Wiki Markup |
{section} {column:width=40%} {panel:title=Contents|borderStyle=dashed|borderColor=#A40000|titleBGColor=#E8E8E8|bgColor=#F8F8F8} {toc:outline=false|minLevel=3|maxLevel=4} {panel} {column} {column} This material was adapted from {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}{link-window}, documentation for the KFS 4.x releases. {note:title=Work in Progress} This information will continue to be updated. {note} {column} {section} h2. {anchor:_D2HTopic_234}OLE E-Doc Fundamentals {excerpt}The following sections describe the page layout, common attributes of an e-doc, and basic functions.{excerpt} h3. {anchor:_D2HTopic_235}E-Doc Screen Layout An e-doc consists of a document header and a document body. The document header in the upper right corner of the screen contains system information about the document. The document body is organized in a stack of labeled tabs that are similar to file folders. Based on the type of document, the system displays different sets of tabs. To facilitate the document input process, an initiated document opens with required tabs expanded and optional tabs collapsed. Workflow action buttons appropriate to your role are displayed at the bottom of the screen. *On the Financial (FS) menus, documents appear like this:* !OLEEdocExplanation.png|width=900px! *On the Rice 2 (LS) menus, documents appear differently:* !Rice2EDoc.png|width=800px! h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_236}Document Header *Basic information in the document header* ||Title||Description|| |Document Nbr (Document Number)|The unique number used to identify each document. OLE assigns a sequential number to each document when it is created, regardless of the type of document.| |Status (Document Status)|A code that identifies the status of a document within the Workflow process. | |Initiator (Initiator Network ID)|The user ID of the document initiator.| |Created (Creation Time Stamp)|The time and date the document was created.| !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information about status definitions, see [Route Log|]. *Optional information in the document header* ||Title||Description|| |Copied from Document ID|OLE allows users to create new documents based on previous transactions by way of a copy function. When one document is copied from another, the document number of the copied document appears here.| |Correct Document ID|OLE gives you the option of reversing a fully approved transaction through the use of an error correction function. When one document is a correction of another, the document number of the document being corrected appears here. This information is displayed only when the document was created using the error correction feature in an existing document.| (i) Some documents have information in the header unique to that e-doc. Those are addressed in the user documentation. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_237}Expand All /Collapse All Buttons You may expand or collapse all tabs in a document by clicking *expand all* or *collapse all{*}. * Click !worddav24cedaee4b318bb1323412757f83c731.png|height=10,width=50! to expand all of the e-doc tabs. !worddav47c08e221345c6f8611fdc0dd1d269f3.png|height=216,width=487! * Click !worddavd1734cc90319e0c510d921fa7727577b.png|height=10,width=50! to collapse all of the tabs. !worddavbf9b08d17872f7ed4ce516f2e03a9213.png|height=157,width=494! h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_238}Show/Hide Buttons on Financial (FS) e-docs Click !worddav6195915cf1d2077795b5877bbcb4f326.png|height=15,width=45! or !worddavd3afa808525a18c2842224b4aaa25aaf.png|height=15,width=45! on the tabs to expand or collapse an individual tab. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_239}Required Fields All required fields in an e-doc are denoted with an asterisk. You cannot submit the document until all required fields contain data. !worddav5122d79b5d2fc896ede0476f884dc301.png|height=55,width=389! h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_240} Date Fields Dates must be specified in mm/dd/yyyy format. Alternatively, you may select a date by clicking the calendar !worddav5023d48413609be3675f5fe1e9603467.png|height=15,width=15! ( !miniCalendarRice2.png|height=21,width=21! in Rice 2)and selecting from the calendar that is subsequently displayed. !worddavabfe2ed530ad2adbe043a04b228eb92c.png|height=154! !CalendarRice2.png|height=154! h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_241}Standard Links and Icons Since OLE is a web-based application, hyperlinks and icons are used for navigation. Clicking hyperlinks and icons allows you to drill down into document detail and to obtain additional information. !worddav0616ff23aa65a73cf4b849d95952102c.png|height=131,width=444! h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_242}Help Icon !worddav6212543b95fce5ec65d5fd0d4814cd2b.png! *In future releases*, when you click the !worddavc3c90c932ec0891d4a763a8e2a2af6e4.png|height=14,width=15! icon by the title in the top left corner of an e-doc or other screen, the help system will display information about and instructions for working with the screen. This feature is not yet functioning in OLE, if selected, you will receive an error message. !helpIcon.jpg! h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_243}Field Lookup (i) The Rice 2 Field Lookups will only appear slightly different than this. The round magnifying glass or 'lookup' icon !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! allows you to look up reference table information so you avoid data entry errors. !worddava0f1106f1c8c6e91b12d4f233e425a92.png|height=73,width=207! After you click the icon, the system displays a list of valid values for you to select from or connects you to a form that allows you to search for the value you need. !worddav143b31fb0ba348184a866b5a998e1a5d.png|height=137,width=480! To look up valid values in this form: 1. Enter one or more search criteria or leave all search criteria fields blank to retrieve all. To specify search criteria: * Type data into any combination, all, or none of the listed search fields. (Most search fields change letters to uppercase for the search.) * If you know the exact words or phrase, enter the text wrapped in quotes. * Use \* only at the end of a word and only when you have entered a single word in the field * If desired, to enter a range of numbers or dates, use any of these range operators: >, <, >=, <=, and ..Note that the .. operator may be used only between two date values. It may not be used with a single date. All other operators are used before single dates. * Specify dates in the format mm/dd/yyyy. Using logical operators & (AND) and | (OR) with multiple search parameters. 