Title (A-Z) : sorts the results in the ascending order (starts with 'a') of the title field value. This the default sorting order.
Title (Z-A) :sorts the results in the descending order (starts with 'z') of the title field value.
Author (A-Z) :sorts the results in the ascending order (starts with 'a') of the author field value.
Author (Z-A) : sorts the results in the descending order (starts with 'a') of the author field value.
Pub date(new-old) : sorts the results in the ascending descending order of the publication date field value.
Pub date(old-new) : sorts the results in the descending ascending order of the publication date field value.
Relevance : it is default sort criteria provided by solr.
- If the data contains more than one space then it should be they are treated as a single space.
- All data beginning with a numeral should be are arranged ahead of any data beginning with a letter.
- Data consisting of a single word precedes any data beginning with the same word and followed by other words.
- Data beginning with Articles (a, an and the) are displayed in ascending order.
- Numbers at beginning or within the data should are arranged in arithmetical order and sorted in ascending order.
- Punctuation in numbers, as in other text, has no arrangement value (and sorted in ascending order).
- Decimal fractions should be are arranged according to their arithmetical value (and sorted in ascending order).