}b) Edit{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}c) View(Inquiry){color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}d) Blanket Approve{color} {color:#000000}{*}7. Services{*}{color} {color:#000000}{*}8. Data Model:The DM for Type Of Ownership is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema{*}{color}\\ h2. *3) Action Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Action information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} {color:#000000}{*}1. Action Maintenance (Create/Update)*{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Action record.{color} {color:#000000} b. Participants:{color} {color:#000000} c. Framework: Rice2.x{color} {color:#000000}{*}2. Action Search{*}{color} {color:#000000} a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Action record.{color} {color:#000000} b. Participants:{color} {color:#000000} c. Framework: Rice2.x{color} {color:#000000}{*}3. Security{*}{color} OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}a. Roles:{color} * {color:#000000}OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Action{color} * {color:#000000}Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Action{color} * {color:#000000}User - Can view the Action{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}Action{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}a) Create{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}b) Edit{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}c) View(Inquiry){color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}d) Blanket Approve{color} {color:#000000}{*}7. Services{*}{color} {color:#000000}{*}8. Data Model:The DM for Action is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema{*}{color}\\ h2. *4) Access Method Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Access Method information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} {color:#000000}{*}1. Access Method Maintenance (Create/Update)*{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Access Method record.{color} {color:#000000} b. Participants:{color} {color:#000000} c. Framework: Rice2.x{color} {color:#000000}{*}2. Access Method Search{*}{color} {color:#000000} a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Access Method record.{color} {color:#000000} b. Participants:{color} {color:#000000} c. Framework: Rice2.x{color} {color:#000000}{*}3. Security{*}{color} OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs {color:#000000} a. Roles:{color} * {color:#000000}OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Access Method{color} * {color:#000000}Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Access Method{color} * {color:#000000}User - Can view the Access Method{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}Access Method{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}a) Create{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}b) Edit{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}c) View(Inquiry){color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}d) Blanket Approve{color} {color:#000000}{*}7. Services{*}{color} {color:#000000}{*}8. Data Model:The DM for Access Method is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema{*}{color} h2. *5) Acquisition Method Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Acquisition Method information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} {color:#000000}{*}1. Acquisition Method Maintenance (Create/Update)*{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Acquisition Method record.{color} {color:#000000} b. Participants:{color} {color:#000000} c. Framework: Rice2.x{color} {color:#000000}{*}2. Acquisition Method Search{*}{color} {color:#000000} a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Acquisition Method record.{color} {color:#000000} b. Participants:{color} {color:#000000} c. Framework: Rice2.x{color} {color:#000000}{*}3. Security{*}{color} OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}a. Roles:{color} * {color:#000000}OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Acquisition Method{color} * {color:#000000}Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Acquisition Method{color} * {color:#000000}User - Can view the Acquisition Method{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities:{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}Acquisition Method{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}a) Create{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}b) Edit{color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}c) View(Inquiry){color} {color:#000000} {color} {color:#000000}d) Blanket Approve{color} {color:#000000}{*}7. Services{*}{color} {color:#000000}{*}8. Data Model:The DM for Acquisition Method is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema{*}{color}\\ h2. *6) Completeness Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Completeness information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. 1. Completeness Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Completeness record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Location Status Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Completeness record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Completeness * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Completeness * User - Can view the Completeness b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Completeness a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Location Status is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *7) ELA Relationship Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} ELA Relationship information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} *1. ElARelationship Maintenance (Create/Update)* a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing ElARelationship record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x *2. ElARelationship Search* a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing ElARelationship record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x *3. Security* OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for ElARelationship * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for ElARelationship * User - Can view the ElARelationship b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: ElARelationship a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve \\ *7. Services* *8. Data Model:The DM for ElARelationship is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema* h2. *8) Encoding Level Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Encoding Level information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} *1. EncodingLevel Maintenance (Create/Update)* a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Encoding Level record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x *2. EncodingLevel Search* a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Encoding Level record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x *3. Security* OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Encoding Level * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Encoding Level * User - Can view the Encoding Level b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Encoding Level a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve \\ *7. Services* *8. Data Model:The DM for EncodingLevel is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema* h2. *9) Field Encoding Level Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Field encoding level information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} *1. Field Encoding Level Maintenance (Create/Update)* a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Field Encoding Level record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x *2. Field Encoding Level Search* a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Field Encoding Level record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x *3. Security* OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Field Encoding Level * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Field Encoding Level * User - Can view the Field Encoding Level b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Field Encoding Level a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve \\ \\ *7. Services* *8. Data Model:The DM for Field Encoding Level is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema* h2. *10) General Retention Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} General Retention information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} *1. General Retention Policy Maintenance (Create/Update)* a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing General Retention Policy record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x *2. Country Codes Search* a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing General Retention Policy record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x *3. Security* OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for General Retention Policy * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for General Retention Policy * User - Can view the General Retention Policy b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: General Retention Policy a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve \\ *7. Services* *8. Data Model:The DM for General Retention Policy is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema* h2. *11)* Lending Policy *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Lending Policy information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Lending Policy Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Lending Policy record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Lending Policy Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Lending Policy record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Lending Policy * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Lending Policy * User - Can view the Lending Policy b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Lending Policy a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Lending Policy is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *12)* Notation Type *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Notation Type information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Notation Type Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Notation Type record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Notation Type Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Notation Type record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Notation Type * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Notation Type * User - Can view the Notation Type b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Notation Type a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Notation Type