2. Click !worddav16f7400f28df4d57a24c226dc2e98955.png|height=17,width=62! . OLE displays the list of applicable values that you have requested. After the value list is displayed, you may take one of the following actions by clicking the hyperlinks labeled a through c below. !worddavb19faccbc951ccc64e4b5b018825d441.png|height=178,width=494! *(a)* Click !worddav67914acb988fee2627aea63c711f4d46.png|height=18,width=88! to select the code. *(b)* Click !worddav4735411c411f99c5fac3afad25aa7a7a.png|height=18! to cancel the search (or click *cancel*). *(c)* Click the name of a column to sort the retrieved values by that column. h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_244}Multiple Value Lookup In the Financial menu e-docs, documents requiring a list of values come with a special multiple value lookup screen where you may select multiple values from the search list. The *Look Up / Add Multiple xxx Lines* !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! (where xxx is the name of the attributes you are updating) link is available in the applicable section of the tab where this feature is available. !worddav94cb9397f085026b72a0d8b860945f0b.png|height=168,width=621! The *Look Up / Add Multiple xxx Lines* !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! takes you to a special search screen where you are given an opportunity to build a list of values from which you may choose one or more values by selecting the check boxes in the rightmost column. !worddav17a9da2980d878571221f7a7f8b221f7.png|height=353,width=500! * Click !worddav2e745a01b13e46b20e1ef442f2e21196.png|height=17,width=78! to select all values in the list. * Click !worddav1ec5babc361596e8c54560d76990942e.png|height=17,width=91! to clear the check boxes for all values in the list. !worddav6e6e2d2d73bd7ae9fc37092652eea5d7.png|height=350,width=476! Clicking !worddav2d28433e04c68186ea55bf769f4f6b4f.png|height=22,width=66! returns you to the tab you came from without populating the tab. !worddavbc8d93fff1d854b3182ccbac6911d512.png|height=15,width=15! Multiple value lookup is used in global documents and labor e-docs. h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_245}Export Options Links In the Financial menu e-docs, to export the result of the table lookup to your local computer in CSV, Excel, or XML format: # Click the *export option* link for the format you want.\\ \\ !worddav1acd56e2827291916894473bde1462d8.png|height=235,width=290!\\ \\ The system prompts you to click *Open{*}, *Save,* or *Cancel{*}. \\ \\ !worddavce30c2ea9acabd58ca2d1a5921d93d39.png|height=236,width=359!\\ \\ # Click one of the buttons and follow the standard prompts. h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_246}Drilldown After you perform a search in the financial menu, when the system displays a link or icon in the list of retrieved data, you can 'drill down into' (that is, display) details for any of the linked items. Standard drilldown features in OLE include the following. !searchResult.png|width=900px! * Document ID drilldown: *(a)* Clicking the Document ID link retrieves the specified document so you can view or edit it. * User drilldown: *(b)* Clicking a linked user ID takes you to a Person Impl Inquiry report.\\ \\ !worddav2d8dfe2ec115e109394f013ad76d7aad.png|height=313,width=622! * Route log lookup: *(c)* Clicking the *Route Log* icon !worddav6b5b51b3eca330c506cb861970bcebe6.png|height=20,width=20! takes you to the OLE Route Log for the document in this row. The Route Log contains two tabs summarizing routing activities. The *Action Taken* tab logs prior events and the *Pending Action Requests* tab logs known future events, from which you can see current Workflow action requests.\\ \\ !worddavd5d99bb24a5efcdbdc5d864616bf29d7.png|height=344,width=626!\\ \\ !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For more information, see [Route Log|] . * To augment library workflows, search results are not as standard in the Rice 2 menus. However from the search results listed there are always links to 'drill down into'. The font is read for easy navigation:\\ \\ !drilldownLink.png|border=1! h3. {anchor:_D2HTopic_247}Standard Tabs While the tabs contained in various e-docs may vary from one document type to another, a set of standard tabs is included in every e-doc. All documents contain *Document Overview*, *Notes and Attachments*, *Ad Hoc Recipients*, and *Route Log* tabs. Additionally, financial transactions e-docs contain the *Accounting Lines* tab and the *General Ledger Pending Entries* tab. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_248}Document Overview Tab In the Financial menus, the *Document Overview* tab identifies the document and includes fours fields—*Description*, *Explanation*, *Total Amount*, and *Org. Doc #*. !worddavc83b75036f4bd4887aa11a02ee3388f8.png|height=86,width=626! The *Description* field is a required field on every e-doc because it is used to identify the transaction and is included in the GL inquiry, standard reports, action list, and document search. !worddavc01f5b13c77e4d16c218a0b86437e96e.png|height=135,width=377! The *Explanation* and *Org Doc#* fields allow you to include additional information about the document. For those in which it applies, the *Total Amount* field is updated when the document is submitted successfully. !worddav7297412b464e09689b3d1a123d7ee89c.png|height=268,width=626! In the Rice 2 menus, the *Document Overview* tab is similar. !documentOverviewRice2.png|width=800px! *Document Overview tab definition* ||Title||Description|| |Description|Required. Enter the short description for the document. The description appears in the GL Inquiry (for financial documents), standard reports, action list and document search as a primary identification of the document.