11.Getting the Source Code from SVN
- Check out the code for oleOLE-utility Discovery project from the following SVN Repository:
- Check out the ole-docstore directory from the following SVN Repository:
ole-docstore Assume Assume that the code is checked out into the following folders:
\projects\OLE-SVN\ole-trunk\ole-docstorediscovery\ole-discovery-core -- DOCSTOREDISCOVERY_CORE_PROJ
\projects\OLE-SVN\ole-trunk\ole-docstorediscovery\ole-docstorediscovery-webapp -engine - DOCSTOREDISCOVERY_ENGINEWEBAPP_PROJ
\projects\OLE-SVN\ole-trunk\ole-docstorediscovery\oleOLE-docstore-search SOLR -- DOCSTORESOLR_SEARCHCONFIG_PROJ
- Check out the DocumentStore directory from the following SVN Repository:
Assume that the code is checked out into the following folders:
\projects\OLE-SVN\ole-trunk\ole-docstore\DocumentStore\ -- DOCSTORE_PROJ
\projects\OLE-SVN\ole-docstore-webapp -trunk\DocumentStore\ documentstore-engine - DOCSTORE_WEBAPPENGINE_PROJ
\projects\OLE-SVN\ole-trunk\ole-docstoreDocumentStore\ documentstore-utility -- DOCSTORE_UTILITY_PROJ
\projects\OLE-SVN\ole-solr-config trunk\DocumentStore\ documentstore-webapp -- DOCSTORE_SOLR_CONFIGWEBAPP_PROJ
2.Building the Code
- Open command prompt and go to the folder: % UTILITY_PROJ %
Run "mvn clean install".
It creates documentstore-webapp.war in %DOCSTORE_WEBAPP_PROJ%\target directory.
Rename it to oledocstore.war
- Open command prompt and go to the folder: %DOCSTORE% DISCOVERY_PROJ%PROJ %
Run Run "mvn clean install".
It creates oledocstore.war in %DOCSTOREIt creates ole-discovery-webapp.war in %DISCOVERY_WEBAPP_PROJ%PROJ%\target directory.
Rename it to ole-discovery. war
3.1 Setting up properties
Create the following directories in the same drive as %TOMCAT_HOME% directory.
- \opt\docstore\discovery\properties
- \opt\docstore\discovery\solr-config
- \opt\docstore\properties
- set OLE_DISCOVERY_HOME=\opt\docstore\discovery
- set OLE_DOCSTORE_HOME=\opt\docstore
Set the following Set JAVA_OPTS after the line: as below.
(The entire text below should be in SINGLE LINE after your Discovery environment variables.)
Save the file catalina.bat
- Copy Copy ole-discovery.properties from DOCSTOREDISCOVERY_WEBAPP_PROJ/src/main/resources to OLE_ DISCOVERY_PROP_HOME.
- Copy log4j.properties from DOCSTORE_WEBAPP_PROJ/src/main/resources to OLE_DOCSTORE_PROP_HOME
Modify the port in the following property in the above file to match the Tomcat port. (Default is 8080)
- Copy DOCSTORE_WEBAPP_PROJ /repository-derby.xml to OLE_DOCSTORE_PROP_HOME.and rename it as repository.xml
Modify the port in the following property in the above file to match the Tomcat port. (Default is 8080)
3.2 Deploying the War files to Tomcat
- Copy ole-discovery.war file
- Copy from %DISCOVERY_WEBAPP_PROJ%\target to %TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps folder.
- Copy oledocstore.war file from %DOCSTORE_WEBAPP_PROJ%*target to %*TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps folder
Navigate to the following URLs.
- http://localhost:8080/ole-discovery/oledocstore
- http://localhost:8080/oledocstoreole-discovery/discovery.do
- http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/discovery
Open a browser.
Go to URL [http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/discovery|http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/discovery] and click on "Ingest String Content" tab.
Copy the sample xml provided in the screen.
Click Submit button.
The response xml in the browser gives the result of the stream ingest process.
The data can also be verified using the URLs given in the previous section.
5.Bulk Ingest
Copy the following sample data files to the folder specified by the property local.batch.upload.dirbulkIngestDir (only this property) in the file %OLE%DOCSTORE_DISCOVERY_PROP_HOME%documentstoreENGINE_PROJ%\src\main\resources\org\kuali\ole\directory-path.properties. This property should be changed to a directory suitable to the local user's system. (e.g. /ole-test-data/bulkingest). Create this folder if it does not exist.
Please note: There may be issues with file/folder permissions with this directory. Make sure this directory is fully accessible by all users.
- *%DOCSTORE_ENGINE_PROJ%*src\test\resources\org\kuali\ole\bulkIngest\files\bulkIngest-Work-Bib-Marc-20.xml --- This is a sample test data file
- *%DOCSTORE_ENGINE_PROJ%*src\test\resources\org\kuali\ole\bulkIngest\files\bulkIngest-Work-Inst-OleML-20.xml --- This is a sample test data file
Copy the first file (Bib data) to the destination folder specified by the property local.batch.upload.dirbulkIngestDir in the documentstoredirectory-path.properties file.
After the first file is ingested, copy the second file (Instance data).
Open a browser.
Go to URL http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/adminbulkIngest.jsp
Click on 'BulkIngestSubmit' button to run the bulk ingest. Need to click only once.
To verify that the data is indexed in DocStore, go to URL
Click 'Refresh' button in the Summary tab.
Note for the count for each DocType.
6.String Ingest
Open a browser.
Go to URL http://localhost:8080/oledocstoreand click on "Ingest String Content" tab.
Copy the sample xml provided in the screen.
Click Submit button.
The response xml in the browser gives the result of the stream ingest process.
The data can also be verified using the URLs given in the previous section.
7.LOG Files
The log files will be written to the following locations by default.
- Discovery - %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/logs/ole-discovery.log
- Discovery - %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/logs/ole-discovery-error.log
- DocStore - %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/logs/ole-docstore.log
- DocStore - %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/logs/ole-docstore-error.log
Discovery within OLE(Optional)
Copy the ole-discovery.war and oledocstore.war files into the Tomcat running OLE.
- ole.docstoreapp.url=http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/document
- ole.discovery.app.url=http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/ole-discovery/
Copy the file 'olebibeditor.properties' provided along with this document in to your %USER_HOME% directory.
- local.docstore.checkout.url=http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/checkout
- local.docstore.checkin.url=http://localhost:8080/oledocstore/document
- local.discovery.url=http://localhost:8080/oledocstoreole-discovery/bib
Open a browser.
Go to URL