h3. Purpose
OLE will revise and formalize an approach to user interface design, standards and user experience to be used in development of OLE for OLE 1.0 and beyond.{excerpt}\\
Kuali OLE partners will be included throughout the process:
* Philosophy
* Design Principles
* Design Prototypes
** Menu and Portal prototypes
** Landing Pages
** Style Guide
* User Testing
* Codeable Spec and Mockup Reviews
* Teams
* Quality Assurance
* Accessibility
* Integrating OLE-FS (post 1.0)
{html}<A href="https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/leaf?id=0B1zG4eNDtxYpSm5Wb0lJc3FTMjZaVnQxRF85VjJydw&hl=en_US\\
" mce_href="https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/leaf?id=0B1zG4eNDtxYpSm5Wb0lJc3FTMjZaVnQxRF85VjJydw&hl=en_US\\
" target="_Blank">OLE UX Planning</A>{html} (link to Google Docs)