| |Explanation|Optional. Enter a more detailed explanation than the information supplied in the description field.| |Total Amount|Display-only on financial documents. Displays the total amount of accounting lines when the document is submitted successfully.| |Org Doc #|Optional. Enter the value that may include departmental or organizational information. This number is not the same as the Document Number assigned by OLE.| !worddavbc8d93fff1d854b3182ccbac6911d512.png|height=15,width=15! Other data fields may be available in the document overview of specific documents. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_249}OLE Finanacial Menus (FS) Accounting Lines Tab Accounting information for a financial transaction is entered in the *Accounting Lines* tab. This is where the accounting string data is entered. The required fields and the format of the tab vary slightly by document type. The *Amt* field may also look different, depending on the type of document you are creating. h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_250}Single-Sided Entry (FS only) A number of documents require you to enter information onto only one side of the transaction because the balancing side of the transaction is automatically generated by OLE based on pre-set business rules. An example of a single-sided entry is the Cash Receipt (CR) document. !worddav564e752bfa305c655022f813574ba46f.png|height=192,width=621! h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_251}Double-Sided Entries (FS only) Several types of documents function by placing accounts, object codes, and amount combinations in separate sections of the *Accounting Lines* tab. These sections may be entitled *From/To*, *Income/Expense*, *Decrease/Increase*, etc., depending on the type of document. In a document with *From/To* sections (such as the General Error Correction or GEC document), the *From* section of the transaction represents a decrease in income, expense, or budget to an account. For example, when an account is entered in the *From* section of a GEC document and the object code is an expense type, the transaction reduces (credits) the expense and increases (debits) cash for that account. The *To* section of this same type of transaction represents an increase in income, expense, or budget to an account. For example, when an account is entered in the *To* section of a GEC document and the object code is an expense type, the transaction increases (debits) the expense and decreases (credits) cash for this account. !worddavf97ebbf967ed40c47d2b28849d11e79c.png|height=202,width=622! {HTMLcomment} h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_252}Debit/Credit Entries (FS only) A document requiring both debit and credit entries has fields for the debit or credit amount on each accounting line. A debit and credit may not be entered on the same accounting line; only a debit _or_ a credit may be entered on a single line. The Journal Voucher (JV) document is an example of a document requiring debit/credit entry. !worddavbc8098fed6d6494d96efc8cdccd31e97.png|height=160,width=623! {HTMLcomment} *Accounting Lines tab definition* ||Title||Description|| |Chart|Required. Select the chart code from the *Chart* list.| |Account|Required. Enter the account number or search for it from the *Account* lookup !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! .| |Sub-Account|Optional. Enter the sub-account number or search for it from the *Sub-Account* lookup !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! .| |Object|Required. Enter the object code or search for it from the *Object Code* lookup !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! .| |Sub-Object|Optional. Enter the sub-object code or search for it from the *Sub-Object* lookup !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! .| |Project|Optional. Enter the project code or search for it from the *Project* lookup !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! .| |Object Type|Required only for the Journal Voucher document. Enter the object type code or search for it from the *Object Type* lookup !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! . This value is auto-populated based on the object code used in the JV document when you click *add{*}.| |Organization Reference |Optional. Enter the appropriate data for the transactions.| |Amount|Required. Enter the amount.| |Ref Origin Code|Required only for the General Error Correction document. Enter the ref origin code or search for it from the *Origination Code* lookup !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! .| |Ref Number|Required only for the General Error Correction document. Enter the ref number.| |Line Desc|Optional in most documents. Enter a description of the transaction line. This field is required in a few documents and is noted as required in the help documentation for these types of documents. | (!) Some of the above fields are not included in all documents. Specific requirements for each document type are noted in the section for the document type. h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_253}Displaying Account Detail (FS only) Descriptions for the accounting string data may be hidden or shown by clicking *show detail* and *hide detail*. !worddavd1c938e8d55deca07b896732eb728e58.png|height=123,width=302! The system displays the alternate option after you click the button. * Clicking !worddavf6d5ad66f2c67d76e5c9cc8af9727d43.png|height=15,width=65! hides the COA titles in the *Accounting Lines* tab: !worddav7ee400538dced4489db972db2253152b.png|height=100,width=471! * Clicking !worddav7da1b90971525fe6f54e0742e58b4afb.png|height=15,width=65! displays the COA titles in the *Accounting Lines* tab: !worddav86802d6c108da4786b19d4f06151af84.png|height=119,width=424! h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_254}Accounting Lines Buttons (FS only) The accounting lines buttons offer the following options. * To add an accounting line to the document, click !worddav38f3b05841f2bcf8f10583ccf04977dc.png|height=15,width=40! . !worddav272281db8524cf9c2b92f6ba1e2079e1.png|height=136,width=256! The system validates the account number, expiration status and business rules specific to the document type. (!) If the account number is expired, you must check the *Expired Override* box or enter a different account in order to add the line. !worddav58cf03512813da3b4e667b75ba0eeb3d.png|height=157,width=340! * To delete the accounting line, click !worddav0e09d45242fa154df86367526a52d4e4.png|height=15,width=40! . !worddavee71a2ebb3650e5621851cbc99fe9e4b.png|height=106,width=315! * To open the balance inquiry menu, click !worddav1376635f8ffca86b77ea1ff9ff7f05f9.png|height=15,width=65! . Then select one of the reports by clicking the lookup icon !