Field | DC-UnQ fields for Search | DC-Q fields for Search | Data fields for short display | Data fields for detailed display | Data fields for Facet |
Author | <dc:creator> (MV) | <dcvalue element="contributor" qualifier="author"> | first value | all values | same as search field |
Description | <dc:description> (MV) | Per Bob P.: Do not show Abstract description. | first value | all values | same as search field |
Language | <dc:language> (MV) | <dcvalue element="language" qualifier="iso">en_US</dcvalue> | first value | all values | same as search field |
Subject | <dc:subject> (MV) | <dcvalue element="subject" qualifier="none"> | first value | all values | same as search field |
Title | <dc:title> | <dcvalue element="title" qualifier="none"> | first value | all values | same as search field |
Type | <dc:type> (MV) | <dcvalue element="type" qualifier="none"> | first value | all values | same as search field |
Date of Publication | <dc:date> | <dcvalue element="date" qualifier="issued"> | first value | all values | same as search field |
Format | <dc:format> (MV) | <dcvalue element="type" (This is covered in a separate field. So do not include it in Format) | first value | all values | same as search field |
Publisher | <dc:publisher> (MV) | <dcvalue element="publisher" | first value | all values | same as search field |
ISBN/ISSN/other | <dc:identifier>(ISSN)0198-9669</dc:identifier> (MV) | <dcvalue element="identifier" qualifier="isbn">0-918006-48-1</dcvalue> | first value | all values | same as search field |
2. Search
This functionality allows documents to be searched for by giving keywords or phases. Searching can be based on category, type, format, search fields.
2.1 Quick Search
Select Doc Category : Work
Doc Type : Bibliographic
Doc Format : ALL
Searching on default condition(click search button without specifying any conditions) will give all the records in search result page.
Select Doc Category : Work
Doc Type : Bibliographic
Doc Format : MARC
Type one or more keywords in a text box.
System shows records with any field matching one or more keywords.
2.2 Advanced Search
Select Doc Category : Work
Doc Type : Bibliographic
Doc Format : MARC
The drop down for search fields will be populated based on the category selected above.
User specifies a search condition:
Selects a field.
Enters one or more keywords.
Specifies whether the keywords should be searched for as "All of these", "Any of these" or "As a phrase".
"All of these" - Any record with the selected field having all the entered keywords is included in the search results.
"Any of these" - Any record with the selected field having at least one of the entered keywords is included in the search results.
"As a phrase" - Any record with the selected field having all the entered keywords in same order is included in the search results.
User adds another condition:
Chooses whether to apply this condition in addition to the previous one ("AND") or to apply this condition as an alternative to the previous one ("OR") ("NOT"???),
"AND" - the conditions before and after this operator should be satisfied.
"OR" - one of the conditions before and after this operator should be satisfied.
"NOT" - the condition after this operator should not be satisfied.
User repeats previous step as many times as needed using the ADD and DELETE links.
[+]ADD : click on this link to add fields for a new search condition.
[-]Delete : click on this link to delete the last search condition.
Search is performed based on the conditions entered by the user.
Solr-specific search rules:
3. Display of Search results
The search results are displayed in pages of 25 records.
The page size can be changed to 50,100
User can navigate to different pages of search results by using a pagination control.
For each record, short display fields (specified in section 1) will be displayed.
For each record 'View XML' button shows the xml of the document and 'Edit XML' opens the Editor.
Links are shown if applicable
DocType | links |
Bibliographic | Instance |
Instance | Bib,Holdings,Item |
Holdings | Bib,Instance,Item |
Item | Bib,Instance,Holdings |
3.1 Highlighting
In each search result, words matching the key words entered by the user are highlighted.
3.2 Facets
Facets are grouping of search results that help to analyze the search results and further filter or narrow down the search results.
These are helpful when the user cannot guess what exact keywords to search for.
Facet fields:
Author,Subject,Format,Language,Publication Date,Genre.
Top 5 facet values in the decreasing order of occurrences are shown for each facet field.
The remaining facets are seen by clicking the "more" link in a popup window.
The facet values in the popup are shown in alphabetical order.
Click on one or more facet values to filter search results and view only those records containing these facet values.
3.3 Sorting
By default, the search results are sorted by Title (A-Z)
The sorting options are:
Title (A-Z) : sorts the results in the ascending order (starts with 'a') of the title field value. This the default sorting order.
Title (Z-A) :sorts the results in the descending order (starts with 'z') of the title field value.
Author (A-Z) :sorts the results in the ascending order (starts with 'a') of the author field value.
Author (Z-A) : sorts the results in the descending order (starts with 'a') of the author field value.
Pub date(new-old) : sorts the results in the ascending order of the publication date field value.
Pub date(old-new) : sorts the results in the descending order of the publication date field value.
Relevance : it is default sort criteria provided by solr.
Records with empty or null values will appear at the top of the search results.
Solr-specific sorting features:
- If the data contains more than one space then it should be treated as a single space
- All data beginning with a numeral should be arranged ahead of any data beginning with a letter.
- Data consisting of a single word precedes any data beginning with the same word and followed by other words.
- Data beginning with Articles (a,an and the) are displayed in ascending order.
- Numbers at beginning or within the data should arranged in arithmetical order and sorted in ascending order.
- Punctuation in numbers, as in other text, has no arrangement value (and sorted in ascending order).
- Decimal fractions should be arranged according to their arithmetical value (and sorted in ascending order).
4. NISO Standard for Sort
Anchor | ||||
Transactional Search