- Open Items from Last Meeting
- Chicago F2F
- QA Face to Face - planning in progress
- S&A/MER - Will Not Meet
- Describe Team - Kathy Proposal/Requires Review
- Technical Meeting - under discussion
- Backup Plan (OLE 1.0/OLE 2.0)
- Architecture Issues
- Open Items
- KFS 5.0 Upgrade (JK needs assistance/Patty to follow-up)
- Unicon performance testing
- Fork in the road (KFS)
- Instance Schema (Agenda)
- Open Items
- Current Sprint Update(8g)
- Specifications
- Development (Percy will provide list of devs working on each area for 8g)
- instant promotion to dev vs scheduled promotion to dev (discuss with QA/DEV/Analyst)
- QA/Testing
- Follow up with Nianli on Maint hierarchcal issues
- Documentation/Release notes
- Development Approach - Changes
- Sprint Backlog
- Patty to review all backlog items
- Community Updates
- OLE Board - Patty
- Functional Council - Patty
- OLE Tech Council - Patty
- ARC - Patty
- Walked all Roadmap items with Gary C and Chris Case, merging our changes with theirs, a few follow ups with Peri/JK/Nianli in preparation for voting next week.
- TRC - Nianli
- KTI - Nianli (Alternate?) (camel follow-up)
- KAI - Kathy