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! next to the desired report title. !worddave45c5c2838123edf964404f411e46940.png|height=163,width=236! h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_255}Sales Tax (FS only) OLE can be configured to require sales tax information on the selected document types as well as the account and object code combinations. The document types and account/object code combinations are stored in two separate business rules. When an account and object combination in the account and object code parameter is used on a document in the document type parameter, the systems displays the sales tax line after you add the accounting line. !worddave472d59d0253df1510308b09908dc1e8.png|height=136,width=626! (!) The system does not display the sales tax line until you enter the account and object code and click the *add* button. !worddavc6b7c158136c85f9a114a23244f88d11.png|height=20,width=20! The SALES_TAX_APPLICABLE_DOCUMENT_TYPES parameter defines the document types that this behavior should appear on. The SALES_TAX_APPLICABLE_ACCOUNTS_AND_OBJECT_CODES parameter specifies the account and object code combinations that prompt you to enter sales tax information. For more information about business rules, see {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}Parameter{link-window} in the _KFS_ _Guide to Core Components and Functions_ {HTMLcomment}{HTMLcomment}. h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_256}Import Lines (FS only) If you have a number of accounting lines to enter, you may create a .csv file containing the transactions and import it into the document. !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information about accessing and using the import templates, see [OLE Data Import Templates]. h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_257}Restrictions (FS only) Each financial transaction document is governed by business rules for the document type and the accounting line data. Rules may be derived from specific attributes associated with the account, object code, or other accounting string data. The following is a partial list of account and object code attributes that may cause restrictions on various documents. *Attributes that may cause restrictions in entering accounting lines* ||Attribute||Cross Edits|| |Account|Fund Group, Sub-Fund Group, Budget Recording Level, Effective/Expiration Date, Account Sufficient Funds, Object Presence Control, Income Stream Account| |Object Code|Object Type, Object Sub-Type, Object Level, Consolidated Object Code| h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_265}General Ledger Pending Entries Tab (FS only) After a financial transaction document has been submitted, the *General Ledger Pending Entries* tab displays the actual entries that are to be posted to the GL when the document is fully approved and the GL batch process has run. In addition to the entries the user created, the *General Ledger Pending Entries* tab may include system-generated offset transactions. Before you submit the document, this tab contains the message 'There are currently no General Ledger Pending Entries associated with the Transaction Processing document'. !worddav91d45123ea43e6433ad4c8df06339b9c.png|height=85,width=622! When the document is submitted into routing for approval, the pending entries are displayed in the *General Ledger Pending Entries* tab. If offset entries are generated by OLE, they are also displayed in this tab. After a transaction is fully approved, these entries are posted in a batch process to the General Ledger. After the batch process has been run, the general ledger pending entries are moved from this tab of the document. !worddavb6ab2fa1a1eabea626c6f4f48ff90b9f.png|height=81,width=616! !worddav8ada000902b77a8ef4688e3cdbe23275.png|height=101,width=616! !worddavbc8d93fff1d854b3182ccbac6911d512.png|height=15,width=15! Specific offsets are determined by the Offset Definition table. For more information about offsets, see {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}Offset Definition{link-window} in the _KFS_ _Guide to Core Components and Functions{_}.{HTMLcomment}{HTMLcomment} h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_266}Balancing Rules (FS only) Each e-doc is governed by a set of balancing rules, some of which are more complex than others. The balancing rules within a document often enforce the basic rule that debits must equal credits. Whether or not an accounting line generates a debit or credit relies on various factors, including which side of a double-sided document it is in and whether the object code used represents income, expense, assets, or liabilities, etc. !worddavbc8d93fff1d854b3182ccbac6911d512.png|height=15,width=15! The Accounting Lines total in some documents may balance to sections in the document or to entries in the tabs on the document. For example, the Cash Receipt document's *Accounting Lines* tab balances to the *Reconciliation* section of the document. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_267}Notes and Attachments Tab !worddavbc8d93fff1d854b3182ccbac6911d512.png|height=15,width=15! *Size and File Type Restrictions for Attachments:* The maximum size of attachments is 5 megabytes by default, but your institution may change that limit. The system imposes no restrictions on types of files that may be attached. The *Notes and Attachments* tab displays user notes, attachments, or system-generated information about the document. The number of notes and/or attachments is indicated on the tab. !worddav4fcf159bd650aee0fbf9a220547b3c83.png|height=96,width=647! In Rice 2, the *Notes and Attachments* tab is not in many documents as other tabs replace it. In documents where the notes and attachments tab exists, it is similar. !notesAndAttachmentsRice2.png|width=800px! *Notes and Attachments tab definition* ||Title||Description|| |Posted Timestamp (Posted Date/Time Stamp)|Display-only. The time and date when the attachment or note was posted.