is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *13)* Privacy *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Privacy information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Privacy Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Privacy record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Privacy Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Privacy record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Privacy * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Privacy * User - Can view the Privacy b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Privacy a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Privacy is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *14)* Receipt Status *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Receipt Status information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Receipt Status Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Receipt Status record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Receipt Status Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Receipt Status record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Receipt Status * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Receipt Status * User - Can view the Receipt Status b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Receipt Status a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Receipt Status is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *15)* Record Type *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Record Type information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Record Type Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Record Type record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Record Type Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Record Type record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Record Type * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Record Type * User - Can view the Record Type b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Record Type a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Record Type is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *16)* Reproduction Policy *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Reproduction Policy information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Reproduction Policy Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Reproduction Policy record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Reproduction Policy Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Reproduction Policy record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Reproduction Policy * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Reproduction Policy * User - Can view the Reproduction Policy b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Reproduction Policy a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Reproduction Policy is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *17)* Shelving Order *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Shelving Order information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Shelving Order Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Shelving Order record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Shelving Order Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Shelving Order record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Shelving Order * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Shelving Order * User - Can view the Shelving Order b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Shelving Order a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Shelving Order is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *18)* Shelving Schema *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Shelving Schema information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Shelving Schema Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Shelving Schema record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Shelving Schema Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Shelving Schema record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Shelving Schema * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Shelving Schema * User - Can view the Shelving Schema b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Shelving Schema a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Shelving Schema is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *19)* Separate or Composite Report *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Separate or Composite Report information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Separate or Composite Report Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Separate or Composite Report record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Separate or Composite Report Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Separate or Composite Report record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Separate or Composite Report * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Separate or Composite Report * User - Can view the Separate or Composite Report b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Separate or Composite Report a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Separate or Composite Report is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *20)* Retention Policy Type *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Retention Policy Type information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Retention Policy Type Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Retention Policy Type record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Retention Policy Type Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Retention Policy Type record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Retention Policy Type * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Retention Policy Type * User - Can view the Retention Policy Type b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Retention Policy Type a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Retention Policy Type is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *21)* Instance Item type *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Instance Item type information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Instance Item type Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Instance Item type record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Instance Item type Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Instance Item type record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Instance Item type * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Instance Item type * User - Can view the Instance Item type b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Instance Item type a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Instance Item type is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *22)* Specific Retention Policy Type Unit *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Specific Retention Policy Type Unit information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Specific Retention Policy Type Unit Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Specific Retention Policy Type Unit record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Specific Retention Policy Type Unit Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Specific Retention Policy Type Unit record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Specific Retention Policy Type Unit * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Specific Retention Policy Type Unit * User - Can view the Specific Retention Policy Type Unit b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Specific Retention Policy Type Unit a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Specific Retention Policy Type Unit is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *23)* Source of Term *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Source of Term information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Source of Term Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Source of Term record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Source of Term Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Source of Term record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Source of Term * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Source of Term * User - Can view the Source of Term b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Source of Term a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Source of Term is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *24)* Statistical Searching Codes *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Statistical Searching Codes information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Statistical Searching Codes Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Statistical Searching Codes record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Statistical Searching Codes Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Statistical Searching Codes record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Statistical Searching Codes * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Statistical Searching Codes * User - Can view the Statistical Searching Codes b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Statistical Searching Codes a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Statistical Searching Codes is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema h2. *25)* Country Codes *Maintenance Document Technical Specification* {info:title=Jira} [|]909 {info} h3. {info:title=Rice2.x Framework} Country Codes information will be maintained in the ole-rice2 schema and developed in the ole-rice2 application using the new KRAD maintenance doc framework. {info} h4. h4. 1. Country Codes Maintenance (Create/Update) a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Country Codes record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 2. Country Codes Search a. KRAD Design: A simple KRAD maintenance document will be used to create and update a new or an existing Country Codes record. b. Participants: c. Framework: Rice2.x h4. 3. Security OLE_CAT namespace will be used for defining some Cataloging roles, and edocs a. Roles: * OLE_Cataloging_Admin - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Country Codes * Additional/Permitted Super User - Create ,edit and provide blanket approve for Country Codes * User - Can view the Country Codes b. Permissions to do the following on the below entities: Country Codes a) Create b) Edit c) View(Inquiry) d) Blanket Approve h4. 7. Services h4. 8. Data Model:The DM for Country Codes is going to reside in the Rice2.x Schema |
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