Sl.No | Issue Type | Key | Summary | Priority | Component/s |
1 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6564 | Can't Loan to patron get Array index out of range | Blocker | System Integration |
2 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6618 | Docstore REST client fails when response contains "exception" | Blocker | System Integration |
3 | Bug/Defect | OLE-6602 | Null values in the docstore database tables causes indexing to fail | Major | System Integration |
4 | Enhancement | OLE-6600 | Show volume information in List of holds for API for vufind | Major | System Integration |
Configuration Management
Sl.No | Issue Type | Key | Summary | Priority | Component/s |
1 | Enhancement | OLE-4652 | Logging output should go to a rotating file | Critical | Configuration Management |
2 | Bug/Defect | OLE-4475 | /usr/java/jdk6/jre/lib/logging.properties FileHandler.limit = 50000 ignored? | Major | Configuration Management |