| |Author (Principal Name)|Display-only. The full name of the user who has added the notes or attachments.| |Note Text|Required. Enter comments.| |Attached File|Optional. Select the file to attach by clicking *Browse* and using the standard *Choose File* dialog box. Click *Cancel* to clear the file name you have selected.| Click !worddav38f3b05841f2bcf8f10583ccf04977dc.png|height=15,width=40! to add a note. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_268}Ad Hoc Recipients Tab The *Ad Hoc Recipients* tab allows you to interrupt the normal workflow routing of the document and include individuals or groups in the routing path. Ad hoc routing does not supersede the normal workflow routing of the document but is in addition to the normal routing. The *Ad Hoc Recipients* tab has two sections: *Person Requests* and *Ad Hoc Group Requests{*}. Use one or both of the sections to route the document to a person, group, or both. !worddavc643b730908bf9261dfed521dcbb75f6.png|height=109,width=630! In Rice 2, the *Ad Hoc Recipients" tab is similar. !adHocRecipientsRice2.png|width=800px! *Ad Hoc Recipients tab definition* ||Field Name||Description|| |Action Requested|Required. Select the desired action from the *Action Requested* list. The choices are *APPROVE{*}, *ACKNOWLEDGE{*}, and *FYI{*}.| |Person|Required when routing the document to an individual. Enter a user ID or select it from the lookup !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! .| |Ad Hoc Group Requested|Required when routing the document to a group. Enter a group name or select it from the lookup !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! .| * Click !worddav38f3b05841f2bcf8f10583ccf04977dc.png|height=15,width=40! in the *Actions* column to add the current line. * Click !worddav0e09d45242fa154df86367526a52d4e4.png|height=15,width=40! in the *Actions* column to delete the current line. !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For more information about ad hoc routing, see [Ad Hoc Routing|]. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_269}Route Log Tab Most financial documents require one or more approvals before they impact the General Ledger. The process usually begins with Workflow identifying all account numbers used on the document and requesting the approval of the fiscal officers associated with these accounts. The applicable routing information for each e-doc can be found in its *Route Log* tab. In Rice 2, library documents can be routed also. This allows for audit trail functionality. !worddavedf5110540afeef67f9b9a5bd109d858.png|height=236,width=623! !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For more information about the Route Log, see [Route Log|]. h3. {anchor:_D2HTopic_270}Basic E-Doc Operations This section describes basic e-doc operations that you perform on many different types of documents. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_271}Making a Balance Inquiry on the Financial (FS) Main Menu The *Balance Inquiries* menu group on the *Main Menu* tab provides access to balances related to the General Ledger. To access any of the balance inquiry screens and perform a search, follow these steps: # Select the desired inquiry from the *Balance Inquiries* menu group on the *Main Menu* tab.\\ \\ The system displays the requested lookup screen. This screen may display default values; these values may be changed. \\ \\ # Enter values in all fields preceded by an asterisk. Narrow the search as desired by including additional criteria. If desired, use % and * as wildcards at the end of or within a string of characters to represent any character (%) or characters \(*\). # Click !worddav3d716ea1ce28be761b3d68a276eb214c.png|height=17,width=65! when you have entered all necessary criteria and are ready to retrieve the balances. !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information about individual GL balance inquiries, see {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}General Ledger{link-window}{HTMLcomment}{HTMLcomment} in the _KFS_ _Guide to Core Components and Functions{_}. For information about individual balance inquiries related to Labor Distribution and Endowment, see the {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}KFS Guide to the Labor Distribution Module{link-window} {HTMLcomment}{HTMLcomment}and the {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}KFS Guide to the Endowment Module{link-window} {HTMLcomment}{HTMLcomment}. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_272}Initiating a Document # Select the document link from the main menu.\\ \\ # Complete required tabs for the document.\\ \\ !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information about the requirements for a particular type of e-doc, see the help documentation for the specific document type in the {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}KFS online help{link-window}.\\ \\ # Click !worddavf99317eaa51222c549d97e9550c25d11.png|height=16,width=61! to route the document for approval. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_273}Copying a Document (initiating a document based on another document) You may initiate a new document based on an existing document. # Retrieve the document from which you want to copy.\\ \\ !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information about how to retrieve a document, see [Using Doc Search to Find a Document|#_D2HTopic_279].\\ \\ # Click !worddav2ebde4a90010c235c3e07f55a0ce64d1.png|height=17,width=53! in the array of workflow action buttons.\\ \\ The system creates a new document with a new document ID. The document ID information for the copied-from document is displayed in the document header and also in the *Notes and Attachments* tab of the new document.