- ole-impex - This module contains information about the baseline KFS/Rice datasets
- ole-impex-master - This module has all the table definitions (schema.xml) along with data xml files for the base KFS datasets. This doesn't have any Rice related tables or data.
- ole-impex-rice - This module strictly contains the Rice table definitions (schema.xml) along with data xml files.
- ole-liquibase - This module contains information about any database changes or updates that need to be made
- ole-liquibase-changeset - This module contains the definitions for any updates that needs to be made to the base OLE schema that contains the base KFS/Rice tables/data. The updates could include creation of new tables, populating with same data etc..
- ole-sql - SQL Files under the various sub-modules are auto-generated by maven commands run under the modules in 1 & 2.
Warning The various SQL files are auto generated by the maven process on the ole-impex and ole-liquibase modules. Do not attempt to manually update these files as they will be overridden anytime the build process is run on the ole-impex and ole-liquibase modules.
- ole-liquibase-sql - These are auto-generated sql files from the ole-liquibase-changeset module.
No Format cd into the ole-liquibase/ole-liquibase-changeset module mvn clean process-resources -Psql,mysql
- ole-master-sql - These are auto-generated sql files from the ole-impex-master module.
- ole-rice-sql - These are auto generated sql files from the ole-impex-rice module.
Info These auto-generated sql files gets executed by the maven-sql plugin on a database; weather be it MySQL or Oracle. Refer to the DB refresh process in the main Developer's guide.
No Format cd into ole-impex mvn clean process-resources -Psql,mysql -Dkuali-deploy.version=2.1.8-SNAPSHOT
- ole-liquibase-sql - These are auto-generated sql files from the ole-liquibase-changeset module.
- ole-workflow -