Data Type | Format | Process | APIs (http or RESTful) |
Financial data for initial setup | .xml & .csv | Liquibase and Impex processes convert the data expressed in .xml and .csv and generate sql that then gets inserted by the OLE db process. | NA |
KIM Users, Roles, Responsibilities etc. | .csv | Liquibase process takes the .csv and converts them into sql that gets inserted by the OLE db process. | NA |
Locations | .xml | Polling Service that polls specific directory for location xml files to be ingested. The directory paths are controlled by the following parameter(s) <param name="locations.xml.root.location">${project.home}/locations</param>
Class responsible:OleLocationsXMLPollerServiceImpl.java | Can be a RESTful API |
Patrons | .xml | Polling Service that polls specific directory for Patron xml files to be ingested. The directory paths are controlled by the following parameter(s) <param name="patrons.xml.root.location">${project.home}/patrons</param>
Class responsible:OlePatronsXMLPollerServiceImpl.java | Can be a RESTful API |
Circulation Policies | .xml | olling Service that polls specific directory for circulation policies xml files to be ingested. The directory paths are controlled by the following parameter(s) <param name="datacirc.xml.root.location">${project.home}/workflow<circulation-policies</param>
Class responsible:OleLocationsXMLPollerServiceImplOleCircPoliciesXMLPollierServiceImpl.java | Can be a RESTful API |