\\ \\ !worddavbc8d93fff1d854b3182ccbac6911d512.png|height=15,width=15! Clicking the *Copied from Document Id* takes you to the document you copied from. \\ \\ !worddavbce9019bcc9393cc938fb545db878422.png|height=46,width=486! \\ A note stating that the document was copied from another document is attached to the copied-from document. \\ \\ !worddav5da50489e954c862d48be55421b67334.png|height=126,width=485!\\ # Complete required tabs for the document. # Click !worddavf99317eaa51222c549d97e9550c25d11.png|height=16,width=61! to route the document for approval. !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information about the requirements for a particular type of e-doc, see the help documentation for the specific document type. For information about routing the document, see [Routing a Document|#_D2HTopic_277]. !worddavc6b7c158136c85f9a114a23244f88d11.png|height=20,width=20! *Lookup and Copy Feature for Chart of Account Maintenance e-docs* To create a Chart of Accounts code that is similar to one of the existing codes, click the copy link. The system creates a document with the same values, except for the values in the identifying fields. This copy feature is available on the document lookup directly from the *Main Menu* or *Maintenance* menu tab and is not available from the valid value lookup within the financial transaction documents. !worddav3da10a62a80aebab50b19fc8e86a98a3.png|height=199,width=457! The Lookup and Copy Feature is also available from many of the Rice 2 search menus. !actions.png! h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_274}Saving a Document # To save the document to work on later, click !worddav134c1711f471e3a400d52aa0e707698b.png|height=17,width=53! in the array of workflow action buttons. # Verify that the document was successfully saved. The system displays a message in the upper left corner. !worddavb776952a49ccebb10365b1812845e587.png|height=160,width=291! # Retrieve the document at a later time to continue working. !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information about how to retrieve an e-doc, see [Using Doc Search to Find a Document|#_D2HTopic_279]. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_275}Canceling a Document (!) Documents in 'INITIATED' status that are canceled are removed from the database and cannot be retrieved or viewed. # To cancel a document, click !worddave6e10103243600554763e84f2e9dbc52.png|height=17,width=62! in the array of workflow action buttons. # When prompted, '*Are you sure you want to cancel?{*}' click !worddavbf992ed0b48867c0a1f7b33f2a89c2a0.png|height=17,width=48! to proceed. !worddav1e58d32b1be1dbc723bb4d1d21cc8775.png|height=73,width=180! h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_276}Closing a Document # To close a document and return to the main menu, click !worddav94c14827f820dcf24040e447f2d84d97.png|height=17,width=48! in the array of workflow action buttons. # When prompted 'Would you like to save this document before you close it?' click !worddavbf992ed0b48867c0a1f7b33f2a89c2a0.png|height=17,width=48! to proceed. (!) Closing a document in 'INITIATED' status has the same effect as canceling the document. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_277}Routing a Document The e-doc process supports both pre-established workflow routing and ad hoc routing. In workflow routing, OLE routes the document to the proper users based on business rules established in Workflow. Ad hoc routing allows a user to route the document to one or more individual users and/or groups for approval, acknowledgement, or FYI. Unless you want to add an ad hoc routing, select one of the action buttons to route the document in the predefined routing hierarchy. !worddav589576252c01cb226505995befccaa60.png|height=116,width=500! (!) *Ad Hoc Routing in the Purchasing/Accounts Payable Module* Ad hoc routing is not available in Purchasing/Accounts Payable documents because the workflow statuses are closely related to the document statuses (PO and requisition status, etc.). For information about document routing, see [Route Levels and Workflow Routing|]. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_278}Using the Action List The *action list* button is located in the upper left corner of the screen allows you to view and act on documents that require your completion, acknowledgement, approval, and FYI. !worddavde587ef9f630fdfa694b0c3eb7d26110actionList.png|height=74,width=182! !worddav0f582a563ad330820c49e0292c2d5dd0.png|height=272,width=626! Documents sent to your action list may request various types of actions from you. The most commonly requested actions are: * _Approve:_ Verify that the transaction is acceptable. Approved financial documents continue routing to additional approvers, or if fully approved, are included in the next update to the General Ledger. * _Acknowledge{_}: View and acknowledge a transaction, without the need for giving formal approval. You must open the document from your action list to clear it out. This type of action request is generated to prior approvers and the initiator when a document is disapproved. * _FYI:_ A courtesy request allowing you to view the transaction or to clear the request from your action list without viewing it. You do not need to view the transactions sent for FYI routing. !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For more information about the action list, see [Action List|]. h3. Searching OLE As OLE grows to include more document types (patrons, bibliographic formats, licenses, etc.), OLE will create integrated Search capabilities, where the search functions will provide inter-operability instead of some of the localized wildcards, limits on bibliographic fields, or other search-specific criteria below. Library users will be included in future testing and development of OLE Search, building upon our emerging search types for: * Document Store Search - full Bibliographic searching * Acquisitions Search - includes limited Bibliographic searching * Order Holding Queue - search on requisitions: actions on individual documents, or Approve/Cancel/Calculate return for further action, group of requisitions * Receiving Queue - complete simple receiving from search via queue * Fund/ Balance Inquiries - query general ledger for account balances and availabilities * Load Reports- find statuses and reporting on Ingested load success and failures KFS inherited transactional Searches (no Bibliographic fields, only transactional- vendor, dates, etc.) * Payment Request * Purchase Orders * Requisition - search on Title, Author, Publisher etc. added to eDoc transactional fields (selector, vendor, dates, doc id, delivery info, account/fund, etc. * Receiving Other search functions available in OLE * Lookups (referenced as needed in several sections) * Lookup icon (referenced as needed in several sections; inherited from KFS) * Custom Document Searches (inherited from KFS) * Doc Search button * Saving Custom (Session) Searches (as applied in OLE) !worddav6212543b95fce5ec65d5fd0d4814cd2b.png! Remember:The lookup icon for online help !onlineHelpLookUp.png! is not yet functioning. If selected, you will receive an error message. