Normal Mode: (isOverridden == false)
- validPatronBarcodeStatusvalidatePatronBarcodeStatus(String patronBarcode) - This method exposes patron barcode status.
- checkMembershipExpirationDate(String patronBarcode) - This method exposes Patron expiration date.
- isPartonBlocked(String patronBarcode) - This method exposes patron block status
- getBorrowerType(String patronBarcode) - This method exposes Borrower Type (eg. Student or Faculty).
- getNumOfItemsOnLoan(String patronBarcode) - This method exposes Number of Items on Loan from each Item Type and/or Item Location, Item Type and/or Item Location are retrieved from patronBarcode.
- getFeeBalance(String patronBarcode) - This method exposes Fee Balance from each Item Type and/or Item Location, Item Type and/or Item Location are retrieved from patronBarcode.
- getNumOfOverdueItems(String patronBarcode) - This method exposes Number of Overdue items from each Item Type and/or Item Location, Item Type and/or Item Location are retrieved from patronBarcode.
- checkBorrowerLimitation(String patronBarcode) -For borrower limits, this method will indicate whether the patron is over their borrower limit and what limits the patron has exceeded.
Override Mode: (isOverridden == true)
1.checkMembershipExpirationDate(String patronBarcode) - By default it will not be possible to override an expired patron expiration date.
2. Need list of validation for override mode.
1) Item Available for Loan
Category: ItemAndLoanPeriod - Category 'ItemAndLoanPeriod' is used to help organize related term 'Item'
Term: Item
Term Function: IsItemAvailable(String itemId, boolean isOverridden)
2) Determine Loan Period
Category: ItemAndLoanPeriod ItemAndLoanPeriod - Category 'ItemAndLoanPeriod' is used to help organize related term 'Item'
Term: Loan Period