Versions Compared


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 1.Getting the Source Code from SVN

  • Check out the code for OLE-Utility project from the following SVN Repository:


            \projects\OLE-SVN\ole-trunk\ole-docstore\ole-solr-config -- DOCSTORE_SOLR_CONFIG_PROJ

2.Building the Code

  • Open command prompt and go to the folder: % UTILITY_PROJ %


          It creates oledocstore.war in %DOCSTORE_WEBAPP_PROJ%\target directory.


3.1  Setting up properties

Create the following directories in the same drive as %TOMCAT_HOME% directory. 



3.2 Deploying the War files to Tomcat

  •     Copy oledocstore.war file from %DOCSTORE_WEBAPP_PROJ%target to %TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps folder

4.Running Docstore and Discovery

Start the Tomcat Server.

Open a browser.


5.Bulk Ingest

Copy the following sample data files to the folder specified by the property  local.bulkIngestDir (only this property) in the file %DOCSTORE_ENGINE_PROJ%\src\main\resources\org\kuali\ole\ This property should be changed to a directory suitable to the local user's system. (e.g. /ole-test-data/bulkingest). Create this folder if it does not exist.


         Note for the count for each DocType.

6.String Ingest

Open a browser.

        Go to URL http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/discovery and click on "Ingest String Content" tab.


 The data can also be verified using the URLs given in the previous section.

 7.LOG Files

The log files will be written to the following locations by default.

  •  Discovery - %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/logs/ole-discovery.log
  •  Discovery - %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/logs/ole-discovery-error.log
  •  DocStore - %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/logs/ole-docstore.log
  •  DocStore - %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/logs/ole-docstore-error.log

8.Discovery within OLE(Optional)

Copy the ole-discovery.war and oledocstore.war files into the Tomcat running OLE.