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_279}Using Doc Search to Find a Document The *doc search* button is located in the upper left corner of the screen. Using this button, you can search for a document you want to view or work with. This button allows you to quickly search for any transactional or acquisitions document by Document type, by Selector/initiator, dates, or document identification number. Click the search button without entering any criteria to view documents created today. !worddavdc3450b32fda0dfdb6850a90d393025edocSearch.png|height=70,width=170! # Click !worddaved996931a471b112d998f798f7ee0bae.png|height=13,width=70! . # Enter search criteria.\\ \\ !worddav56d6b8c30ee386604b6533a261df7304.png|height=182,width=492!\\ \\ !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For explanations about search criteria fields, see [Standard Data Entry, Selection, Action, and Navigation Tools|] and [Standard Links and Icons|#_D2HTopic_241]. \\ \\ # Click !worddav5443aab951e16b697f01d50ee9911849.png|height=14,width=53! . # Click the *document ID* link to open the document, the *Initiator ID* link to retrieve a workflow user report, or the *Route Log* icon !worddava8b47b77d92fad16293083cf114e8615.png|height=17,width=17! to view the workflow status. !worddav2579780c69e9c5bc91d6b9f3261ca87f.png|height=250,width=488! *Document search criteria* ||Field||Description|| |Type|Document type. Enter the document type or select it from the *Document Type* lookup !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! .| |Initiator |User ID of the document initiator. Enter the user ID or select it from the *Person* lookup !worddaved0e4bb703875f5d61c9c7c3fac4680a.png|height=15,width=15! .| |Document/Notification ID|Enter the numeric document ID assigned by the system.| |Date Created from/to|Enter or select from the calendar !worddav5023d48413609be3675f5fe1e9603467.png|height=15,width=15! the range of document creation dates to search. You may select the *From* date only, the *To* date only, or both.| |Name this search (optional)|To save the search criteria for future use, enter a name for the search. All saved search are accessed via a list at the top of the document search screen.| !worddavc6b7c158136c85f9a114a23244f88d11.png|height=20,width=20! *Using Wildcards \(\*\) in the Search Criteria:* The use of asterisks in the search criteria allows you to perform pattern matching. To search for documents containing a string of characters in alphanumeric fields such as *Document Title{*}, you may enter a character string in the search criteria accompanied by asterisks. For example, enter '\*test' to search for a document title that ends with the word 'test'. Enter 'test\*' to search for a document title that begins with the word 'test'. Enter '\*test\*' to search for a document title that has the word 'test' somewhere in the document title. !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information about advanced features of the document search, see [Advanced Document Searches|]. h4. {anchor:_D2HTopic_280}Performing Acquisition Searches on the Financial Main Menu OLE 0.8 also includes several forms of Search, in the Main Menu under Acquisitions Search. Many of these are further discussed in the specific section of this Drivers Manual for each function, and each is still under development. The inherited searches in the Acquisitions Search menu of OLE are "transactional" searches only, with no additional bibliographic fields added: Payment Requests, Purchase Orders, Receiving, Requisitions. !acquistionSearch.jpg! Choosing any of the *Acquisitions Search* options from OLE *Main Menu* tab causes the system to display a standard Document Lookup screen that contains a few slight changes to accommodate the type of search you have elected to perform. After you retrieve documents, your role determines whether you have view-only permission or a variety of maintenance permissions that allow you to change the documents. *Custom Document Searches submenu* ||Menu Group||Description|| |Cataloging|Provides search capabilities for bibliographic records. {color:red}Will need link to DocStore{color}| |Accounts Receivable|Provides searches for customer invoices, customer credit memos, customer invoice write-offs, cash controls, and payment applications.| |Load Order Record|Provides statuses and reporting on ingested successes and failures.| |Load Invoices|{color:red}To be coded{color}| |Load Bibliographic Record|{color:red}To be coded{color} | |Purchasing/Accounts Payable|Allows searches for a variety of Purchasing and AP documents using standard search fields along with additional fields that are unique to each document type. Search documents include Electronic Invoice Rejects, Payment Requests, Purchase Orders, Receiving, Requisitions, and Vendor Credit Memos.| h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_281}Common Features and Search Options (FS only) The following example shows the document lookup screen for invoices. !worddavb666a2761f4c3b83f3f9fe0b431cdb79.png|height=366,width=575! In the example above, the user selected Customer Invoices from the *Acquisitions Search* menu group on the OLE *Main Menu* tab. This screen includes the document type INV pre-populated in the *Type* field. It also contains other fields you may want to use as search criteria in your search for one or more specific invoices. Each search screen gives you options for two search results types. * _Document Specific Data:_ In the search results, display information specific to the document(s). * _Workflow Data:_ In the search results, display information specific to the workflow status of the document(s). !worddav9a4199e8642add0dde26bc615039b874.png|height=84,width=615! To search for specific documents, follow these basic steps: # To restrict the search to documents that meet criteria of your choice, enter search data as appropriate. # If desired, save this set of search criteria for reuse later by entering a descriptive name in the *Name this search field{*}. Some OLE searches include the option to name and save your searches, so they can be repeated later by the same user. Named searches are available for Requisition, Purchase Order, Receiving and Payment Request searches.\\ \\ !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For information about specific fields, see the help documentation for the particular type of document you are searching for in the {link-window:|scrollbars=true|menubar=true|location=true|statusbar=true|resizable=true|width=800|height=600|icon=false}KFS online help{link-window}. \\ \\ !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For tips about data entry, see [Data Entry Tips|#_D2HTopic_282].\\ \\ # Click the !worddav7bd969e230a51980c69ece0d4033e1e5.png|height=20,width=70! button at the bottom of the screen.\\ \\ The system retrieves a list of items that match your search criteria.\\ \\ !worddav0c9c498d094818142600cde1eabb45f2.png|height=131,width=405!\\ \\ If you gave your search criteria a name, the system also displays the name of your saved search in the *Searches* list at the top of the screen.\\ \\ !worddav4b832e621832db4054372c297cafe027.png|height=136,width=381!\\ \\ # Choose from among these options. * To sort the list, click on the header you want to sort on. Click once to sort in ascending order and click again to sort in descending order. * Some cells (such as those in the Initiator column in the example above) have links to screens that display more detail. Click the link to display detail. * To export the entire list in .csv, spreadsheet, or .xml format, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click a link to choose from among these options: !worddav70a01aa34891c95ca1cad5838d70bc25.png|height=23,width=245! * After finding the document you want, click the link for it in *Document/Notification Id* column. The system displays the document. h5. {anchor:_D2HTopic_282}Data Entry Tips Keep these points in mind as you enter data: * You may enter data in any or all fields on a custom document search screen. You may also leave all fields blank. * After you select a document type from the *Custom Document Searches* menu group, you can easily change the search to find any other type of document without returning to the *Main Menu* tab to select a different search option. In the Document Lookup screen, simply change the code in the *Type* field to reflect the type of document you want to look for (for example, PO) and move your cursor out of the field. The system rebuilds the screen with the proper search criteria fields for the new document type. * Dates must be specified in mm/dd/yyyy format. You may also click the calendar icon !worddavac47b83abc94cf4b516374b7f0bf15a3.png|height=16,width=16! and then select a date from the calendar. * For many fields, the system provides a handy lookup tool !worddav68242b2ab3a49c78915d8534587893c8.png|height=16,width=16! that can help you retrieve a value (for example, a customer number) you want to search on but have not memorized. To use the lookup tool mentioned above: # Click the lookup icon !worddav68242b2ab3a49c78915d8534587893c8.png|height=16,width=16! for the field you need a value for (e.g., Customer Number).\\ \\ The system displays a form to help you find the specific value you need:\\ \\ !worddav4639b0f14b105c85ee0520b1c9e583c2.png|height=259,width=387!\\ \\ # Enter identifying information (customer name, etc.) in any of the fields provided. # Click !worddav7bd969e230a51980c69ece0d4033e1e5.png|height=20,width=70! to retrieve a list of records that match your entries.\\ \\ !worddav6a0fcabba44b6f01b410db7b49030ba6.png|height=68,width=431!\\ \\ # When you find the record you need, click the !worddav74f03665df2c478253ee55a0fd76a551.png|height=25,width=35! link to copy the value (customer number in this example) into your custom document search screen. The following table indicates how to use special characters to expand or limit your searches. *Using special characters in search* ||Character(s)||Function||Use with||Example (Account Number field)|| |||Or|All types of data|1111500|1123400 \\ Matches on *either* of these two account numbers: \\ 1111500 \\ 1123400| |&&|And|All types of data|1111500&&1123400 \\ Matches on records that contain *both* of these account numbers: \\ 1111500 \\ 1123400| |!|Not equal to|Alphanumeric characters|!1031490 \\ Matches on all account number *except* 1031490| |?|Match on any single character|Alphanumeric characters|103?490 \\ Matches on all seven-digit account numbers that start with 103 and end with 490 (1030490, 1031490, etc.)| |*|Match on any character or characters|Alphanumeric characters|103* \\ Matches on all account numbers that *start* *with* 103 (1030000, 1039765, etc.)| |>|Greater than|Alphanumeric characters|>1031490 \\ Matches on all account numbers *greater than* 1031490| |<|Less than|Alphanumeric characters, numbers, dates|<1031490 \\ Matches on all account numbers *less than* 1031490| |>=|Greater than or equal to|Alphanumeric characters, numbers, dates|>=1031490 \\ Matches on all account numbers *greater than or equal to* 1031490| |<=|Less than or equal to|Alphanumeric characters, numbers, dates|<=1031490 \\ Matches on all account numbers *less than* *or equal to* 1031490| |..|Between (inclusive range)|Alphanumeric characters, numbers, dates|1031490..1111500 \\ Matches on account numbers *equal to or greater than* 1031490 *and* on account numbers *less than or equal to* 1111500| !worddav34a7382b3111b85d4ba191fa30f40595.png|height=20,width=20! For more information about searches, see [Using Doc Search to Find a Document|#_D2HTopic_279] and [Advanced Document Searches|]. |
Content Comparison